Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 196 Can’t be treated as an object by NPC?

Chapter 196 "Can't be regarded as a target by NPC?"

In "Magic City Mashadora", Germain and Xiaodi can clearly feel that the number of "game players" has increased. It seems that many people like to stay here.

This is normal. After all, "Greed Island" is a trading card game.

"Magic City Mashadora" is the core area for card circulation and exchange.

They can see many "game players" directly manifesting "BOOK" - a magic book, displaying and using various "cards", or trading, threatening, or fighting.

Anyway, the scene was quite lively.

Germain and Xiaodi watched several exciting and exciting card battles from a distance, and then left after losing interest.

After that, they came to "Love City·Ai Ai".

This is a place where the atmosphere of love exudes everywhere, and you can encounter the love flag almost anytime and anywhere.

However, they walked around "Love City·Love" and did not trigger any love events.

"It's so strange." Xiaodi tilted her head and said, "I clearly remember Jin said that when we come here, different types of men and women will approach us..."

"It should be because we are "administrators". "German reasoned, "We cannot be treated as targets of effects by "NPCs". "

Xiaodi raised her eyebrows, hammered her palm with her fist, and said suddenly: "So that's it."

However, when Germain thought about it carefully later, he felt a little strange.

After all, in other cities, although there are very few, there are still "NPCs" who will come to them and try to get them to complete the main line or branch lines. Why is there no "NPC" doing this here?

Is there something wrong?

The two of them didn't take it to heart, and just left "Love City·Ai'ai" and came to the last stop of the afternoon - "Seaside City·Shoufu Rabbi".

Leza deliberately walked out of a tavern to greet them as they wandered around the market.

"How did you know we were coming?" Xiaodi asked in surprise.

Leza said with a smile: "I can see the records after using all the "mobile spell cards", not to mention the monitoring by Yida and Elena. "

"Come on, let's sit in the tavern."

Since Leza is set to be the "pirate leader" in this area and a ferocious thug, the nearby "NPCs" react in fear and panic when they see him coming and going.

"The reaction of your "NPC" is so real. "Xiao Di looked around and couldn't help but say.

"Thank you for the compliment." Leza pushed open the door of the tavern and made way for Germain and Xiaodi to go in. "But the main tasks still need to be completed by 'humans'."

“‘NPCs’ are already very smart, but after all, there are places where they cannot understand the thinking of ‘game players’, and it is easy for them to take advantage of them. In some special situations, humans can do special things. "

"My subordinates are all real human beings. Like me, they are all death row prisoners. We have all signed a contract and must carry out this duty for life to avoid the death penalty."

Soon, Germain and Xiaodi saw Leza's men.

Most of them were men, except for one woman. They all wore clown-like black knitted hats and white shirts or T-shirts.

When they saw Leza bringing two people in, they couldn't help but put down the wine bottles in their hands, and they were all a little confused.

Germain and Xiaodi are not "NPCs" at first glance, but if they are "game players", why would Leza bring them here personally?

He is not such a kind-hearted person, and the death row prisoners know this best.

Leza quickly answered their questions.

"To avoid misunderstanding, I will tell you now." Leza said loudly, "In the future, the "Greed Island Management Team" will have a new batch of "administrators", and they are two of them. "

The pirates understood and it turned out that a group of "administrators" had been airborne.

However, they just watched blankly, neither cheering nor applauding, because the new "Administrator" would not change their situation much.

They just don't have to carry out the death penalty, but other treatment is not much better.

Leza did not force the group of death row prisoners to greet Germain and Xiaodi, but entertained the two of them himself.

After talking to him, Germain discovered that Leza was surprisingly a very talkative person. He had no grudge against losing to Germain and always spoke and acted openly.

Perhaps this is why King selected him as a "Greed Island Management Member" from a group of death row prisoners.

Of course, Leza's combat prowess is also a very important reason.

When it was getting dusk, the three people who were chatting happily separated.

"I won't go back to Rimi Road tonight. "

Leza pointed his thumb backwards at the noisy group of pirates behind him. Many of them were already drunk and were shouting and taunting each other.

"I have to watch them. Last night when I was away, two people tried to escape and were executed by me... Now we have to add new death row prisoners. They really can't learn well."

"Okay, let's talk about it later."

"Well, let's talk when we have time."

