Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 294: go away

In the pure white world, a narrow, crystal clear band of light is particularly eye-catching.

This light belt does not know where it started and where it ends, but what can be seen is that there are two figures slowly moving forward on this light belt. One is not tall, has a fat body, and has gray hair. There is no sense of elegance when wearing a large black robe on his body; the other is not tall, of medium build, and wearing a red robe, which is blank. The second eye-catching color in the ground.

Their backs trembled and blurred against the pure white background.

But their voices echoed in this world, but they seemed very clear.

"Sir, how did this road appear?"

"When we find the direction and start to move forward, the road will naturally appear."

"Sir, why can you walk out of the blank space by following the path paved with worm eggs?"

"Because the blank land is a land of consciousness, and time is the most stable anchor for consciousness, and the sand worms are creatures chasing time. What we see are the paths paved by sand worms. In fact, these sand worms Attached to the "frame" of the blank land, and walk along the frame to find the node of the blank land."

"After finding it? Sir, how do we get out?"

"We are wizards and can make magic."

After a pause, the voice of question and answer reverberated in the empty world:

"Sir, you said that I am the fifth forbidden curse... what is the name of this forbidden curse?"

"Aren't you called'Zheng Qing'?" The husband's voice was a little surprised, as if he felt that the boy's question was absurd.

The boy coughed awkwardly.

"Ah," he defended in a low voice, "...I think this name is not prestigious compared to'Genesis' or'Honghuang'... and it doesn't sound like the name of a curse."

Mr. laughed loudly:

"The prestige is always the carrier, not the name. If the power is big enough, you can destroy a city even if you call yourself'Joker'. If you don't have enough power, even if you change your name to'Long Aotian', it will only add a little bit of fun after dinner. That's it."

This is very comforting.

Zheng Qing pondered for a few seconds, and before he thought about how to answer the husband’s words, another question emerged in his mind—this feeling is passive, as if there was a tiger behind that question forcing it to jump out. :

"Sir, is there a name beyond the realm of ancient wizards?"

"Yes, but it's not suitable for you to know." The husband pondered for a moment, and added: "But you can call me'master', the word'husband' means that'witch' has pierced the sky and left someone in the world. Next. Students used to call me Master."

"Sir, why did you choose to settle in our community ten years ago?"

"I burned a tortoise shell, Di Xiang told me. As wizards, we cannot trust the results of divination, but we must not ignore the results of divination."

"Sir, do demons also have forbidden curses? What is their name?"

"There are two ways, one is called'Apocalypse' and the other is called'Divine Comedy'...Of course, this is their own name. Very poetic...because it is the fallen wizard of Atlas who took the curse convergence method. So it will inevitably be more incense when choosing names... I prefer to call them "famine" and "purgatory"."

"Some people in the Umbil League feel that'Famine' is not the entire content of'Apocalypse', but those demons can only analyze such a forbidden curse. I think their analysis is very reasonable."

"'Famine of the Apocalypse' believes that the essence of the world is hunger. This is a land of hunger. The earth is greedy for rain, trees are greedy for sunlight, the whites are hungry for food; wizards are hungry for knowledge; demons are hungry for flesh and blood Relatively speaking, demons are the hungry group, they even eat they can easily extract the concept of'hunger' from the origin of the world."

"I have seen people in many ancient potions recipes... sorcerers can also eat people." Zheng Qing couldn't help but express his own opinion.

"So ancient magic is gradually declining," the husband did not deny the young wizard's rhetoric, but only slightly emphasized: "Modern magic is based on the theory of dimensionality...There are no more serious wizards that can eat people."

The words are right, but Zheng Qing always feels something weird.

"The Purgatory of Divine Comedy believes that this world is sinful. Only the souls that have undergone the seven deadly sins can be purified and returned to the kingdom of God... Does it feel a bit funny? A group of demons are clamoring to help wizards get rid of their sins."

"It's not surprising." Zheng Qing said very emotionally: "The more abominable people, the more they like to apply grease to their faces before doing things that are abominable, to make themselves look brighter. The United States loses thermobaric bombs and burns. It was like this before the bombing, it was like this before the New York Times distorted the report, and it was like this before the white people slaughtered Indians. For thousands of years, there is nothing new in the sun."

The husband turned his face and gave the young wizard a little surprised.

"It's good to be able to see this," he patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder, and then shook his head: "But your answer also shows that you have not completely got rid of the previous world. This is not good for your development in the wizarding world. There are still five weeks before the final exam of this semester. I will choose the right opportunity to help you make up lessons."

Make up lessons? Zheng Qing hadn't recovered from the shock of this term, and her husband suddenly stopped.

He placed one hand on the shoulder of the young wizard and asked in a deep voice:

"So far... do you have any questions?"

The boy lowered his head and thought for a moment. The questions in his mind seemed to have all been released and became blank.

He raised his head and shook his head: "Not for the time being."

The gentleman smiled approvingly on his face: "It’s fine if you don’t...I said before that this is an unknown land. As long as there is still an unknown, you will be bound by this world. Since you have no problem for now, then It’s time to go out."

Before the words fell, a white mist quietly appeared around the two of them. After a while, the two figures were drowned in the white mist.

Just like more than ten years ago, it was the first time to enter the Huiji Collection.

The husband took Zheng Qing's hand and led him into the white mist.

Behind the two of them, the narrow path paved with insect eggs in the sand flickered several times and disappeared. Except for the cloud of white mist, the blank land has regained its empty state.

There is not a trace of vitality, and there is not a trace of change, it has been like this since ancient times.

Only in that cloud of fog, there was a faint sound of two people's faint, drifting footsteps.

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