Hunter x Hunter: Noah’s Heart

Chapter 484: Election and declaration

On August 1, 2000, almost all hunters received a notice from Hunter Twelve.

The so-called twelve hunters are the powerful hunters recognized by Nitro during his lifetime. Nitro gave them the corresponding twelve earthly branches and the zodiac codes, allowing them to assist Nitro in handling the affairs of the association. Also bears the responsibility of playing with Nitro.

Most of the members of the Twelve Branches admire President Nitro, so after receiving the corresponding title, they will deliberately change their appearance and personality according to their title, which makes people can't help admire Nitro's personal charm.

The notice issued by the Twelve Hunters Branch this time is that the election of the thirteenth generation of Hunter President will be held from 0 am to 23:59:59 pm on August 8.

Participating in the election is in the lobby on the first floor of the Hunter Association headquarters. Of course, the twelve branches also take into account the situation that some hunters cannot get away, so it is also allowed to vote as long as they are certified by the three supervisory committees.

"One of the voting rules, all hunters are both participants and candidates. Oh, this is really interesting. Noah, don't you want to run for it?"

"Who will vote for me?"

"Of course, most people should be aware of the match between you and Nitro. As long as you report your name, there should be people who admire your ability to vote. Besides, Parisstone has many associate members. Yes, as long as you have this heart, you may not be able to fight."

"Forget it, this election is just a hunting game. What is really interesting is the process. It is not easy to sit in the position of the president of the association. Are there any follow-up rules?"

At this time, Noah and Mill, Pandora and Cataldofen are staying in the capital of Celai, the southern capital of Bergerose, in the palace of Queen Coco Yalu's capital.

"Rule two." After listening, Mill didn't say much, looking at the voting instructions in his hand again.

"In the initial voting, if the number of votes received does not exceed half of all members of the association, the previous 16 candidates will be elected again. If the conditions are not met, the candidates will be halved and elected again. "

"It's a good way to save time and effort." Pandora, who was reading a book, became interested.

"Rule three, if the turnout rate does not reach 95%, this election needs to be repeated."

"Rule four, voters must write their names, and unregistered names are considered invalid."

"So, it seems that this rule is not the initial rule set by Nitro. It seems that the twelve branches were added after receiving Nitro's request to vote for the president, and the internal discussion was added. This rule should be Kim is right."

Hearing the last rule, Noah could roughly guess who proposed it.

"When the voting is about to begin, let Parisstone know so that he can record the list of voters by the way."

"Then this election, if Parisstone becomes the president, it would be better for us."

"Probably, but since Jin is participating, his identity may be seen through. Although Jin’s character definitely does not want to be the president, but if you know the fact that Parisstone is a Nianmon, you can’t confirm it. If Parisstone takes orders from someone else, there is a high probability that he will be a little more serious, that is, he will never let Parisstone be the president."

"What if he can find us?" Mill asked.

"That will definitely ask what we plan to do, and the end result is still the same, and Parisstone will not be the president."

"Unlucky Parisstone."

"Let them play slowly. It doesn't matter what the result is. After this vote, Kajin should also take action." Noah did not take this election to heart.

"Let's talk." Hearing Noah talked about Kajin, Pandora continued: "If Kajin knows that we are working with Bergerose again, I am afraid it will be unsatisfactory?"

"Probably, but Bergerose’s side is so smooth, even if Kajin is not satisfied, it is completely acceptable. At the beginning, our purpose was only for Kajin to publicly admit that we were hired, so that it could be compatible with V5 A little more bargaining chips, it’s not that important now, including the follow-up things about privileges, so even if they eventually regret it, it doesn’t matter, of course it’s better not to regret it.

"Initially, we didn't promise that they would only cooperate with them." Mill smirked.

"Anyway, if Kajin wants to go to the Dark Continent, he must reach a consensus with V5. We only need to use this opportunity to get a name."

While speaking, the door was opened and Coco Yalu walked in.

"You guys are really leisurely, make sure there will be no problems on the coca side? And where did your people go?" While questioning, Coco sat across from Noah.

"He is now directly ordered by you. You should know the situation best. As for our people, as we said before, they have been settled."

"It's best to not go wrong, I don't want to regret it."

Like the sharpness hidden deep in her eyes, Coco Yalu had a very strong idea deep in her heart. In fact, her mother, who was the former domestic monarch, was already dissatisfied with Bergerose’s current system. Because of Coca’s father’s sloppy governance style, Bergerose’s national power has been stagnant, so Coco’s mother has been thinking about how to change Bergerose’s status quo, and now Coco She also inherited the idea of ​​her She has been looking for opportunities to overthrow the current regime.

However, the overthrow of the regime represents change, and the current Bergerose is not ready.

At this time, the appearance of Noah and others gave Cocoa a perfect opportunity.

Noah’s conditions were simple, requiring Bergerose to form an alliance with the Ark, and the Ark would help Bergerose to make changes and at the same time make Bergerose to be the dominant player in the upcoming dark continent.

The Ark's strength has already been shown, even if it does not agree, with the other party's direct raid on the capital, there must be a follow-up filing method. After considering this, Coco agreed to Noah's condition and concluded an alliance.

And Noah immediately made a statement, writing Coca's name in the Reaper's guest book, and then summoned to be controlled by Cocoa. This directly made Coco the only person in charge of Bergerose.

Right now, under Coco's power, Bergerose is gradually beginning to change, and at the same time, Bergerose is already prepared for the upcoming declaration of Kajin.

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