Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 78: The first regular meeting of the second semester

The Valentine's Day dance did not impress him as deeply as Zheng Qing participated in the moon hunting dance for the first time.

   Xu is accustomed to the big scenes. He is a little bit aesthetically tired of the small-scale dance organized by the student union. Whether it is the backing singer of the nymph or the backing dancer of the luminous sparrow, his mood has not changed much. The only thing that can stay in his mind is the brilliant smile of the gypsy witch all night.

   The second thing that Zheng Qing was satisfied with this dance was that when he was dancing with Elena, he finally did not discuss philosophy as he did during the moon hunting dance. Thanks to discussing cosmetics with Dylan earlier, he finally found a breakthrough in chatting with the witch, and his performance became a little more natural.

   In short, this is a triumphant ball, a beautiful ball, a grand festival for the young wizards and wizards of Jiuyou Academy.

   After the noise, only tired.

   This fatigue continued until the new semester regular meeting on the evening of the second day.

   February 15th is the weekend and the last day of the winter vacation. As usual, the students of Jiuyou College need to attend the regular class meeting every weekend.

   Compared with the regular meeting last semester, the only thing that made everyone feel at ease today was that Yao had notified the students through the two monitors in advance that he would not accept homework this evening. All homework, including weekly diaries, will be postponed until the regular meeting of the first week of school.

   "This is the college taking into account the impact of the post-holiday syndrome, to give everyone a buffer period." Downton explained when he announced the message to the boys.

   But at the same time, he also emphasized the sentence "If the homework is not finished, you must pay close attention to it this week... Otherwise, the homework will not be finished next weekend, and everyone will not look good."

   The boys coaxingly agreed, laughing, not caring.

   It was Duan Xiaojian who patted the squad leader's shoulder carelessly, and smiled, "Next weekend? Next weekend, Lao Yao doesn't know if he is still in the academy, so don't worry!"

   Zheng Qing raised his head in surprise, and looked at the hunched and thin wizard.

   "Lao Yao won't be here next week? Who did you hear? Is the academy going to change the dean?" He threw a series of questions, making Duan Xiaojian's face pale.

"My dear grandfather, I didn't say that!" Duan Xiaojian's head leaned back funny, as if he was staggered by Zheng Qing's question. At the same time, he waved his hands repeatedly, denying "I It’s just that he may not be in the college...Don’t misinterpret what I said casually, okay. If there is any deviation in the transmission, I will not be held responsible."

   "He may be saying that Lao Yao will participate in school projects like last semester, and there is no time to participate in our small regular meetings." Zhang Jixin, who was sitting on the other side, understood what Duan Xiaojian meant.

   The humpback wizard heard this explanation and nodded repeatedly, like a chicken pecking at rice.

   Zheng Qing sighed in relief.

Whether it is his unusual attraction to magical creatures, the trouble caused by the title of Grand Arcana, or the dark tide surging around the school, they unknowingly bring huge psychological pressure to the young public students. .

   He very much does not want to leave the professor he knows and can rely on at this point.

   After taking back the gray cloth bag of the winter homework originally placed on the table, Zheng Qing stretched his waist, his eyes swayed in the classroom, and looked around at the students who had not seen him in ten months.

   It is six ten in the afternoon, and there are still twenty minutes before the regular class meeting today. The classroom is full of students. None of the young wizards in the Astronomy 08-1 class were late, and all arrived at the school before the start of school.

   But this is not a common phenomenon in the first university.

   In fact, as far as Zheng Qing knows, many students at Alpha College have the habit of postponing holidays after the holidays, especially those students from a family of wizards who regard postponement as a status symbol. The stronger the family, the higher the family status, the longer the vacation period, and vice versa.

   In their opinion, only ordinary wizard families, even students from Bai Ding, will obey the school rules and regulations and report to the school on time.

   The so-called privilege thinking is nothing more than this.

Although the students of    Astronomy 08-1 class have arrived, the overall state is a bit sluggish because of yesterday’s festival. In addition, the time is approaching the beginning of the regular meeting, and the more it suppresses the atmosphere in the classroom.

   The witches still sit in the front row of the classroom, whispering in twos and threes, discussing the content of the winter vacation homework; the witches gather in different corners of the classroom according to their respective small circles, and have a chat.

  Perhaps the only energetic person is the stick figure posted behind the door. I haven't seen it in ten months, it seems to be enthusiastic to everyone, thank everyone who is willing to talk to it, thank you everyone for sprinkling beautiful gold powder on its stick figure during the Chinese New Year.

   Zheng Qing thinks it is false to say thanks, it is true to find someone to gossip. After all, there are no students in class for more than a month, and the stick figure villain who stays on the drawing paper all day should have a hard time living.

   "Did you bring your mask?" Fatty Xin who had been sitting in the front row of Zheng Qing suddenly turned his head, with a narrow smile on his face, "Would you like to give some to the little elves on the blackboard?"

   Zheng Qing's face suddenly darkened.

   After waking up this morning, Zheng Qing suddenly came up with a new idea and gave the can of worm series pearl mud mask to the group of elves he raised.

The elves were so touched by this strange gift, they screamed in the dormitory all day, and almost every elves rolled in that jar, wrapped in a thick, white coat. The pearl mud of care flew around staggeringly, hitting everyone's tents or robes at every turn.

   Even the fat cats jumped out of the window in fright. They didn't go home until everyone came to the regular If you pay, I don't mind giving them a gift. "Zheng Qing lifted his eyelids and glanced at the fat man, and snorted angrily - he was just paying attention to the gypsy witch sitting on the other side of the classroom, and was in no mood to take care of the fat man.

   Fatty Xin didn't seem to notice the impatience of publicly funded students, but he became more energetic.

   "If you have money, you can't give away elves," the fat man patted his round belly and slapped his lips, "I would rather replace it with a chicken leg and stuff it into my belly."

   "So you're not a big Arcana." Zhang Jixin, who was sitting on the side, gave the fat man a bit unexpectedly.

   Zheng Qing gave him a look of approval.

   Fatty Xin didn’t get annoyed by the back, but a thoughtful expression appeared on his face, “Speaking of Arcana, Captain, have you received any strange letter paper recently?”

   Zheng Qing heard the words and immediately thought of the cyan flying crane with paw prints received yesterday.

   he asked calmly, "How do you say?"

"I heard... I just heard," the fat man first emphasized his source, and then said in a low voice. It's getting more and more intense, and it is difficult for any club in the school to stay out of the matter. It is said that the head of each club will receive a solicitation letter.

   "Either Leger’s or Augustus’s."

   "You must choose a team."


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