Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 159: Different scenery

"Have you heard? Have you heard?"


"A new conflict has occurred between the horse tribe camp outside Alpha Fort and the management committee of Beta Town. Several young foals kicked and injured the security officer of the management committee, and then the Alpha picket, who had been watching from the outside, swarmed. , Arrested both parties and escorted them directly back to Alpha Castle!"


   "It was Sir Friedman of Alpha Academy who presided over the arrest!"


   "It is said that the picket team of Alpha College will handle this incident in accordance with the regulations of the first university and the relevant law and order of Beta Town... The horses are very upset, and the tribe has begun to gather!"


   Fatty Xin brandished a Beta Town Post, as if he had caught the biggest news in the world, screaming with excitement and rushed into the dormitory. It's just that there is no trouble on his face that may be caused by the assembly of the horse tribe, it is all the joy that this incident may bring news.


  Zheng Qingli pulled his eyelids and glanced at him tiredly.


   Many wizards are not good at this point. They have no sense of the protagonist and the concept of ‘worry for the world before and for the happiness of the world’. Of course, Zheng Qing's own ideological level is not so high.


  He is now full of all kinds of troubles. He just wants to "be good alone", and doesn't want to care about the story of the horseman flying hoof kicking wizard. A certain faceless monster who escaped has not found a trace yet; the suspected white cat also troubles his heart; and as the end of the school year approaches, academic pressure is increasing. Not to mention the contract between him and Kolma-senpai in the Silent Forest not long ago.


   Any one of them is a headache.


   Therefore, Zheng Qing did not want to get involved with other conflicts in the school, including but not limited to murlocs landing, horse disturbances, and club fights.


"That's old news for you," Dylan poked his head out from behind the tent, and slowly said to the fat man: "Yesterday some horse tribe ponies waved banners and marched in Beta Town. The Betta Town Public Security Bureau seemed to have been sentenced to a week of detention that night. There was no probation at all because the ponies were still under adulthood."


"This is also the root cause of today's conflict." Fatty Xin couldn't contain a smile on his face, and the newspaper in his hand shook and rattled: "But this is not my focus... My focus is the Beta Town Post. Related reports published for two consecutive days! Don’t you think the Beta Town Post is slapping itself in the face?"


Perceiving Zheng Qing's ambiguity, Fatty Xin hated iron and added: "Just a few days ago, the Beta Town Post had been preaching that'you do nothing for justice' because you make mistakes because of freedom.' Kind of theory! Look what they wrote today..."


"'...The iron hoofs raised by these invisible thugs flashed with cold light in the sun, and the innocent pedestrians passing by the road were rubbed to the ground by the iron hoof, and their faces were full of blood...The pickets of Alpha Fort were brave He greeted him, faced the violent behavior, and faced the dripping blood...'"


   "There is this sentence, and this sentence, ‘Justice for the sake of justice is not advisable. Past experience tells us that justice is not the result, but the process’ Hahahaha, it’s a laugh!"


   Zheng Qing was thinking about other things in his head, and didn't listen to Fatty Xin's chattering soundly.


But with the left ear coming in and the right ear coming out, he also caught a few key words, such as "justice is not a result but a process" and so on, which made him immediately realize that the topic has been extended to "result justice or process justice" In the debate.


   This is an unsolvable debate, and it is not worth wasting time on it.


Therefore, the young public student immediately spoke, interrupted Fatty Xin's nagging, raised his voice slightly, and said, "Didn't I say that we should not mix up these messy things. Now the situation is very messy, and nothing is worse than nothing... As the saying goes, eloquence is silver, and silence is gold. The reason we were able to escape the last time was because we talked less than that idiot."


   The idiot Zheng Qing said was Arthur Nes from Alpha Academy. Because of the last reckless shop closure search, Alpha was passive in the follow-up investigation work, especially whether Zheng Qing or Hu Wu, they are considered to have a bit of'identity' and'backing'. It is almost impossible for Alpha to calm down. achieve.


   Therefore, the Alpha Picket finally had to meet the compensation claims made by Zheng Qing and others. They just procrastinated for the public apology requested by Yougui and Qingqiu Mansion, always taking care of him.


   I heard that Sir Friedman was also furious about this matter, and that poor Mr. Nath was robbed of all his duties by the hemophilia due to several work errors, and was beaten into the cold.


   Assuming that Arthur Ness had a few beeps before he did it, and after he came to the door, Zheng Qing’s shop was closed without a word. Fox Five did not have a chance to do it, and Alpha would not fall into a passive state.


   Zheng Qing's cold water did not extinguish the fat man's enthusiasm.


He rolled up his sleeves and made a big fight. He spread out the manuscript paper on the desk, pulled out a small bundle of quill pens, opened the ink bottle, and shouted fiercely: "You don't want to occupy the position of public opinion. I will not occupy, and others will occupy This is a life-and-death struggle! There is no winner! There is only a chance to beat down the dog!"


   Zheng Qing remembered his identity as a reporter for the Fat School Newspaper, and wanted to come to the controversy between the two colleges. The pressure on their pens was definitely different from other students.


   The public servant shrugged his shoulders and turned his eyes to Xiao Xiao who had been shrinking in the corner and flipping through his notebook: "Doctor, what's your opinion?"


   Since the contradictions between the colleges fermented, Dr. Xiao Da has changed from the eloquence of last semester and has become a lot more cautious. Even if there are a few comments, they are only simple in private, and seldom ‘teaches’ everyone as before.


   After hearing Zheng Qing's request, Xiao Xiao helped his glasses and glanced at everyone:


   "All cognitive deviations come from narrow vision."


"You feel that your world is correct, it's just because your perspective is too narrow. The biggest problem is that you can't look at the problem comprehensively and dialectically. There is a word called'sitting on the well to view the sky.' It fits perfectly at this time. ."


   "If you are on the way to class, try to raise your head and take a look at a place you often pass by, you will find a world completely different from usual."


   "Which is true or false? It's actually true."


   "So, I'm not saying that you are wrong, nor that the Beta Town Post or Alpha's statement is right...I mean everyone present is wrong."


   Literature Museum



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