Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter 96: battle x epilogue

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Because the offensive on both sides was too terrifying, the others could only watch from a distance and could not intervene.

"Quite amazing fight."

Illumi leaned against the wall of a villa and looked at the area ahead.

The golden giant palm and the black and red tentacles kept colliding, crushing, and shattering, and the ground kept shaking violently.

Even he who has been baptized by various manga and anime in his previous life has to admit it.

Fighting like this is really pleasing and exciting.

He clearly saw every move and every move of Nitro.

Of the people present, only three of them could clearly perceive the changes and moves of Nitro.

Illumi, Kim Bradley, Maha Punch.

"However, that monster is even more amazing."

Illumi turned his attention to the center of the battle, the pure black figure surrounded by many black and red tentacles.

He ate a missile abruptly before, and then took the trick of Mahar to beat the enemy. He was hit twice in a row, and he was still able to fight back and forth with Nitro.

Fortunately, he woke up early, if he absorbed enough energy, he would wake up naturally.

At that time, I am afraid that apart from the nuclear bomb, no one can really control him.

"Over there, what happened?"

Because of the battle with Nitro, the black and red tentacles that had been attacking the military helicopter group stopped moving.

The pilots and soldiers in the helicopter were all looking at the area where the dust was constantly rising. They didn't know why, but they were still shocked.

"Something is fighting those monsters!"

All they could see was black and red tentacles breaking out of the ground, and being hit to the ground by unknown things, crushing them.

A temporary command post on the outskirts of the city of Biro.

"That is, Isaac Nitro, the strongest telepath in the world!"

A general with the rank of brigadier general, with white hair on his temples, looked solemnly at the picture on the screen and the golden statue of Guanyin.

Hilliard Hansen, that's his name.

General Hansen, he participated in many wars, went to the Chimei Continent Triangle three times to perform missions, and participated in the wars of the Balusa Islands, the Mitny Federation, and the Khan Kingdom.

Awarded three Gold Stars, two Silver Stars, and Congressional Medal.

He once led an 80-person Marine Corps to the Ozma Federation for secret military activities, successfully wiped out 300 people, aimed at the target with laser guidance, and made the missile accurately hit the enemy's military buildings.

The final mission was successfully completed, but his 80 soldiers remained in the Ozma Federation forever, and he was the only one who returned safely.

Everyone who knew him called him a hero.

But all those familiar with him felt that the title "legendary" was more accurate.

He was named the supreme commander of the incident.

He had been informed six hours earlier that the Pegrosse government and V5 had taken steps to keep the incident top secret.

At this moment, General Hansen looked at the picture on the screen.

He felt that some people might need to be contacted.

But, that's after this incident is over.

At this moment, the missiles at the Vastian Air Force Base are already in tension. If the actions of Nitro and others fail, the military will immediately launch a fatal blow to the city of Bilo.

General Hansen, who is fully aware of the seriousness of this incident, will never influence his judgment because of the lives of the remaining 700,000 people.




At this time, the battle between Nitro and the monster continued.


Suddenly, an inexplicable aura swept across, and Yilu Mi's breathing stagnated, and he felt that even the flow of the surrounding air was stagnant for a moment.

"That is……"

Illumi looked at the source of the momentum, and saw that Maha Dengke was walking slowly, step by step, towards the battle area between Nitro and the monster.

His whole body was covered with a layer of blue-black air, burning like a flame. Wherever he passed, the sand and stone chips on the ground were suspended in violation of gravity.

"It's amazing, and this feeling seems familiar."

Ilumi frowned, and there was an aura about Maha Dadike that made him extremely uncomfortable.

That kind of aura was a little bit similar to the aura he felt at the foot of the volcano in Kukulu Mountain.


The black figure who was fighting with Nitro slowly turned his head and looked at Maha Punch.

The moment he turned his head, Nitro keenly seized the opportunity, and the attack combination of the Hundred-style Avalokitesvara changed in an instant, and a huge golden palm smashed on top of his head.


