"Abel, show some real skills. Your pressure is not worth mentioning in front of me." Meruem waved his hand, and the pressure from God that Abel had displayed before instantly dissipated in Sumeru. between.

All the Golden Saints also breathed a long sigh of relief after the pressure dissipated. Except for Saga, who has been talking to gods and Buddhas since childhood, the Golden Saints including Saga felt a little bit uncomfortable with their previous performance. Fever on face.

So shameful.

"Mortal, you are very good. Surrender to me, and I will consider sparing your life and giving you everything you want." After seeing Meruem's performance, Abel once again couldn't help but extend an olive branch.

Abel's current enemies are not just Athena, but also the Olympus gods in heaven. Getting a powerful subordinate would be very helpful for his plan.

"Oh, really?" Meruem looked at Abel with interest and said. "Everything you want?"

"Yes, I am a god, the sun god Abel. I can satisfy you whatever you want." Abel said immediately when he heard that there was something going on. "Mortal, surrender to me and speak your wish."

However, Abel had been sealed for too long, and his brain reaction was a bit slow. He actually didn't even hear the ridicule in Meluem's words, and thought that Meluem was impressed by his conditions.

"Then, give me your godhead!" Meruem attacked Abel like a sharp arrow from a bow.

A white qigong bullet was thrown towards Abel's face. He had long been unhappy with this guy's face.

Abel was accidentally hit by this qigong bullet and turned his head to the side. The half of the cheek hit by the Qigong bullet immediately became swollen, and traces of bright red blood actually came out of the gap in the corner of the mouth.

Fortunately, Meruem only taught him a lesson and did not go all out, otherwise it would not be as simple as just shedding some blood.

"How dare you, how dare you hurt my noble body!" Abel touched the corner of his mouth and looked at the trace of blood on the tip of his finger in a daze, as if he was going crazy.

The strands of blue hair automatically floated up without any wind, and small blue universes continuously spewed out from Abel's body. In the temple of the goddess that was supposed to be closed, strong hurricanes started to rise outwards with Abel as the center.

"Ah, I'm angry." Meruem, who did all this, ignored Abel's anger and laughed heartlessly.

"Oh, by the way, the guy in front of you is not someone you can fight against now. You and Shion should take a rest first. Saori will be back soon, just in time for you to greet him. Before she comes back, I will get rid of this guy as soon as possible. !" Meruem said to the supporting Gold Saints, and the last one he was referring to was the furious Abel.

After hearing this, the Golden Saints immediately supported Shion and walked quickly outside the Temple of the Goddess. Meruem was right, Abel was not something they could fight against.

"Ants, do you think you can escape safely after disturbing the gods?" Abel obviously had no intention of letting these golden saints leave. From a distance, he punched a huge microcosm and aimed at the golden saints. Flying in the direction of the Saints, they are bound to be killed.

However, Abel did not succeed, because a big hand stood in front of the Golden Saints, blocking Abel's fatal blow.

"Sorry, former Sun God, your opponent is me." Meruem emphasized the first word in front of Abel, making Abel scream in anger.

Abel was indeed the sun god before he was removed from the divine book and sealed, but the current sun god is indeed Apollo. How could Meluem's very direct sarcasm keep Abel from getting carried away?

"I'm going to kill you! Mortal! You must bear the wrath of God!" The temperature in the Temple of the Goddess where Meruem and Abel were located suddenly rose sharply. After a few seconds, the temperature in the Temple of the Goddess had reached an extremely high level. It was so frightening that even the air around him became a little distorted.

The moisture in the air quickly evaporated and dissipated, and the air in the entire goddess temple was filled with a dry and uncomfortable feeling. The floor and stone pillars have become scalding hot. If you put a piece of meat on it, you can eat teppanyaki in no time.

Then a small sun seemed to appear behind Abel, and the heat contained in it was staggering. Even the stone chair behind Abel showed signs of melting. It was not an ordinary stone chair made of rock. In terms of hardness, it was even higher than the golden holy cloth. It’s hard to imagine how hot the sun behind Abel is.

The small sun behind Abel slowly floated in front of Abel, and a whole wave of heat continued to hit Meruem. Even the white robe Meruem wore actually started to burn with flames. signs. In an instant, the white robe turned into ashes, revealing the Chimera Saint Cloth on Meruem. If an ordinary mortal stood in Meruem's position, he would be like that white robe even if he had not died of dehydration before. Turn into ashes.

Abel's face showed a satisfied smile, you have been locked by me, the damn mortal is finally going to be killed by me. He pushed the small sun in Meluem's direction with both hands.

"Corona!" The small sun flew towards Meruem like a cannonball.

"You actually tried to kill me without putting on your own divine clothes?" Meruem was calm and showed no sign of being frightened by the scene in front of him. Abel had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Don't you look down on me a little too much!" Meruem punched the oncoming mini-sun. When the mini-sun hit Meruem's fist, it did not appear. The image of Abel being burned out in his imagination. Instead, a shocking sight appeared. When the miniature sun hit Meluem's fist, it was bounced back like a baseball being hit by a baseball bat.

The small solar bomb flew out faster than when it came in. It swiped past Abel's face, who couldn't react in time, and penetrated the stone wall behind Abel. It flew towards the sky and turned into stars on the horizon. Until you can no longer see it.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I missed the target a bit under the Sun Temple. Next time, I will definitely aim at your head." Meruem tilted his head and smiled at Abel with a playful smile, but if there wasn't that, it would be as real as The words were filled with murderous intent. The main reason is that he doesn't like Guo Ben. Otherwise, Meluailu wouldn't even be able to pass on the Holy Cloth.

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