Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 167: Ways to Dissolve Fat Appetite

Limited by time, Zheng Qing and the two witches' journey to the Silent Forest only lasted one morning and ended.


Because this Saturday, Zheng Qing needs to go to Professor Montelia’s laboratory as an assistant in the afternoon, and in the evening he has to report to the working committee of the school and participate in the night patrol of Linzhong Lake. This is the last time he left the team privately during the Prohibition Day. Punishment-Zheng Qing feels that since entering the school for more than half a year, the place he is most familiar with is not the library or study room, but the Linzhong Lake at night.


  Dances, adventures, patrols, etc. He left too many memories next to this big lake.


   Of course, for Elena or Kolma, it is not Zheng Qing who is accompanying them in the Silent Forest today, but a mysterious black cat who can only talk.


   As for the results of the search all morning, they did not exceed everyone's expectations.


   got nothing.


According to Senior Sister Korma, this is because there are too many magical imbalances in the Silent Forest, resulting in frequent spatial warping and overlapping of the entire forest. The exploratory spells that wizards often use are largely invalid. Can you find that secret? , Or whatever method is used to find the secret realm, is a metaphysics.


   Metaphysics is more uncertain than fog divination.


   Zheng Qing also secretly groped out his silver pocket watch several times in private, but did not sense any traces of stable dimensional fluctuations. This made the haze in his heart a little heavier.


  He has reason to believe that the'image of heavy Yin' obtained by Fei Rui's divination has some mysterious connection with him. The only way to solve the problem given by the hamster is to expose the hermitage of Dr. Duzem himself.


   This is not the answer he wants.


   The chaotic thoughts, misplaced identities, and upside-down timing made the young public-funded student unable to refresh his energy all day on Sunday, and he was still a little confused until the spell class on Monday morning.


So that when Old Yao asked him to stand up and answer, "What are the advantages and disadvantages of the curse-like memetic decomposition method compared with the dimensional decomposition method?", he stood blankly for a while before reading the answer according to the textbook under the soft reminder of Xiao Xiao. .


   This led to the second half of the curse class, Zheng Qing had to stand up from his seat to listen to the class very consciously, to concentrate, to deal with the harsh eyes that Lao Yao cast from time to time.


   Fortunately, he was sitting in the back of the classroom a few rows, but he didn't attract too many strange eyes from other students in the class.


"Don't be drowsy all day, try to get started, or your girlfriend will be snatched away!" During lunch, Fatty Xin sipped the nutritious turtle soup and hated the lesson that iron cannot become steel. The student at public expense: "When you were in a daze this morning, I saw Matthew's fellow sneaking up next to Elena for a long time...Is this openly despising you!"


   Matthew had such a meaning to Elena, Zheng Qing could vaguely feel it.


   But he didn't think that vampire was a threat.


"I can't put a curse on everyone who is courteous like Elaine... Pretty girls are very popular everywhere." Zheng Qing stirred the corn soup in front of him, and said indifferently-in fact, This calmness is more attributable to the fact that he knew that Elena was looking for Matthew to inquire about Dr. Duzem, and they passed each other's anger on Saturday morning before parting in the Silent Forest.


   "I would like to do that." Xiao Xiao muttered a little beside him. A plate of fried little yellow croaker was placed in front of him. At this moment, Xiao Xiao was using a small silver knife to viciously chop off those little fish's heads.


  Zheng Qing and Fatty Xin looked at each other, winked at each other, but didn't connect.


   Because of the differences in status, age, etc., although the relationship between Xiao Xiao and Sima Yangyun was heated among the students, it has not spread to the ears of Sima's parents. I heard that the elders of the Sima family are arguing for a blind date with Sima Yangyun these days. This has made Dr. Xiao Da's temper a bit bad in recent days.


   "Ahem, I heard that Baicaoyuan lost a lot of bees recently, do you know this?" Fatty Xin coughed twice with his nose, and changed the topic to discuss with Xiao Xiao.


   "I know, it's still under investigation, there is no conclusion." Xiao Xiao still sullenly chopped his head, and replied concisely.


   "Those fish heads are actually edible." Fatty Xin stared at Xiao Xiao and pushed the chopped fish heads out of the plate, slightly distressed. Only Xiao Xiao ignored him.


"Baicao Garden?" Zhang Jixin had just been concentrating on stuffing minced meat in the steamed buns. At this moment, he had time to look at Xiao Xiao, like a waking up from a dream, as if he had just been talking to a few people: "You too You were punished? I remember that it was last semester to punished you to work in Baicao Garden..."


"What does'also' mean?! I applied for a work-study program!" Xiao Xiao pulled her face, her tone increasingly unhappy: "If I remember correctly, I asked you to act as a referrer to sign the application form. "


"Oh," the red-faced wizard pretended to remember: "I just think that after our store opened, there was a little bit of dividends, thinking you don't need that job... what about the bees in Baicaoyuan? Up?"


  Because of the vague impression of the application form mentioned by Xiao Xiao, in order to avoid greater embarrassment, he decisively jumped over this pit and pulled the conversation back to what Fatty Xin just said.


"Lost." Xiao Xiao smoothly put the cut off fish head from the tabletop into a paper and snorted: "You don't see bees alive, you don't see corpses. Recently, many plants have been pollinating flowers It’s an important season, so the movement is a bit bigger."


"Just like when there was a dark tide in Beta Town a while ago, the right hunters were always not enough." Zhang Jixin nodded clearly and made an inappropriate metaphor-although he still didn't feel that the little bees disappeared. How big can it be.


   Zheng Qing suddenly laughed stupidly.


   "What are you laughing at?" The other wizards looked at him in unison.


   "I just heard the elder's metaphor just now, and I remembered a passage I heard before... "Many times, euphemistic metaphors can resolve the awkward atmosphere and create a more suitable conversational atmosphere."


   "For example, in the epic of "The Dragon Mother and the Cold Ghost", the little devil used a vivid metaphor to talk about privacy in the public, like telling a story."


"'I took out the eel in the crotch before a pot of turtle soup. I rubbed the one-eyed snake and peeled off its banana skin to make the bald head cry and runny. Its nose mixed with tears and dripped into the turtle soup. Here, this pot of soup belongs to Cersei, and I hope she will not waste it in the end...'"


   Hearing this, Zhang Jixin also showed a wretched and knowing smile.


"HOLY...SHIT!" Fatty Xin pushed away the turtle soup in front of him with a look of disgust, and looked at the public-sponsored student angrily: "I don't know if I have resolved the embarrassment, but you successfully resolved my appetite... you really Great!"


   Literature Museum



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