Hunting College

Vol 2 Chapter 77: Eyewash

Zheng Qing is no stranger to blood-red tears.

Last night, after being tricked by Zhang Jixin to eat chili smoked candy in the Wandering Bar, he once shed a string of **** tears.

But streaming red tears by myself and watching other people's red tears are two completely different experiences.

The former may feel at a loss, the latter is terrifying.

And he clearly remembered that his red teardrops were light in color and uneven in color, and he could smell the irritating taste of chili when applied to the back of his hand.

It was completely different from the tears on the doctor's face in front of me.

Scarlet, sticky, thick, red and black like mercury, tears of blood flowed over the vertical and horizontal folds, flowed through the doctor's thin cheeks, and slowly trickled down.

"Your eyes!" Zheng Qing couldn't help but exclaimed.

He even forgot to be polite, did not use honorifics, and directly addressed the doctor as ‘you’.

If Dr. Duzem felt it, he raised his eyebrows, took a white handkerchief from his pocket, and wiped his face.

The white handkerchief was immediately covered with sticky blood.

"Ah... It's okay, it's okay... It's just a small technical failure." The doctor suddenly waved his hand with a smile, indicating that it doesn't matter: "I'm sorry, I scared you."

"Technology...fault." Zheng Qing opened his mouth and tried to repeat the doctor's words.

Since becoming a wizard, he found that the world is always challenging his ability to understand.

Jiang Yu on the side did not look more calm than him. Her fair and pretty face was wrinkled, her hands were tightly holding Kun Bao, and the panic in her eyes had not disappeared.

"It's just a small problem... the eyes are used for a long time, and it is easy to get sore." Dr. Duzem walked quickly to the desk, took out a small emerald green bottle from the window against the wall, and explained: "For alchemy For the magician, there is nothing more important than a good pair of eyes. So most alchemists will do a small, legally permitted, functional enhancement to the eyes."

Are so many modifiers really permitted by law? Zheng Qing complained numbly in the bottom of his heart.

As the doctor explained, he removed a silver measuring cup from the experiment shelf next to the bookcase, filled the cup with clear water, and poured two drops of pale yellow viscous liquid from the emerald green bottle, and stirred it with a glass rod.

A beige mist soon evaporated from the top of the cup.

"This is the eye wash I made by myself. The effect is very good." The doctor rolled up his sleeves, rubbed his hands with alcohol, and hesitated: "Would you like to try it?"

The two young wizards stared at the doctor blankly, shaking their heads together.

"That's a shame." Dr. Duzem looked relieved. He grabbed his eyelids and lifted them up, revealing bald, black-and-white, bloodshot eyeballs, and said in a brisk tone: "But it is understandable, the wizard, he always believes in his own recipes and techniques. …When I was studying in the first university, I never used the neutralizer prepared by Professor Li. His pharmacy always has a kind of, um, how to say it, it has a mechanical feeling...hiss..."

Zheng Qing squeezed his eyes, bared his teeth, and was not in the mood to complain about what Dr. Cao said about the ‘medical mechanical feeling’.

He felt like he was watching a horror movie.

Behind the desk, Dr. Duzem stretched out two fingers, poked them into his eye sockets without hesitation, and snapped out his two eyeballs, with a pile of bloodshot eyes, and quickly threw them into the glass of yellow gas.

Then while stirring with a glass rod, he teased in a relaxed tone: "As I mentioned before, wizards are the creatures who like to pick eyeballs... occasionally bubble potion, make a spa, it is very good for the eyes benefit."

Zheng Qing looked at the alchemy master in front of him and said lame jokes staring at the black hole, feeling that he was already very strong without breaking down.

"Sometimes everyone is not very capable of accepting these things... You look very good, you deserve to be an elite educated person." Dr. Duzem turned his head, looked at the direction of the young wizard with dark eyes, grinning. Smiled.

"Can you still see?" Zheng Qing swallowed and asked hard.

Jiang Yu on the side was already about to pass out.

"It's just bubble eyes, not blindness, why can't you see it?" The doctor lowered his head displeased and continued to stir the eyeballs in the silver measuring cup.

Zheng Qing saw a few strands of viscous plasma dripping slowly from his eye sockets under the influence of gravity. It was delicate and flexible, like silk, giving people a feeling of unfulfilled meaning.

He suppressed the sourness rolling in his throat.

It's great that I didn't insist on eating first! If at the dinner table, the doctor came to such a meal, I am afraid that I can't eat for a week.

Zheng Qing comforted herself silently like this.

"Then, let's check your elf next." After the doctor soaked his eyes, he turned his face,'looked' at the young wizard, and rubbed his hands: "The time is a bit tight, we can speed up the rhythm. "

"But, you..." Zheng Qing stared blankly at the doctor's empty eye sockets, and asked eagerly, "Is it convenient for you to'see' a doctor now?"

"Oh, no problem." Dr. Duzem fumbled, picked up a roll of silk thread from the desk, and told the young wizard: "Zheng Qing, right? You wrap the thread around the elf's wrist... seven times , Don’t tie it tight, just entangle it."

The silk thread ball drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell into Jiang Yu's hands.

Zheng Qing raised a somewhat stiff arm, took the thread from the witch, and carefully wrapped it around the elf's wrist.

"Are you Xuansi's consultation?" Jiang Yu finally spoke again, and she could see that her emotions had calmed down a lot: "Although she looks like a wizard, according to everyone's general point of view, elves are not normal lives. ..."

"Everyone? Everyone!" The doctor stared at the black eyes and laughed: "The Wizarding League is a group of outdated old men, and the old antiques who codify the law have not walked out of the wizard tower for hundreds of years. You can expect them to do something. Is the resolution really in line with reality?"

"You wipe it, don't get excited." Zheng Qing carefully handed the doctor a clean handkerchief, and pointed to his cheek: "Here, and here...and some more..."

When the doctor was talking excitedly, the plasma in his eye sockets dripped down, and a few drops of blood flew up with his trembling and fell on the desktop, cabinet wall, or even not far away. On the wall.

Zheng Qing finally knew what the occasional black stains on the furniture in the house were.

"Oh, it doesn't matter." The doctor did not continue arguing with Jiang Yu, picked up the handkerchief, wiped his face indiscriminately, and muttered: "Anyway, the eyeballs haven't been put in, it doesn't matter if you wipe them again later."

Zheng Qinggan laughed, but didn't catch up.

After Dr. Duzem dried the blood on his face, he sat upright behind the desk, squeezed the other end of the silk thread, wrinkled his eyes, pondered it slowly, and then slowly said:

"A husband who has been through the sky since ancient times is the foundation of life, based on yin and yang."

"Between heaven and earth, within the nine states, the nine orifices, the five internal organs, and the twelve knots, they are all connected to the weather. They produce five, and their qi is three. If a few commit this, evil qi hurts people. This life is also the basis. "

"Although the elves are not humans, they are in human form; they have all four limbs and five bodies, as well as nine or five internal organs."

"Based on this, one or two can be distinguished."

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