Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 207 This is my restriction and oath

Chapter 207 "This is my restriction and oath"

The battle in the "Ancient Labyrinth City" continues.


The small mountain-sized armored dragon with its head and short tail cut off was still tirelessly ramming into Germain.

Just ordinary fatal injuries could no longer kill this giant beast.

It wasn't until Germain cut a hole in the "gold and silver ingot" under its abdomen that was not covered by its thick leather armor, and black mist of spores poured out, that it finally lost its power source.

The parasitized armored dragon fell to the ground like an airship making a hard landing, wiping out a large bloody track.

The parasitic spores came in like smoke after an explosion, wave after wave, and soon approached not far in front of German.

Xiaodi held the "Protruding Eye Fish" and reminded from behind: "Germain, we should retreat."

"Wait a minute." Germain materialized a flamethrower and pointed it at the black mist of parasitic spores. "Try to see how effective the fire attack is."

The flamethrower sprayed tongues of flame into the black mist, and the spores suddenly made a crackling sound like popcorn.

At the same time, they also came to life, twisting and fluttering in mid-air, turning into the mouths of devouring giant beasts, biting at Germain.

Germain moved the flamethrower nozzle and swept the flames over, blocking the progress of the black maw.

After a while, all the parasitic spores in the sky were burned away by Germain's flames, and gray-black embers fell all over the ground, like a thick carpet.

Germain walked back to Xiaodi: "The flames cannot burn through the shell of the armored dragon, nor the shell of the "gold and silver ingot", but it is effective against the spores of the "gold and silver ingot". "

"Burning it with flame is like burning a nest of cockroaches. Just be careful not to let some of them escape and crawl on you."

"But..." Xiaodi adjusted her black-rimmed glasses like a female scholar, "Your mind energy is also consumed a lot, right? The flame is not burning the oil, it's your mind energy."

"It doesn't matter. I'm still very full of energy now. As long as I don't have constant fever, it doesn't matter," German replied.

He did not lie or show off, but it was indeed the case. So far, the duo of him and Xiaodi had teamed up to kill a total of five monsters.

"Physique" and "Qi Qi" both crossed the "Champion Level", reaching 103 points and 104 points respectively, thus obtaining the "Champion Halo", replacing the previous "Master Halo".

Under the "champion halo", Germain's "power" is already the first among those with telekinesis ability in the six continents, and his "physique" also allows him to reduce more "stress".

For example, the "pressure" from "Ancient Labyrinth City" has been further reduced from the previous 3 points to only 1 point.

This means that "Championship Aura" subtracts 7 points of damage for him every time he takes "pressure damage".

Although his "Physique" and "Qi" have both reached "Champion Level", Germain's overall combat power is still at "Master Level".

After all, most of his "physique" and "qi" were suddenly improved due to his "ability to think", not through natural practice or spiritual enlightenment.

It is like a person wearing a coat that is much larger than his body shape and frame.

Germain took off his "Grave Visitor's Hood", which allowed him to better look at Xiaodi.

The two of them were walking in the same direction while talking.

"I actually tried to use the "Protruding Eye Fish" to absorb the entire "Gold and Silver Ingot" or its spores... but it didn't work. I can't lie to myself. They are alive. "

"It was Bisji who asked you to give it a try, right?"

"Yes, she said, 'You can think they are dead,' and let me give it a try... However, they are alive. They were able to turn around just now, swarming towards us, and actively attacking us."


"You think so too? Anyway, I can't make the "bulging-eyed fish" eat anything alive... After cutting off the parasitic "gold and silver ingots", I can absorb the monster's corpse. "


"what why'?"

"Why are you so persistent that you can't let the "bulging-eyed fish" swallow a living thing? "

"That's my "restriction and oath". "Xiao Di opened her eyes wide in surprise, as if she was wondering why Germain could ask such a question.

"Then why did you formulate such "restrictions and oaths"? ” Germain decided to explain his problem more deeply.

"Hmm..." Xiaodi poked his chin with his index finger, thought seriously for a while, and replied, "Think carefully, it may be related to an incident I encountered in Meteor Street when I was a child."

"What's up?"

"Think about it, aren't we in Meteor Street very short of food and water? One time, I got into someone's house and planned to steal some food, but after searching for a long time, I found that their family had nothing to eat."

Germain vaguely guessed something, but still asked: "Then what?"

"Then I heard screaming in the room and saw them cutting their own children open to eat."

Xiao Di blinked her big eyes, her expression not changing at all.

"I'll never forget the way those parents looked at me."

"They want to eat you?"

"No, they looked like the dead people I saw on the roadside. They just looked at me and continued eating as if I didn't exist."

Germain was silent.

