Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 290: Growth risks

   "Because the shadow peels off with a hint of forbidden curse seed germination, the black cat can easily condense the forbidden curse in the two-dimensional world, and finally break the dimensional limitation and return to reality."

   "This process can be seen as a preview of the evolution of the forbidden curse in your body. It collects information in a two-dimensional world, and the fake becomes true. You can also collect information in reality to accelerate the growth of the forbidden curse in your body..."

   "It...I mean, that black cat is also a forbidden curse?" Zheng Qing was rude and interrupted Mr. again. This speculation made him a little uneasy.

If that **** cat is also a forbidden curse, then he now has a new shadow, cut off this new shadow, and then hand it over to Su Shijun’s laboratory for processing, will a new forbidden curse be born? ?

Mr.    smiled, and his tone became more and more brisk: "This is the most exciting thing in the pursuit of the truth. Because you will never be able to grasp all the variables."

   "Is that black cat a forbidden curse?"

   "Yes, because it uses the forbidden spell to break the shackles of dimensionality before returning to reality."

"But it is not a'real forbidden curse' in our conceptual sense. Because its forbidden curse was born in a two-dimensional world, and what it learns is information from the two-dimensional world. So it is inevitable that it is inherently weak and weak... Well, make a fight An inappropriate analogy, suppose our forbidden spell is a nuclear bomb, then it is at best a thermobaric bomb with a large equivalent."

"Even so, it is also a very huge insecure factor to the world, so I handed it over to the school's relevant department in accordance with the general management method of forbidden spells...You can rest assured about this. When your forbidden spell matures , After you fully master your power, the black cat will still be handed over to you."

   "If the first accident left your bomb shell with an extra explosive, then in the second accident, the feedback brought by the shadow upgrade will bring you more than a thousand explosives."

"But growth beyond expectations also brings many risks. For example, the seal imposed on you is getting more and more damaged, and the leakage of forbidden spells causes you headaches, red eyes, and being targeted by demons or other entities... They don't necessarily know Your true identity, but this does not prevent them from realizing the possible benefits of eating you."

"Another example is the operational risk caused by the unstable foundation. Originally, according to the plan, you will grow and mature in school step by step, and use sufficient knowledge and ability to control this forbidden curse. But the current situation makes you completely unprepared Under the circumstances, the burden is too heavy."

"Just like a person who has been poor for a long time suddenly gets rich and can't control money. You don't know how to use this power correctly. That's why on the silent river, you accidentally bombard the evil demon and provoke Sato. Guya; the conflict with Ceprano from Alfa College caused him to be seriously injured; this is why in today's battle you will lose control when you are too emotional, and finally appear here."

   "You still have a lot to learn."

"Fortunately, this time out of control, you only triggered the first stage of the Forbidden Curse. Similar to the explosion of the'detonator'. At this stage, magic can be transformed into mechanical energy, and it will only bring about results similar to the explosion of large explosives, and the magic pollution is very low. If the explosion develops further and pushes all the spells hidden deep in your soul into operation, it will trigger a wave of energy, which will cause the law to violently fluctuate between converging and expanding, etc., and finally the forbidden spell will come."

   Hearing this, Zheng Qing finally realized that something was wrong.

   "It always feels a bit subtle," the young wizard whispered, "It's really good to discuss my explosion in such a grand manner..."

"You are an informal detonation this time. It is not a real explosion." Mr. correctively said: "According to the normal forbidden spell use process, the wizard will have a chance to leave safely after guiding the forbidden spell to come. You are not good at using it. Rune gun? You can understand that Forbidden Curse is a specially made powerful rune bullet..."

   "My blood rune bullet is so powerful, is it because of the forbidden spell?"

   "There is a certain relationship."

   The young wizard sighed heavily, refreshed.

"Sounds not bad," he calculated with his fingers. "For the sake of health, I only make one blood talisman per month. It can be sold at D&K at a high price under the name of Master Fulu's meticulous crafting. The hunting team went to the Silent Forest to hunt powerful magical creatures...Well, a blood rune bullet is more appropriate... Will fifty jade coins be a bit expensive?"

"Perhaps you have misunderstood what I said before." The husband glanced at the excited young wizard and reminded: "The damage of the seal caused the forbidden spell to leak out, causing your blood rune bullet to increase... That seal keeps breaking. Or, do you like the feeling of a headache?"

   Zheng Qing tightened all over and shook his head vigorously.

The husband snorted, and continued to teach: "Your body is like a dam, sealed with the true power of Forbidden Curse. The water in the dam is increasing every moment, which means the Forbidden Curse is always present. Every time a forbidden force is used, it is like a termite drilling a small hole in a dam."

   "The less you use and the fewer small holes, the longer the dam can last; the more you use, the small holes become big holes, and the big holes cause the dam to break and your body will collapse."

   "But the water volume increases every day without decreasing, and one day it will exceed the height of the dam, and it will also wash my body!" Zheng Qing retorted.

   "This is inevitable." As he said, the husband pointed to the top of his head, Zheng Qing followed his gesture and looked up, only to see the shadow of a starry sky suddenly appearing above the boundless white sky.

   In the depths of the starry sky, countless hideous figures are faintly reflected, or like a luminous gate, or like a pile of light balls, or hundreds of tentacles waving randomly, or just a deep darkness slowly flowing.

   There are thousands of forms, weird, and so on.

   Just looking at the reflections made Zheng Qing's body tighten, and the urge to have a headache.

"Did you see them?" The gentleman's voice was very flat, as if he was just pointing at a group of chickens: "The result of the dam collapse is that this world can no longer accommodate your body and spirit. You will be like those outsiders. Like gods, they are exiled to the starry sky forever. Of course, some existences feel that the world is too restrictive, and the starry sky is the place to stay."

   "I believe you have no such thoughts yet."

   Zheng Qing immediately nodded the chicken pecked at the rice.

   Just kidding, are the chicken legs not tasty or the girl is not pretty? Why would anyone not want to go to the empty, chilly starry sky?


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