The giant golden palm smashed on his head, deforming his cheeks, but his body was still forcibly supporting, trying to push back Nitro's attack.

"Boom boom boom..."

But next, it was just Nitro's unilateral crushing offensive, the dense golden palms fell one after another, and the earth trembled.

Nitro attacked in succession for nearly a minute before he stopped the attack, landed from mid-air, took a deep breath, folded his hands, and closed his eyes in prayer.


The moment Nitro stopped the offensive, Maha Dadike's momentum soared, and the ground under his feet cracked, turning into a blue-black streamer and rushing into the dusty area.

The dust densely covered in the air was just blown away by the gust of wind brought by the speed of Maha.


A loud noise came from the dust in the sky, and a black streamer flew out of it.


He covered his face with his arms, and flew upside down with his body on the ground, his legs suddenly straightened, and deeply inserted into the ground, creating two deep ditches.


Despite this, his body was still going backwards, hitting three walls in a row before stopping.

"Really, as if something terrifying has awakened."

Grid came to Ilumi's side, looked at the short figure with blue and black flames all over his body, and his face was rarely dignified.

"However, there is an extremely ominous feeling."

Kim Bradley frowned, looking at Maha Punch, who had an aura that made him extremely fearful.

You must know that his essence is an angry beast. Whether it is fear, fear, or jealousy, these emotions should not exist.

Then there is only one reason, the deity of Maha Dadike's breath can threaten his essence.

"Where is this old man holy?"

Potterby and Ginta stood side by side, looking at the short figure with disbelief in their eyes.

"It's amazing, is this the foreign aid that President Nitro invited?"

Yin Tai had no other opinion on that figure, but only thought that he was very strong, surpassing them and reaching the level of president.

"Da da……"

Suddenly, Ma Ha Dadike moved. Like before, he first took a slow step, and then...


He suddenly appeared in front of the shadow, his hands folded together and turned into knives to stab at each other.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

He kept dodging, and the knife that Maha thrashed against the enemy slashed across his cheek, causing slight bruises.

On the way, he moved, and when he realized that he was injured, his pure white eyes opened.

"Boom! Boom!"

Black and red tentacles suddenly emerged from the ground under the feet of Maha Punchingke, and his wrinkled face was full of eyes, and he quickly jumped up.

"Xuuuu" two sounds of breaking through the air, and two consecutive raids from the ground were easily avoided by Maha Punch.


A thick roar came from the black figure's throat, and he took the opportunity to grab the left leg of Maha Punch, raised it high, and slammed it to the ground.


Maha Punch's body smashed a round hole on the ground. The black figure didn't let go of his legs, raised it again, and smashed it down.

"Boom bang bang...!!"

After Maha Dadike was squeezed by the opponent and smashed his calf seventeen times in a row, his body burst out with a "bang", and he broke away from the arm of the black figure in an instant.


There was a loud bang, and this time, it was Maha Punch that kicked him in the face and kicked him upside down.

Maha Dadike took advantage of the situation to pursue, and appeared in front of him with a "swoosh", and chopped down with a knife.


The arm wrapped in black thread collided with the hand knife wrapped in a lot of blue and black aura, making a sound of gold and iron.


The two fought against each other continuously during the inverted flight. The difference in size between the two was huge, and it looked like a baby and an adult were fighting.

Suddenly, when Maha Dadike attacked him with one hand, a blue-black energy bullet condensed with the other hand.


Maha Dadike stepped on his arm and jumped high, throwing energy bullets at him in his hand.


The energy bullet hit him in the face, smashing it into the ground, causing a violent explosion.

But the attack of Ma Ha Dieneke was not over yet. He spread out his arms, and instantly condensed two blue-black energy bullets, which were thrown at the monster on the ground again.

"Boom! Boom!"

The ejection of the two energy bombs caused two violent explosions again.


However, from the two explosions, the monster's low roar sounded, and a black figure suddenly rushed out of the explosion, and in an instant, it came to the front of Maha Dadike.