Xiaodi continued: "Later I heard that as long as I went to the church, there would be food, so I went. After a while, I told the old priest about it."

She touched the reverse cross necklace hanging on her chest: "The old priest sighed and said that they committed a serious crime, but they were not heinous, they just wanted to live."

"All in all, from then on, I couldn't accept eating anything that was still alive. It was probably because of this that the "bulge-eyed fish" also became like this. "

"I know that I am not a good person and I will never become a saint in this life. However, I still hope that I will abide by some bottom lines so that I can feel alive."

Germain nodded.

"Then just follow your own thoughts. The current ability of "Protruding Eye Fish" must be because of you. If you change, it may not have the current ability. "

"I thought so too... Hmm, it smells so good."

Germain was stunned when he heard Xiaodi suddenly say, "It smells so good." He didn't react until he smelled the fragrance himself.

What she was talking about was not the smell of meat as she imagined.

It was a strong fragrance, like the fragrance of unknown flowers blooming, coming from a quite distant place.

"You are back." Bisji walked out from behind a cubic stone pillar and said with a smile, "Jin is urging you. He said that if you don't come back, he will leave first."

"I didn't say that. Bisji, don't frame me."

Jin followed Bisji out, still holding the "Ancient Labyrinth City" map in his hand, which looked wrinkled.

"But, isn't this very similar to what you can do? A 'random idiot'?"

"Even if I continue to act recklessly, I still know that I alone cannot obtain the 'herb that cures all diseases'. "

"You can learn from your ancestor, Dong Fulisi."

Jin glanced at Bisji, ignored her sarcasm, and unfolded the rolled-up map. After confirming it again, he said, "You all smell that fragrance, right?"

"I smell it," Xiaodi said. "I just said to Germain, 'It smells so good.'"

“That should be the scent of ‘herb that cures all diseases’. " Jin explained, "The beasts' sense of smell is more sensitive than ours. They were attracted into the "ancient labyrinth city" and ended up falling prey to "gold and silver ingots". "

"We are very close to the "core of the ancient labyrinth city". According to our speed, I estimate that we will arrive before tomorrow afternoon. "

"Well." Bisji touched her blond single ponytail and combed it over her shoulders, "It feels like the journey has been pretty smooth. The monsters annihilated were all "elite level". "

“Maybe we’ll meet a ‘master’ next. " said Kim.

"Don't say such unlucky words."

Since Germain often used the same "personal opinion" as Hisoka to classify "levels of telekinesis users", everyone listened more and gradually accepted this idea, and naturally spoke it out during chats.

"Let's go ahead." Jin tapped the paper map with his knuckles, making a snapping sound, "East Fulis left a "residence", I don't know if it is still there now, we have to do it before dark Get there and spend the night. "

Dong Fulisi has been to the "Ancient Labyrinth City" more than once. Of course, he needed a place to stay overnight along the way, so he dug several "residences" on his own.

Germain and his party were going to one of them, which was considered a safe spot left for them by Dong Fulisi.

The further they walked forward, the more they could feel the change of time.

The sky gradually turned from bright to dim, and then the darkness covered most of the stone pillars like heavy snow.

Germain and his group seemed to be walking in the shadows of the sketch, and slowly, the colors on their bodies merged into it, like ashes after burning.

"It should be here." Jin paused and looked up at the Möbius strip carved on top of a stone pillar. "That's the mark left by Dong Fulisi."

There is a gap under the Möbius strip mark of this stone pillar. If you look at the other three walls, there are also such gaps.

"I always feel that as long as I see the Möbius strip, I will feel much more at ease." Bisji said sincerely.

"Help me look for it." Jin stuffed the paper map into his arms, then walked towards the stone pillar and gently touched the surface of the stone pillar with his hands. "There should be a secret door."

"Your actions are so disgusting." Bisji mocked, but he also chose a wall, touched it with his fingers, and knocked it with his fists.

Germain and Xiaodi looked at each other and started looking for it. In the end, Jin found it first.

"This is it!" He said loudly, and everyone heard and walked towards him, "This is it."

Jin pushed the wall in front of him hard, and a piece of the wall that originally seemed to fit perfectly was pushed in, revealing a dark inner room, and a dull breath came out.

With a bang, Shi Men was pushed to the ground by Jin. He waved his hand to blow away the smell of dust: "Let's let some air in first."

After a while, everyone entered with flashlights. They covered their mouths and noses and coughed a few times while shining the flashlight beam into the space inside the stone pillar.

It was dark inside, except for a gap two or three meters high on the four walls, which served as a window for air circulation.

Dong Fulisi dug out a cubic space at the bottom of this stone pillar as his temporary residence.

The "Temporary Residence of East Fulis" will be the residence of Germain and his party tonight.

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