Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 131: organized chaos

69 Net 69, the fastest update of Monster Hunting College! When Zheng Qing stepped into the entrance of the building of the Institute of Applied Magic, the sky was completely dark.

There was darkness behind him, like the world of Leviathan's big mouth; in front of him was an empty, quiet hall without a single person. The last time Zheng Qing came to this building, the front desk parrots who were in charge of reception were gone, and there were still a few emerald feathers left on the empty bird stand, much to Zheng Qing's disappointment.

He put the prepared bird food back into his pocket, touched Poseidon's little fluffy head in his arms, and continued to walk deeper into the building.

The little fox has completely given up struggling, looking at this abominable world with dull eyes, a hint of lifelessness is revealed in the two big watery eyes.

"Can you hear it?"

Zheng Qing rubbed the little fox's ears, and his tone was somewhat poetic: "The elegant draughtsman whispered softly: Poseidon, Poseidon, have you finished the homework, Poseidon? Loving mother, grateful Child... did you hear that?"

The little fox let out a sad whimper in his throat.

"For whom does the knell sound? My heart beats the silent drum."

The young public fee student continued to talk to himself, chanting illogical nonsense, while holding the little fox and walking towards the direction of the two-dimensional evolution laboratory: "... I usually draw less amulets, and I only found out when I came to use it today, I can't protect you, and I can't protect me... This sadness flows into a river... Silence, silence, silence is Cambridge tonight."


Poseidon seemed to hear the voice called 'frightened' from the wizard's chest, and became more and more pessimistic about his future. He gathered up his strength again, struggled, stuck out a paw, and put it through Zheng Qing's armpit. Going out, the tips of her pink toes spread out due to excessive force, like a peach blossom in full bloom.

Zheng Qing looked in the direction of the little fox's efforts, and it turned out to be the tall floor-to-ceiling window at the end of the corridor.

There is a half-moon outside the window, hanging on the angle between the glass and the edge of the window.

Cool and white.

The young public-funded student was slightly dazed, and the lessons he had read before flashed in his mind—a golden full moon hung in the dark blue sky, and below was the sandy beach by the sea, and endless green watermelons were planted.

"It's a beautiful night tonight."

The wizard said with emotion: "It's so beautiful... This weather is suitable for thorns. Have you ever seen thorns? It's a kind of puppy-like, but very fierce thing, its fur is as smooth as oil, it doesn't bite, and it's very smart... "

He stirred up the scattered thoughts in his mind and stuffed them into the little fox's head in his arms, making it fascinated and stopped struggling.


The little fox opened his mouth to question, wondering if the wizard had really seen Xi.

"What is it, what is a dog, what is catching. What is wine, what is water, what is it to drink?" The young public fee student gave a grin: "Actually, there is no yin in this world. If you talk a lot, you will have yin."

On the ground, Zheng Qing's shadow split, one straight in the moonlight, like an exclamation mark, the other curved in a striking arc, falling in the long and narrow aisle, like a big question mark, as if doubting whether the wizard is not. Be careful of a Chaos Spell, otherwise why would you say so much nonsense tonight.

Out of the corner of Zheng Qing's eyes, he caught a glimpse of the long, dark question mark.

"There are two shadows under my feet."

He patted the little fox's head, and sighed out the breath he didn't know how many times tonight: " is mine, and the other is mine. I didn't want you to work so hard...but the hard work is hard to find. Come to the door and embarrass us both."

While speaking, he was already standing in front of the door of the two-dimensional evolution laboratory.

As he had seen the last time he came here, the field behind the door was tall, empty, and closed, like a huge air-raid shelter. Along the axis of the laboratory, gigantic **** of light are lined up, slowly rotating on the gray base, emitting a mysterious and heavy magic wave.

But unlike the last time, this time Zheng Qing stood at the door and looked in, but couldn't see a single figure. Not only did the researchers who usually surround the light **** disappear, but even the head maid Su Man, who maintained order in the laboratory, did not know where to go.

"anyone there?"

The young Gong Fei coughed lightly and shouted cautiously, "Cough...Is there anyone in the 2D Evolution Lab? I'm Zheng Qing from Jiuyou College..."

Poseidon shrunk in the arms of the wizard, well-behaved and quiet, and the big tail behind him was much more ladylike, hanging out of the arms, motionless.

Similarly, the lively shadow under Zheng Qing's feet also began to become 'shy', seriously following the law of the light falling behind the wizard's figure, without breaking the rules in the slightest.


Zheng Qing felt a pain in his heart, he let out a sigh of relief and looked down, only to see that the letter paper that he had been holding in his heart was folded into a paper crane again.

The slender neck of Zhihe had come out of his fist, and he was squirming forward with all his might, trying to pull its body out.

The wizard hesitated for a moment, then let go of his palm.

Zhihe stood lightly in his heart, spread out his angular wings, shook his wrinkled body, jumped, and flew into the depths of the laboratory.

Zheng Qing knew that this was the owner of the laboratory giving him directions.

He tamely followed behind Zhihe.

At the end of the laboratory, there is an office separated by a huge bookcase, which belongs to the owner of the laboratory. When Zheng Qing entered the office, he happened to see the paper crane spread out, lying on the edge of the big desk in the room.

Sitting behind the desk, Su Shijun rolled the letter paper into

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^, and threw it into the trash can in the corner of the house. At the same time, he pointed at the sofa with a feather, signaling Zheng Qing to take care of himself.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a while and put Poseidon on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Good evening," the owner of the laboratory greeted in a brisk tone, "It will affect your participation in the opening ceremony... It's just that that kind of ceremony is not interesting, you can participate once and know the general process, and any more is a waste of life. UU Reading"

"Yes, yes, it is indeed a waste of life." The boy agreed unprincipally, his eyes swept over the office owner, and immediately landed on the coffee table.

The coffee table was empty, except for the ball of hair that Zheng Qing had just put down.

No fruit plate, no pastry, and no tea.

"I'm sorry." Seemingly guessing what the young public Feisheng was thinking at the moment, Su Shijun held up the wide glasses that covered his face, and expressed his apology very insincerely: "I can't be busy by there is no juice, no tea, No coffee either."

"Ah?" Zheng Qing gave the witch a blank look.

"Well, you need to understand. A single, unwed mother, life is always in an organized chaos... She needs to balance work, life, study..."

Having said that, the witch paused for a second, glanced at Poseidon, who was lying on the coffee table in a formal manner, and added: "...and childcare and other issues, it is inevitable that some place will not take good care of it."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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