Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 102: Trivia of the first school week

On the podium, Zhang Huaigu, who had been paying close attention to this movement, also quietly breathed a sigh of relief-if the two brave guys dared to continue talking, she might not be like her teacher back then, throwing two chalk heads down.

Under normal circumstances, it is not allowed to look around or even whisper like Liu Feifei during the exam, but as the chief student and public student of Jiuyou College, you can always get a certain degree of preferential treatment in such innocuous little things.

The teacher of Fu Lu class turned his head very naturally, pretending not to see this scene, but staring at the corner where Zheng Qing was.

The fat man sitting in front of Zheng Qing was very dishonest, always twisting and twisting in his seat, looking like he wanted to cheat but didn't dare. Looking at his small movements, Zhang Huaigu subconsciously recalled how he looked when he took the exam a long time ago, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, revealing a smile full of memories.

Different from the teacher who missed school time.

In the corner on the left rear of the classroom, Fatty Xin sitting in front of Zheng Qing was biting anxiously on the long feathers on the tail of the quill. In some places, there were even bare milky white feather rods.

Xin didn't deliberately torture the quill that was screaming in his own hands.

He just wanted to look back at the answer on the test paper on the desk behind him—the second part of the test paper "Complete" the talisman question, almost half of which was vacated by him. Those strange ghost symbols, **** knows the textbook. What's the relationship with the Fulu on the test paper? There is also the fourth part of the test paper, which is completely the content of "Standard Fulu·The Second Grade of University". If he already knows the answer, is it necessary to sit in class and listen to it?

The fat wizard thought indignantly, but he neither had the courage to stand up in the hall and protest loudly to the teacher, nor did he have the courage to turn around. He stole Zheng Qing's answer openly, and could only continue to bite his pen and wriggle in his seat. , Tortured myself with a stool and a quill.

Zheng Qing, who was sitting behind Fatty Xin, naturally didn't know how much the fat wizard thought.

He was holding his chin in one hand, and turning the quill between his fingers with the other bored, his eyes blankly looking in the direction where Nicholas was, and the conversation with his companions before the library at noon flashed in his mind.

When Nicholas just walked in, he paid special attention to it, and sure enough, he saw a strange new ruby ​​ring in Nicholas's hand.

I don't know if it is the sage stone imitated by Kolmar in the legend.

Because he had already finished writing the papers, Zheng Qing spent the rest of the time repeatedly thinking about how to ask questions in order not to arouse Nicholas's disgust.

But when the bell rang when the get out of class was over, after Teacher Zhang Huaigu put up the papers and walked out of the classroom, before Zheng Qing could stand up, he was pressed by Fatty Xin in front of the seat on the stool by a hungry tiger.

"How many Fulus involved Lei Yi in the seventh question of the first part? Have I written three enough?"

"...There is also the second part. What is the original shape of the incomplete half of the third question that looks like a blind crow? Have we seen it before? What effect does it have, how did you write it?"

"...In addition, the second question in Part Three, why is the talisman burning technique required to be tested? Isn’t that the content of extracurricular reading? I remember very clearly that the exam syllabus does not involve the extracurricular reading part. What is the use of this topic in the test !"

The fat wizard asked and complained, and Zheng Qing pushed his head back and couldn't open his eyes.

"It's just a simple test. You don't need to be so nervous!"

The young public-sponsored student pushed away the huge shadow in front of him, and wiped his face angrily: "I don't know the answer to what you said. For such a simple question, who would record the content of the first question... In addition, next Stay away from me before you speak."

After wiping his face, he looked at Nicholas's seat again, but with this interruption, the wizard with the ponytail was gone, and classmate Liu Feifei disappeared with him.

There is no tiger behind, and it runs faster than rabbits!

The young publicist thought full of resentment, and felt frustrated that he had ‘reconsidered’ for more than half an hour of speaking skills before it even opened.


Fatty Xin looked at Zheng Qing with a distorted expression, his fists clenched, as if he would hit Zheng Qing's head in the next moment, his face was full of envy and jealousy, and he yelled angrily: "I know that you get full marks for talisman like you. The question is simple for the people... But for us, a good kid who only has a talent for'hardworking', it doesn't mean it won't!"

Zheng Qing got stuck in his throat, vomiting but couldn't.

He really didn't think that positive words like ‘diligence’ or ‘good boy’ had anything to do with the fat man in front of him.

And, when can ‘no’ be said so arrogantly? Does this fat man think he is Li Meng?

"I know the problem of the incomplete talisman!"

On the other side, Zhang Jixin, who had just turned over the book, heard the discussion from his companions. He leaned over with a look of excitement, grabbed Fatty Xin’s shoulder, and shook it a few times: "You should turn that remnant upside down, it's easy. I recognized it. It was a sacred talisman. Teacher Zhang said last semester, it was used to kill widows, widows and loneliness."

"Xingxing Talisman? How did you discover it!"

Fatty Xin turned his head and looked at the red-faced wizard with an unbelievable expression, his gaze seemed to suspect that the companion in front of him was pretending to be a demon.

Even Zheng Qing couldn't help but glanced at Zhang Jixin in surprise.

"Ah, luck, luck."

Zhang Jixin touched the tip of his nose, and an awkward but polite smile appeared on the sauce-red face: "My paper accidentally fell on the ground... upside down... and then accidentally found it. UU Reading"

This kind of coincidence happened during the exam. It's really unreasonable.

Fatty Xin sighed, crumpled the quill pen in his hand hard, letting the quill squeak and scream in his hand: "...why do you want to get the test! No other subjects have such a bad problem, why is the Fu Lu class every semester? You have to find out at the beginning! It's simply unreasonable!"

"This is probably an ancient tradition." Speaking of these chores, the red-faced musculus always has many unknown sources, and he enthusiastically participates: "Listen to my brother..."

"Speaking of tradition, should we send invitations to freshmen?"

Xiao Xiao, who has been silent all the time, is not interested in listening to Zhang Jixin’s “heard”, turned to look at Zheng Qing, and reminded: “This week is the first week of school, and the annual club competition is about to kick off again... You The establishment of the Knights of Sin will be about one year away. If you plan to continue this society, we should find a way to recruit new people this year."

Zheng Qing really never considered this matter.

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