Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 95: 2nd grade spell lesson 1

"new student!"

The witch sitting in the first row of the classroom stood up helplessly and whispered to remind the spitting professor on the podium: "You reminded before that you must welcome new students before class..."

Old Yao was stunned for a few seconds, his gaze wandered around the classroom for a while, and finally fell on the new witch, suddenly stunned.


He patted his high forehead, looking like he was awakened from a dream: "Well, due to personal reasons, classmate Ilena Jones temporarily suspended school and the return date has not been determined, so the Gypsy Witches recommended new classmates to our class. , Everyone welcome, welcome!"

As he said, he put down his handout and slapped his hands.

Hesitating in the classroom, there was a burst of unenthusiastic applause. Zheng Qing could easily feel the gazes around him that were watching.

He lowered his eyelids and didn't notice anything.

"New classmates come and introduce yourself." After the applause was abrupt, the professor motioned to the new gypsy witch to meet everyone: "...I'm already a classmate, don't be restrained."

The witch got up and leaned slightly around:

"Hello everyone, my name is Carmen and I come from the Gypsy Witch. I am good at divination, herbalism, drinking, but not good at magic inscriptions, runes, and chat... I am very happy to meet you, and I hope to get along with you in the next study and life. joy."

There was a burst of kind laughter in the classroom.

Old Yao bit his pipe, looked at the generous witch, and smiled: "You don’t look like you are not good at chatting... Jiuyou College is the oldest college of the First University, and the Gypsy Witch is also in Europa history. The wizarding organization has a long history, and the two sides have a long history of exchanges. I hope that Carmen can come and learn during his study career in Jiuyou College. Other students actively help new students to adapt to the environment of the first university as soon as possible. The two monitors remember to communicate more with the new students... Sit down instead of standing there all the time."

He waved his hand to indicate that the witch who was listening to the training would be seated, then grabbed a piece of chalk and threw it on the blackboard behind him: "If you have any other questions about the new classmates, you can ask them after class. Now we will start the first semester together. Spell lesson."

The white chalk squeaked and dropped a dragon and phoenix "taboo" on the blackboard, and then slammed the tip of the chalk hard, leaving a small white spot at the end, volleyed somersault, and jumped back into the chalk box.


Old Yao turned his finger and tapped on the blackboard. The big word "taboo" was like an old hen giving birth to a cub, and a series of crooked words popped out behind him:




"For the elderly!"

"Taking a taboo for the Venerable!"


"The ancients said that those who are taboo, those who are taboo, those who speak from Wei, and those who are from Wei, are also against each other. According to the Scriptures, they often violated. The original character is also, in the scriptures, it is often borrowed from violation to return it, and it is covered with a phony borrowing."

The old man on the stage shook his head and was intoxicated.

The eyes of the people in the audience were straight, thinking that they had gone to the wrong classroom and heard the wrong lecture. Zheng Qing suddenly felt like taking a math class in middle school. A second ago, the teacher was still saying'one plus one equals two'. When he lowered his head to make a note, and then raised his head, the teacher's mouth was full of incomprehension. The bird's voice is over.

Finally, Lao Yao seemed to notice the awkward faces in the audience, paused for a few seconds, shook his head, and changed words that everyone could understand:

"You still have to learn more... The word'taboo' is a symbol with great magic power. Even in the mortal world, you can feel its ubiquitous power, even in an environment without any magic power. It can make people cautious in words and actions. So the focus of this lesson is to discuss the word, understand the word, and then learn the multiple mantras derived from the word."

"Because the description of this word occupies a whole chapter in the textbook, it has always been the focus of the final exam. I hope everyone will pay attention to it."

"Open up your "Standard Spell · Sophomore" and turn to page 18. Let's talk from the back to the front."

"For those who are taboos, Wei Yan is also; if the words and deeds are consistent, Wei and deeds can be done."

"How do you understand this sentence?"

The professor stuffed the pipe into his mouth, as if blocking the gurgling spring eye, letting many students who were crazy about taking notes breathe a sigh of relief.


He took a puff of his pipe and looked around.

Only a few people in the classroom dared to look up and look at him in this environment. Zheng Qing can guess the names of those guys without looking up. This is a natural endowment derived from the ‘scumbag’.

"Jiang Yu!" On the stage, Old Yao finally nodded a classmate.

Zheng Qingming clearly heard Dr. Xiao Da beside him sigh of regret, while Fatty Xin in front of him sighed with relief.

He hooked his mouth slightly, smiled silently, and looked up at the front row of the classroom.

"... Taboo, the original meaning of this word is'violating one's own words'; but because of the consistency of language and behavior, this word can also restrict a person's behavior." Jiang Yu stood up, his voice was cold, like a mountain gurgling. Streams.

"very good!"

Old Yao took the pipe away from his mouth, knocked on the table encouragingly, and at the same time signaled: "Sit!...Because of the huge magic power and wide applicability of this word, we can encounter many simplified, The spell involving this word."

"Who will give an example?"

This time, many more students raised their hands.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jixin also raised his hand for a long time, and then he was immediately picked up by Lao Yao.

"Quiet!" the red-faced wizard said not bad. "

Old Yao nodded with a smile, caressed his handouts, and muttered, "Taking words!"

The entire classroom suddenly fell into inexplicable silence.

Zheng Qing's mouth bulged, and he felt that he had just wanted to say something, but suddenly he couldn't remember. Even the sound of wind and insects outside the window, the creaking of tables and chairs under the stage, and the faint purring of stick figures behind the door all disappeared in an instant.

"This spell is the most basic application of this word."

From the podium, Professor Yao’s voice came steadily, becoming the only voice in the classroom:

"There is scrupulousness but not speaking out, being in awe and inconvenience to speaking, and being inconvenient to speak under the rules, it is for'speaking'. The great power quiets the world, and the small can stay in a house. In daily life, this spell is widely used to prohibit others from speaking... The use occasions are not limited to auditoriums, conferences, classrooms, or your family meetings."

Zheng Qing felt that he could open his mouth again.

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