Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 216: First exploration

   April 18th, Saturday, March 23rd of the lunar calendar.

  Yi, consecrate, break ground, seek medical treatment, and treat illness;

   bogey, open the market, and be buried.

   Zheng Qing has always been suspicious about whether consecration is considered to be an opening. After all, high-energy great virtues help consecrate, and believers always pay tribute to some incense. From an objective point of view, there is indeed a taste of transaction in this period.

   Of course, for people who have lived in the wizarding world since they were young, they don’t care much about the Chinese calendar when they go out. No matter how sophisticated the calendar is at birth, after the baptism of time, there will always be defects of one kind or another. Using such ancient flaws to guide modern life is not the approach of smart people.

   So as long as the results are not too bad—such as burying people in the days of burial avoidance—most people will have a good time. They will not be like the old wizards five hundred years ago. They always have to look at the calendar.

  Especially the students of the First University, when it comes to the mysterious problem of luck, everyone would rather believe in the line drawing you drew last night, or get up in the morning and look at the crystal ball.

  Because of the accident in the Baicao Garden at noon on Friday, Zheng Qing studied his line diagram very carefully at night.

  According to the record since enrollment, his current overall fortune is hovering at a low level. Although occasional injuries may occur, it is not a major problem. Basically, everything he wants to do can achieve his goal-which means a solid bottom.

   In the words of the divination book, a solid bottom is an important basis for fortune rebound. The long-term fortune will accumulate huge amounts of energy. If the amount is large enough, it can even support the promotion of registered wizards to great wizards.

But according to another commonly used divination technique-the principle of inertia-to analyze it is'movement is constant movement, static is constant', that is to say, it is difficult to get rid of the'salted fish in a down state without external intervention. 'fate.

   In short, just like the North District drama masters do, the results of fortune-telling can always be completely interpreted from different aspects. The only difference depends on what kind of result the fortune-telling person hopes to achieve.

   Zheng Qing expects that his fortune will improve slightly this time when he explores that new secret with Kolmar.

   On Saturday morning, when the sky was dark, he slipped out of bed.

   Before going to bed last night, he stirred the transformation potion into the milk, and through the whole night of digestion, the effect of the medicine was fully absorbed and transformed. He hopes his black cat will perform slightly better today.

   The black cat stopped in front of Dylan's full-length mirror, raised his paws, and was satisfied that the color of the paw pads was normal. This means that the negative effect of washing his hands with magic potion yesterday has disappeared.

   The fat cat was on the head of the bed, the fat cat dangled its ears, barely lifted one of its eyelids, swept the lively black cat, and shook its beard, which was regarded as a greeting.

   The black cat didn't bring his own gray cloth bag, but hung the jade symbol from Su Shijun around his neck and left the dormitory briskly. Both the horizontal and vertical talisman guns were taken away. If this jade talisman could not stop the accident, Zheng Qing didn't think there was anything else in his bag that could be used to save his life.

   Simply look away.

   But not far away, it slipped back with its tail sandwiched between it, opened its gray cloth bag, took out two stacks of talisman, and hung it around its neck.



   Kolma wore a dark red tight-fitting hunting suit and a black cloak, standing quietly under a rebirth poplar, looking coldly into the distance.

   The long-planned plan is finally about to be implemented.

   Although there is a slight deviation from her initial expectations, it is not important.

  The important thing is that she will not allow anyone, anything, or any obstacles to stand in front of her—the decadent traditional concepts in the wizarding world will not work, the threatening note written by an anonymous person will not work, and the mouse wearing a red vest will not work.

   Even if she has a good relationship with the Mouse Fairy, the last time she was in the woods, facing the red-vested mouse that might have revealed her plan, she did not hesitate to kill the killer and threw it to the ants of Silent Forest.

  Of course, there may be some factors in this. In her eyes, rats are just rats after all. No matter what vest they wear or dialects they speak, they are still rats, and they cannot be compared with wizards.

   This is very different from the Rat Fairy, the octopus in the library, or a certain black cat.

   In addition to Colmar, there is another witch in the back of the soul. Jelena borrowed directly at the Sakura Tavern last night to avoid access restrictions in the morning.

  Similar to Colmar, Elena also wears a hunting outfit that is easy to move today, except that her hunting outfit is black, and the Gypsy Witch has a white mask on her face.

   Except for two shining eyes, there is no trace of his face exposed. In order to enhance the effect of cover-up, she even put away her hair that she wore on her daily life, tied it in a bun, and put it in her hood.

   The two witches waited quietly in the early morning mist, like two stone statues.

   The silent river gurgled slightly behind the bushes not far away, making a gurgling whisper. The trees in the Silent Forest slowly stretched their bodies in the mist, making a soft rustle.

  The black cat silently came over the heads of the two witches amidst the rustling and gurgling under the cover of the gloomy sky.

   He looked down for a long time, and when he was breathing well, he said hello in a hoarse voice:

   "Good morning, ladies."

   The two witches suddenly raised their and looked at the black cat squatting between the branches.

   "Not good at all, Black Cat." Kolma replied very unceremoniously: "It is not a gentleman's practice to let girls wait in the cold woods."

   In my context, gentleman is not a good word, and the black cat muttered to himself.

   "I hope you haven't waited too long." The black cat shook his beard gracefully and apologized: "To apologize, I can spend a whole day with you walking around in the woods today."

   The corners of Kolma's mouth twitched.

   "This is the most insincere apology I've ever heard." Her fingers flicked the books on the Dharma books around her waist, and it took a lot of effort to suppress the idea of ​​drawing out Dharma books and smashing the black cat's forehead.

   "The sincere way is to bring two gifts when you meet the witch." The black cat hooked his mouth and waved his paw. Two stacks of talisman fell from the sky and floated in front of the two witches: "This is my late apologize."

  As a black cat, there is always one way or another inconvenience in using talismans. Zheng Qing felt that it would be more effective to give them to the two witches. As for himself, with the jade charm of the great wizard, just run faster.

   Korma grabbed the stack of talisman papers in front of him and shook it up. There are twelve standard talismans after a pile of spirits. The materials are exquisite and the drawing is meticulous. Just holding it in your hand, you can feel the spirit surging between the pages.

   "It's really sincere." A satisfied smile appeared on the witch's face.

  Demon Hunting High School 

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