Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 132: Forbidden Magic Festival

   Forbidden Magic Festival is a traditional festival in the wizarding world. It is usually held one hundred days after the winter solstice and one week before the Qingming Festival. On this day, wizards will spontaneously stop using any spells, just like mortals lighting fires, cooking, walking, and communicating. Therefore, this day is also called "fan birthday" by wizards, which means the day of mortal life.


   The reason for such a weird festival is said to be due to an old event.


   According to legend, a long time ago, there was a great wizard who lost himself in the process of pursuing power and became a monster who could only hunt and kill wizards.


   This monster is more terrifying than the monster. Most of the demons are just eating the meat of wizards and drinking the blood of wizards, and that monster even does not let go of the wizard's soul. To make matters worse, the monster can sense the fluctuations of magic power when the wizards cast spells, and trace the wizards who cast the spells.


   In order to avoid being chased by monsters, the wizards gave up their power, stopped casting spells, and began to live silently like mortals, sick, aging, and dead.


   The advantages and disadvantages of this are obvious. The advantage is that the monster cannot hunt with the magic fluctuations when the wizard casts the spell, leaving a certain buffer time for the ordinary wizard; the disadvantage is that this behavior greatly suppresses the development of the entire wizard world, so much so In a hundred years, there has been a huge gap and retrogression in the magical skills of the entire world.


   In that period of darkness, most ordinary wizards were no different from mortals. They worked at the same sunrise and at sunset, trembling, fearing natural disasters, as if they were approaching the abyss, walking on thin ice.


   It was not until a few years later that the warriors from all directions gathered and killed the monster, and the wizarding world returned to its former peace and freedom.


In order to commemorate the warriors and the wizards who were hunted by monsters; and to remember that period of darkness, at the initiative of a large number of wizards, the wizards chose to stop on the last weekend before the resurgence of the energy tide of the year. Use all magic and witchcraft to send grief and reward all courage.


   has lasted for thousands of years.


   Time is long. Many customs of this festival have been changed several times, and a lot of content has been added and deleted. However, the most fundamental habit of ‘forbidden demons’ has remained the same.


In the current'Forbidden Magic Day', the time for forbidden magic usually starts from 卯 o'clock every day and ends at unity time. It is about six in the morning to six o'clock in the evening, and lasts for a whole day. Part of the strict wizard family will also take this time period. It extends from five in the morning to seven in the evening; however, some wizards choose from seven in the morning to five in the evening, so the time for not using magic will be shorter. It's all different.


   In short, there are no very rigid rules for the prohibition time of the Forbidden Magic Festival, and most wizards are also more casual.


  Unable to use magic, for wizards it means unable to work, unable to learn, and unable to live normally.


   Therefore, on this day, many wizards who have been immersed in the laboratory all day long will walk out the door, feel the long-lost sunshine and the spring equinox, and enjoy the short but free feeling.


   First University will also take advantage of this opportunity to organize students outing in spring and use the natural beauty to soothe the restlessness of young wizards in spring.


  Because there are too many students going out on the same day, the land suitable for spring outings on Phuket Island is very tight.


   Every time this day, the old school students will invariably "bully" the lower grade students. They often pre-select the place where the next year’s festival will take place at the end of the previous year’s festival.


   This time advantage cannot be compensated for by the first-year students.


   Old students have taken up such high-quality outing places as beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery, fragrance of birds and flowers, long warblers, peach red willow green and so on. Only some horns on the island are left for the first-year students.


   Of course, the corner is not to say how dangerous these places are or how bad the environment is. After all, it is the island where the first university resides, no matter how bad the environment is. The reason these places are bad is mainly because they are far away from food, fuel and clean water. This is extremely bad for a young wizard who cannot use magic all day long.


   Astronomy 08-1 is also such an unfortunate first-year class.


   However, with the help of class leader Downton and several ‘energy’ aristocrats in the class, pulling the banner of Lao Yao really made them choose a place that is not so bad.


   That is a depression near the edge of the coast of Phuket Island. It is located at the foot of a small hill. There is an empty grassland nearby. There are some sparse evergreen shrubs on the periphery of the rolling hills. A little further, there is the endless sea and silent forest.


   Across the hill, the beautiful beaches outside have already had their owners.


  In the small mountain bag, young wizards clumsily propped up sheds and fires, erected iron pots, packed pots and pans, and various food materials, creating a messy scene.


  Because Zheng Qing has a rich life history of "Bai Ding", he did his part to do the job of burying the stove and making fire. Jiang Yu also arranged for Dr. Xiao Da, who is rich in knowledge, as an assistant Combining knowledge and experience, the two of them did something decent.


   In this way, while burning the fire, Zheng Qing came to the leisurely sentiment and discussed with Xiao Xiao the story behind the "Forbidden Devil's Day". He was interested in the identity of the wizard who turned into a monster, and the warriors who eventually killed the monster, and also interested in what the principal of the first university legend was doing at the time.


   Unlike him, Xiao Xiao doesn't like to talk about the facts that have happened. He prefers to investigate the deeper things expressed in this story.


"This story tells us that the world of wizards is very dangerous." When Dr. Xiao Da is doing this kind of analysis, he always becomes very serious: "Choose to surpass the wizard and embark on the road full of thorns. It is only the huge economic pressure, but also the deep malice in this universe and starry sky."


   "Look at the consequences of those wizards who failed to rush into the realm!"


   "It is lucky to become an octopus or a big mouse. At least he retains a magical power and a small life."


   "More wizards were wiped out in the process of rushing into the realm, and it was difficult to even get a burial mound... The unfortunate ones will be wiped out by disaster and follow the line of cause and effect."


"What's worse is that people who resemble the old rulers, the Lich King, the Sea Monster King, and the predecessor who'created' the Forbidden Devil's Day, not only lost themselves, transformed themselves into chaos and chaos slaves, but became Enemy of the entire wizarding world."


   "It is very sad to think about it."

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