Hunter x Hunter: Ant King Multiverse

Chapter 322 Servant who commits suicide

"I can't tell the priorities at all. Is this really the chief warrior of the Fiona Knights of Ireland? According to normal people's judgment, the right choice should be to cover the retreat of my lord at this time." "Lemon Head" among the ruins Kenneth sat in a wheelchair and secretly observed Diarmuid's battle while complaining.

"Is it just the bravery of a reckless man? Or did this guy do it on purpose?" If he hadn't had a backup plan, "Lemon Director" Kenneth's face would have looked very ugly at this time.

Could it be that all these followers have become stupid? Focused on dueling and forgetting the ultimate goal? This is the Holy Grail War, a war. How could it be such a child's play to ask for a battle, completely disregarding the life and death of his master? It's really a headache.

With a light "pop", a silenced bullet hit the ground in front of Kenneth, attracting Kenneth's attention.

"Emiya Kiritsugu." Kenneth looked at Emiya Kiritsugu with a complicated expression, holding a pistol aimed at him.

If it weren't for this man, I'm afraid the magic markings in his body wouldn't be completely paralyzed. But it was precisely because of this man that he gained more power than before.

A power I had never experienced before.

But one thing is certain, in my heart I really want to kill this man with my own hands.

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at Kenneth coldly. He didn't care about the other person's inner activities but pulled out a red shadow from behind the pillar he was covering, and pointed the pistol originally aimed at Kenneth at the other person.

"Sola." Kenneth's pupils narrowed slightly, but now he didn't know how to evaluate this woman he was once crazy obsessed with.

If it were my old self, I’d be extremely nervous, right? Threatening yourself with the other party will really make you lose your sense of proportion and make you lose your position.

Is this your purpose? Emiya Kiritsugu. This is a judgment based entirely on my careful analysis of my personal character. I went specifically to find this woman.

Huh, it's a pity that now I only have a deep feeling of disgust for this daughter.

No matter how much I loved her before, now I wish I could kill her with my own hands?

Because I loved, I hated.

The deeper the love, the more painful the hate.

"Shhh" Emiya Kiritsugu put his index finger to his mouth, signaling Kenneth not to shout loudly.

Then he threw a parchment scroll and a severed arm at the opponent.

There are two severed arms with bright red command spells on the back of the hand. They belong to Sora.

"Self-forcible certificate? Can LANCER save my and Sora's lives after committing suicide? Hehe. It's quite a despicable method, but it is indeed very effective. However, even if I sign this contract, with the character of Emiya Kiritsugu I'm afraid you won't let go of my life easily." Kenneth looked at the parchment in his hand and analyzed it calmly like a bystander.

Kenneth was originally a very good magician. If it weren't for the fact that Emiya Kiritsugu interfered with Kenneth's thinking by grabbing his most cherished Sora, and at the same time retaining a sense of luck deep in his heart, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been so easy. Trust Emiya Kiritsugu.

There is only a dirty exchange of interests between magicians, and betrayal is common.

"Hey, I'm worried that I can't terminate the contract with Lancer. I used some tricks to modify the contract and made Sora become Lancer's magic supply unit, but there is always a contract between me and Lancer. Although with Assassin We also signed a contract, but because the contract with Lancer was not terminated, the contract was also incomplete. I was worried about this before, but I didn’t expect Emiya Kiritsugu to give me such a big gift.”

"What's the use of keeping a useless servant who doesn't know how to look at the right person and is still spying on the Master (referring to Sora)?"

Moreover, according to this self-enforcement certificate, although others can kill me, Emiya Kiritsugu yourself cannot attack me.

You are eager to pass the clues to me.

In a place where Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't see, Kenneth's eyes flashed.

Then Emiya Kiritsugu signed the certificate of self-enforcement in the eyes of others, and Emiya Kiritsugu handed over the unconscious Sora to Kenneth without saying a word.

"In the name of the Command Seal, I order you, Lancer, to commit suicide!" Kenneth's severed arm that was holding Sola tightly emitted a burst of red light.

Following Kenneth's command spell, before Diarmuid could even react, the spear in his hand pierced his chest.

"LANCER!" Faced with the sudden situation, Arturia, who was fighting with Diarmuid, was shocked.

"Why?!" In an instant, a huge wave of resentment emanated from Diarmuid's body.

Malice, this is Diarmuid's deep malice towards the world and everyone present.

"Ahhhh!!!" Diarmuid roared angrily. "Do you guys really want to win?"

Blood continuously spurted out from Diarmuid's chest.

It even dyed the surrounding ground red.

"You don't hesitate to trample on my only wish, Diarmuid. Don't you guys have the slightest sense of shame?"

Diarmuid's eyes turned blood red, and then black blood appeared in his body.

"Unforgivable. Unforgivable, I, Diarmuid, will be waiting for your arrival in hell."

His body gradually collapsed and finally disappeared from everyone's sight after saying these few curse words filled with Diarmuid's endless resentment.

"Once again. Once again! You deceived me again!" Arturia held the holy sword in her hand tightly.

This is another despicable method.

Arturia closed her eyes tightly, as if she was having a fierce ideological struggle in her heart.

"Emiya Kiritsugu, in this case the contract will be established, right?"

But Kenneth's eyes were surprisingly calm when he issued this order.

Watching all this with cold eyes.

"Well, I can't attack you anymore." It's a strange feeling. Why do I still have an ominous premonition even though his followers have committed suicide.

Is it because of King Arthur?

If that doesn't work, just use the last command spell.

The first thing to do is to resolve the matter here as soon as possible. Otherwise it would be bad if other Masters found out.

Emiya Kiritsugu threw the cigarette butt in his hand away.

A burst of gunshots rang out in the silent sky.

This was Emiya Kiritsugu's signal for Kuu Maiya to take action.

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