The palm that was bigger than Maha Punch's head pressed on his face, slammed on the ground with a "bang", pressed Maha Punch's face, and slid all the way with the inertia of the impact.

"Bang bang bang..."

Maha Punch's face was pressed to the ground, and he smashed many rocks and broken walls on the way. When the inertia of the impact disappeared, he lifted Maha Punch and threw it to the church in the distance.


With a loud noise, Maha Dadike slammed into the interior of the church, smashing through multiple stone pillars in a row, and the church collapsed suddenly.

"Boom boom boom..."

Inside the collapsed church, a large number of black and red tentacles suddenly emerged, and they carried out a violent covering attack on the ruined area of ​​the church. This continuous covering attack lasted until the thirtieth second.


The dust and mist that had permeated the surrounding of the church dissipated, and all the tentacles that fell on Maha Punch were bounced off.

"Dragon fights in the wild!"

Among the ruins of the church, the voice of Maha Punching the enemy had a hint of decay and silence, but it was like the sound of the sky reaching everyone's ears.

"hold head high!!!"

With a dragon roar, the blue-black giant rose into the sky, circled in the sky, destroyed all the black and red tentacles, turned to face the black figure, and charged straight towards him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

A large number of black lines emerged, surrounding his body and turning it into a giant black cocoon.

At the same time, a large number of black and red tentacles drilled out from the ground behind him, twisted and twisted into a huge black and red arm, opened his palm, and grabbed the incoming blue-black dragon.


At the moment when the two attacked and contacted, an extremely violent aftermath erupted, sweeping and spreading towards the surroundings.

The blue-black dragon and the black-red arms collided, squeezing each other, pressing each other, majestic, causing a gust of wind.

But what the monster in the black cocoon didn't notice was.

From behind him, a figure dressed in a white robe jumped high, and a golden behemoth suddenly appeared behind the black cocoon.


The black line on the top of the black cocoon quickly dissipated, revealing a hole large enough for the human body to enter and exit, and a black shadow turned into a streamer and rushed out of it.

However, it is too late to act now.


The loving palm robe has already covered his body, making a loud and loud sound like a bell.

"Hundred-style Avalokitesvara · Zero Nai Palm!"

Nitro's figure was suspended in mid-air, his hands clasped together, his eyes closed in prayer, and a loud, low voice spread throughout the city of Bilo.

The giant mouth of the golden Guanyin Colossus opened to form an oval. Nitro covered 90% of his body's Qi on the blow, which contained Nitro's huge spirit and will, and turned it into a star. Such a dazzling light bullet.


With a roar without mercy, the scene from ten minutes ago reappeared. The violent explosion caused by the light bomb made the earth tremble, and the strong air flow overflowed all around, and the soil and stones on the ground splashed.

"Longyou Nebula!"

At this moment, the moment Nitro's attack fell, an equally loud voice sounded.

"hold head high!"

A dragon's roar that was louder than ever before resounded through the sky, and from the ruins of the church, a blue-black dragon with a body length of hundreds of meters flew out again, rushing towards Heihong and raising his hand.

The two giant dragons came together, and Heihong raised his hand no longer to maintain it, turning into black smoke and dissipating in the air.

"hold head high!!!"

The two dragon roars overlapped into a sound, the two dragon bodies entwined each other, opened their huge mouths, and rushed towards the black giant cocoon covered by light! ! ! "

The ground was torn apart, and the two energies collided. There was a "ZZZZ" sound in the center, lightning and thunder, and a powerful burst of energy, like a nuclear bomb explosion, forming a strong shock wave.

"Be careful! Hold on tight!"

In the air, many armed helicopters were swayed by the gust of wind, and after waves appeared on the ground, like ripples in the river, spreading out all around.


The walls of the surrounding houses could not bear the pressure, and the dense gaps were cracked, smashed into pieces with a "bang", swept up by the strong wind, and flew high into the sky.

The high-altitude armed helicopter group was blown to pieces by the strong wind, and some soldiers "kneeled" and vomited out.

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