Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 114: Missing person

According to common sense, if the professor asks the classmates to answer the question, if he fails to answer the question, he will be reprimanded by the professor. In serious cases, it is inevitable to write an extra essay with a specified number of words after class or copy the lecture notes several times.

   But this is only for most students.

   For good students, especially those who are among the best in test scores and have the title of public-funded student, professors have always spared their favor. Even Professor Emma, ​​who has a strict attitude, is no exception.

For example, now, Feifei Liu, who has a good student halo on her head, has not answered the question, but she still changed the "high light moment" at this time. Professor Emma let her sit down first with a look of affection-perhaps in the eyes of the old lady, The flushed face and the helpless standing under the eyes of everyone was enough to make Liu realize his mistake deeply.

   "This question may be a little more complicated, I'll repeat it again, everyone pay attention to taking notes..."

Zheng Qing squeezed the quill pen in his hand and couldn't help but roll his eyes. If Zhang Jixin or Nicholas couldn't answer such a question, the old lady on the podium would never tell them to copy the handout a few times. Will patiently repeat the problem again.

  , that is, Liu Feifei, who has one of the best grades, has this kind of preferential treatment.

   This ‘call call event’ was the only episode in the entire class. From then on, until the bell rang after class, there were no other waves in the classroom. Professor Emma's homework is as much as before, and the students' sighs are as heavy as usual.

   Looking at the crowd in the corridor outside the door, Zheng Qing tilted his head and looked at the sky outside the window, wondering whether to write his homework in the classroom for a while before leaving. It is almost mid-March now, and the sky is gradually getting rid of the short days and long nights in winter, and the sky is only slightly dark around 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

   When he turned around, he was surprised to find two rare ‘guests’ came at the table.

   Nicholas and Liu Feifei.

Because the final exam last semester'exceeded expectations', Nicholas had the courage to publicize the love affair that almost everyone already knew, so recently, after every class, the two will be tired together immediately, as an excuse to study together. Ears and temples are rubbed together.

   If it weren’t for the witches in the middle of the front row of the classroom, and Liu Feifei would not be able to give up the best place for lectures, Zheng Qing had every reason to believe that they would both sit in the couple’s seat during class.

   Therefore, when Zheng Qing sees these two people standing in front of him abruptly, he will inevitably think about it.

   "Are you two going to send me wedding candy?" The young public student raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "I didn't know that the school now allows students to get married..."

   His ridicule made Liu Feifei, who had been cramped, flushed even more, and even Nicholas's face became a bit more embarrassing.

   "Don't talk nonsense!" The thin old student with ponytail hair waved his hand, trying to make a steady look like a ‘big brother’.

   It's just that his trembling eyes that have been trembling quickly made this ‘steady’ look much less attractive.

   "We have a serious business looking for you." Nicholas emphasized.

   Zheng Qingxu glanced at him: "Isn't this's useless for you to ask me for something that is not serious!"

   Liu Feifei chuckled.

   This made Zheng Qing feel a little uneasy. He couldn't help but swept the right back row of the classroom with the corner of his eye. Fortunately, Irina had already left, which made him quietly relieved.

   Attention turned back to Nicholas Feifei, and Zheng Qing felt a sour feeling inexplicably in his heart. When others are in love, they always want to stick together twenty-five hours a day, but when they get to themselves, they are left aside twenty-three hours a day.

   Let's say that the relationship between the two is cold, dating, kissing, dancing, holding hands and strolling down the path.

Say that two people are in love, but it is not. Zheng Qing always feels that he and Elena are a bit respectful when they are dating. There is a vaguely invisible boundary between the two. Every time the relationship becomes a little closer, Gypsy The witch will always run away in a hurry.

   Maybe it’s because of cultural differences. Maybe it’s better to have more appointments. The young public-sponsored student comforted him like this. After all, it is a cross-nation love, and he has no experience.

Shaking his head and shaking away the sorrow in his head, Zheng Qing looked at Nicholas with a straight face: "Say OK first, the best man can be, but you must give me a big red envelope... This is my first time. !" (First issue, domain name (remember_three

   Nicholas did not answer Zheng Qing's nonsense, and pulled aside chair to let Liu Feifei sit down. 33 novels first published https://https://

   Then he sighed and explained: "The little dragon is gone. I haven't seen it for a long time... The guard at the petting garden can't tell where it went."

   After finishing speaking, he glanced at Liu Feifei who was sitting next to him.

   Zheng Qing frowned slightly.

   The "little dragon" mentioned by Nicholas is actually a thick cobra. It is Liu Feifei's pet. He often screamed and frightened Li Meng and left a deep impression on Zheng Qing.

   It stands to reason that such a big snake cannot disappear in the first university for no reason.

   "The recent five poisonous breeding happens to be spring again...Will the little snake go out looking for a'friend'?" Fatty Xin suddenly interjected, and said gently.

   Fatty originally discussed with Zhang Jixin about the training plan for the crime hunting team this week. At this moment, after hearing Nicholas and Zheng Qing talking, he couldn't help but leaned over.

   Hearing Fatty's analysis, Zheng Qing couldn't help but glanced at him contemptuously-although the words are euphemistic, everyone is an adult, and it is easy to get the meaning of Fatty's words. Sure enough, it was as greasy as always.

"No," Liu Feifei didn't mind Fatty Xin's bad analysis, and replied earnestly: "Little Dragon is very good. Even if he sneaks out to play, he will definitely go home to say hello at night. He has never been missing for so long. "

   "How many days have you disappeared?" Xiao Xiao, who had been sorting out her notes, was also interested at this moment.

", five days?" Liu Feifei hesitated, and said uncertainly: "Because there are a lot of things when school just started, I haven't visited the pet garden every day recently. Senior Zhan Yuchen noticed that the food in the Xiaolong food box had accumulated. I only notified it two days later... it's been five days now."

"Do you want me to help find Xiaolong?" Zheng Qing guessed that Nicholas had brought Liu Feifei over, but he didn't think it was a good idea: "This kind of thing should be handled by the petting garden or the school work committee... they should I am more professional."

   "Yes, yes." Zhang Jixin also unceremoniously dismantled the stage from the side: "Why do you think of asking him for help. He hasn't even learned the basic training manual for hunting hunters." 33 novel first published

   This is a bit embarrassing.

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