After leaving the tavern, Germain and Xiaodi used the "Administrator's Exclusive Mobile Card" to fly to "the city under the castle - Rimi Road".

Leza waved to them from the spot until their figures disappeared from the horizon.

At the dinner that day, Jin, Liszt and Du En asked Germain and Xiaodi about their experiences that day.

Germain and Xiaodi said it one by one.

When they talked about the "cold reception" they received in "Love City·Ai'ai", Jin looked at the other two "administrators" with some surprise.

"In the past few years since I was away, have you modified the settings of "Love City·Love"? "

"No." Du En spread his hands in confusion and touched his stubble-covered chin, "I just changed a little bit, innocuous aspects."

"Generally speaking, unless the "Administrator Ring" is actively displayed, the "NPC" will act according to the normal action pattern. "

"Germain and his friends haven't finished their "Administrator Rings" yet. We just gave them "Administrator Exclusive Cards" today. The action mode of "NPC" should be the normal mode. "

"Gamer" has a "Gamer Ring", which embodies the "Magic Book" and plays the game.

The "Administrator" also has an "Administrator Ring", which allows him to gain authority over all "game players".

As long as they wear the "administrator ring", it will disappear, but the "administrator identity" will be locked.

"NPCs" will also have special reactions when facing "administrators", that is, special dialogues and actions, which are basically related to the main line and side tasks.

"Even if they have a "Administrator Ring", they shouldn't react like this. "Liszt frowned, "This is strange. "

"The "NPC" cannot ignore the "administrator" because the interaction between the "administrator" and the "NPC" will give the "game player" information about various tasks... Is this some kind of BUG? "

Du En curled his lips and said, "I'll go check with Yida and Elena later. It doesn't matter, it's not the first time this kind of bug has happened. Just fix it..."

"Wait a minute." Jin raised his head and suddenly asked, "The triggering mechanism of the "love event" in "Love City·Love" is still the same, right? "

"There are some minor modifications, but it's still roughly the same as before." Du En replied, and then he widened his eyes and looked at Jin, "What do you mean..."

Jin extended a finger towards Du En and Liszt.

At this time, even Liszt also reacted. The three of them looked at each other for a while, then looked at Germain and Xiaodi.

Xiaodi looked at them in confusion: "What's wrong? Your eyes look so strange."

Germain also frowned.

"Uh...just..." Jin thought for a while, "Forget it, just let nature take its course. I'm not qualified to teach you anything."

Later, Jin brought the topic to Leza and the group of death row prisoners, and no one mentioned this matter again.

After the dinner, German asked King: "Do you have anyone here who can make clothes?"

"Yes." Jin replied, "Do you want to customize a suit of clothes?"

Germain nodded: "Yes, let me draw a sketch for you."

"Can you draw?" Xiaodi asked curiously.

"I know a little bit." Germain found white paper, pencil and eraser from Liszt, and started drawing.

Both Jin and Xiaodi were watching, watching the suit gradually take shape at the tip of Germain's pen.

"You really know how to draw." Jin was slightly surprised. "The hood, robe, gloves and trousers are quite detailed. You must have been thinking about them for a while, right?"

"This was someone else's design, and I copied it directly."

"Oh, that's right. Does it have a name?"

"Yes, it's called "Grave Explorer Hunter Black Robe". "

""Grave Explorer Hunter Black Robe"..." Jin Lean thought, ""Grave Explorer", what you explore are ancient tombs and ruins. You are here for the "ancient labyrinth city". "

He agreed wholeheartedly: "No problem, I'll have someone customize it for you. It's just a set of clothes. It will be done quickly. I will definitely make it before the next "exploration". "

Jin took the sketch and left happily, but Xiaodi stayed.

She pointed to the pen and paper in Germain's hand and asked, "Can you draw a picture for me?"

Germain looked up at her and said, "It's possible, but my level is limited, and the human face may not be that similar. If you want to take a self-portrait, you might as well find some famous artists..."

"I just want to draw a random picture." Xiaodi moved a chair, sat in the moonlight in front of the window, and said relaxedly, "You go ahead and draw it."

So, Germain drew a picture for Xiaodi and then handed it to her to see.

"Well..." Xiaodi pinched her chin with her fingers and tilted her head to look at it for a while, "Is it okay? I feel okay."

"As long as you feel okay."

Xiaodi adjusted her glasses, accepted the painting, and slowly returned to the room.

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