Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 142: 1 little thing about homework

Zheng Qing's high discussion on the positive and negative aspects of the executive level did not attract Dr. Xiao Da's attention.

Gein's example is too far from the wizarding world to resonate with the Doctor. On the contrary, the 'sense of sight' he mentioned in the example aroused Xiao Xiao's great interest. Holding Zheng Qing's arm was an explanation. From the understanding of the concept of divination to the time theory of dimension school, Zheng Qing was dizzy. My brain was swollen, and I felt remorse in my heart. I wished I could crumple the school newspaper into a ball and stuff it into Dr. Da Da Da Da Da Da's mouth.

"Does Bailu have any other effects besides 'quenching thirst, making one's body less hungry, and making fat and fleshy'?" The young public student finally saw the gap between the chats, and quickly interjected, trying to reverse the content of the conversation: " "Standard Potions" only has this line... I feel like my potions classwork doesn't have enough 3,000 words."

Saying that, he lightly clapped the homework at the bottom of his hand.

Xiao Xiao smiled as he adjusted his glasses and glanced at the parchment under Zheng Qing's elbow.

"Oh, what is the effect of Bailu? It's very simple. You can write a lot separately."

After all, a doctor is a doctor, and he easily found a solution to the problem for young public-funded students: "...For example, the eight characters of 'sweet cool and moisturizing dryness, relieve summer and eliminate troubles', you can deduce the words 'daotoulu', calamus dew', leeks Dew, 'Chrysanthemum Dew', 'Lotus Leaf Dew', 'Cypress Leaf Dew', 'Lingxiao Flower Dew' and many other different quality white dew."

"'Daotoulu' nourishes the stomach and promotes fluid; 'calamus dew' clears the heart and improves eyesight; 'Jiaoshanglu' cools blood and stops choking; 'lotus leaf dew' clears the heat and refreshes the mind; 'It hurts the eyes... um, wait, the last one can be omitted."

"In this way, a function that can be written in only one line can be easily expanded into a few hundred words. It's only three thousand words, which is very easy."

Zheng Qing heard the words and was amazed.

But this is not the end, Dr. Xiao Da seems to be talking about Xing Xing, the brush in his hand is spinning quickly, and he continues to point: "The above is the use of Bailu when it is used as the main medicine. Besides the main medicine, Bailu can also write a lot of effects as an auxiliary medicine. For example 'Jianlu', collect white dew, boil it in a sapphire or ceramic crucible until it is concentrated like honey, and can be drawn as the top grade. Take it, you won't be hungry, and you will live longer."

"Another example is to use white dew as a solvent for decoction, taking Qiu dew's 'killing energy', decoction to moisten the lungs and kill evil, and adjust the scabies, insects and leprosy. The magic medicine of 'Lengxiang Pills' contains twelve coins of Bailu, which is intended to use the Qi of autumn harvest and the coolness and moisturizing properties of autumn dew to moisturise and reduce lung qi... Of course, 'Lengxiang Pills' also To use 'Rain Rain', 'Shuang Jiangshuang', 'Xiaoxuexue' and more than a dozen other petals and stamens, all of which are used as medicines, I don't think you need to write these into your homework, and you will be easily scolded by Professor Li."

Zheng Qingzheng sat upright, clapped his hands silently, and observed a few seconds of silence for Professor Li who arranged the potion homework. According to Dr. Xiao Da's writing method, he feels that he can write 10,000 words!

"What about the ogre?" He hurriedly asked as he quickly wrote down the scriptures taught by the doctor.

"Gah?" Xiao Xiao rarely showed a confused look on his face, and after a moment of stunned he asked back: "Do you mean to combine the ogre and Bailu into medicine, or to feed the ogre to drink Bailu? There are several theories here. of……"

Zheng Qing waved his hands again and again.

"No no no, another assignment of mine."

The young public student took out another piece of parchment from the pile of books next to him, and shoved it under the nose of the short wizard with a smile. A review summarize what we understand and know about ogres."

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"Sorry, I chose magical cosmology." Xiao Xiao glanced at him silently: "As for the ogre... I remember we talked about this topic during the trial."


Zheng Qing was full of smiles and flattered: "I think what you said at the time was enough... But wasn't Jiang Yu also present at the time, she also took magical biology... So I think it should be Writing something different. You must have something else to share about ogres, right?"

This time, Dr. Xiao Da was silent for a long time.

He looked at the simple and honest smiling face across the desk, and seemed to be curious about why a person's face could grow in a circle within a year, and after a while, he nodded: "There is a relatively unfamiliar knowledge point... You know cannibalism Is there any difference between devil and shit?"

Ogres and shit?

Zheng Qing suddenly became interested.

"One is a living thing, the other is a dead thing?" He guessed: "No, no, it shouldn't be so simple... I know what they have in common, they all stink."

"Bingo!" The doctor snapped his fingers silently, looking like he could be taught by a child. "That's the idea. By extension, the conclusion is that **** will eventually lose its smell, but ogres can't."

After that, he raised his head and pointed his chin to Zheng Qing. Little by little, he slowly pushed the parchment back to the opposite, then put his hands together, put away the homework on the desktop, and stood up. The meaning of leaving.

"Why are you going?" Zheng Qing was in a hurry, afraid of being beaten by the librarian, so he could only whisper, "...the homework hasn't been finished yet!"

"Your homework," Xiao Xiao stretched out his wrinkled robe, stretched out his index finger and pointed at Zheng Qing: "Your homework hasn't been finished yet, mine..."

He pointed to himself with his thumb backhand: "I've finished all my homework... You don't need to copy the potion homework, magic biology, unfortunately, I didn't take it as an elective."

Having said that, Zheng Qing did not hear the slightest regret in his tone.

"Don't go, don't go, do me a favor!" The captain of the crime hunting team had no morals, clasped his hands together, and whispered while rubbing.

The doctor lowered his head and looked over the top of the spectacle frame - which made him look extra serious - and asked back in the same consultative tone: "I'll help you with your homework, will you fill out the application form for me?"

"Application form? What application form?" Zheng Qing looked blank.

Xiao Xiao snorted coldly: "The application form for the crime hunting team to be transferred to the official hunting team, the application form for this semester's training grounds, the application form for the school's subsidy for the official hunting team... and the alliance rewarding us for our achievements in the black prison battlefield. Application form for prizes. Are you the guilty captain?"

Zheng Qing nodded solemnly: "Indeed, your work is more important... Go ahead, I can check the information by myself... Is it in the library, or it is more convenient."

As he spoke, he lowered his head, looked at his magical biology homework, and began to consider whether to include the difference between ogres and shit. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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