Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 182 He is actually a man? ! (three)

Chapter 182 "He is actually a man?!" (3)

Chelidonich is different from ordinary aristocratic perverts. He has his own pursuits.

He hopes to have a gradual emotional process, and he hopes to understand these two women.

What he wants is "comprehensive art created by young people with bright prospects under extreme conditions." Otherwise, skinning them would be no different from skinning an animal.

So the three of them started chatting.

After just ten minutes of conversation, Cheli Donich confirmed that the woman with long black hair was a fool.

She knows nothing about many common sense topics. I really don’t understand why she wears glasses. Is it for decoration?

On the contrary, the young woman with long blond hair and a neutral voice seemed quite knowledgeable.

They chatted about everything, and the woman with long blond hair could pick up on every topic.

Cheli Donich fell more and more in love with the blond woman wearing a peaked cap in front of him...

He decided that he would leave her behind later and let her witness the whole process of his companion first, so as to achieve the best effect.

In this case, the dosage of anesthetic must be particular.

He stood up casually and asked kindly: "Do you want anything to drink? You're welcome."

Sure enough, the stupid woman with long black hair ordered a glass of orange juice, which was extremely childish, while the blonde woman ordered a certain famous wine.

Celi Donich happens to like this wine very much, and he also has a bottle in his collection...

He was growing fond of this woman named "Arya".

Chelidonich got up and poured two glasses of wine and a glass of orange juice. Then he took out the "DD anesthetic" produced in NGL country, calculated the dose, and shook some powder out.

It is said to be an "anesthetic", but in fact it is a drug that can make a person's body paralyzed, but can elevate the spirit and feelings without limit. It can easily reach the peak.

Chelidonich wanted the two women in the living room to take them and then reach a "maximum state" before peeling them off while they were conscious and in increased pain.

He seemed to have heard their shrill cries of fear and despair.

He was carrying a plate with three goblets. As soon as he walked to the living room, he saw the black-haired woman opening the door to the room without knowing why.

And a tall man in a tuxedo walked in from outside.

There were a few drops of blood on the man's face. The black-haired woman tapped her face with her finger as a reminder, and then the man reached out to wipe away the blood.

Chelidonich's smile gradually faded.

He simply threw away the plate in his hand and let the glass shatter on the ground.

Chelidonich turned around and ran towards the window sill, trying to jump out of the window, but he ran into the blond woman wearing a peaked cap head-on.

"Arya" took off her peaked cap and golden wig and threw them to the ground. At the same time, the chain on her right wrist was raised like a poisonous snake spitting a message, and rolled up with a swish, tying Cheli Donish's hands.

Kurapika exerted a little force, and Cheri Donich, who could lift a woman with one hand, was pulled to the ground by the chains, and his eyes were covered with stars.

This guy is a man!

He is actually a man!

"Damn Mark!"

At this time, Chelidonich also knew that he had been tricked and cursed in a low voice.

He struggled desperately, but found that the chain was very hard and strong, and he could not break free at all.

Cheridonich frowned, staring at the chains binding his hands, and then looking at Kurapika, wondering where the power of this restraint came from.

At the same time, Germain and Xiaodi came over and nodded towards Kurapika.

"I took care of the guards outside." Germain was saying something that Chelidonich couldn't understand. "However, given that there are still quite a few private soldiers, we only have about ten minutes."

His "only ten minutes" means that in ten minutes, the fact that all nearby guards will be killed will be revealed, and in another five to ten minutes, a large group of people will swarm over.

Chelidonich said nothing. He raised his head and looked at the faces of the three people seriously, but there was no face he recognized.

Who sent them? What is the purpose?

Is it Benjamin (the eldest prince), that bastard? Or is it Camilla (the second prince)?

No, no, they would never dare to do such a thing without the consent of that dead old man.

Is it Melena? Did she betray me?

Impossible, I am the only one who dares to accept her now. With her personality that is afraid of the world being in chaos, no prince can control her except me.

Who is it, who the hell is it? !

Kurapika pointed to a wall not far away and said, "There, I just confirmed it."

His "confirmation" meant that before Chelidonich returned, he used the "ring finger soul chasing chain" to find the secret door behind the wall.

However, Mark was also in the room at that time. Although Xiaodi was dealing with him, Kurapika was somewhat uneasy, so he endured it silently and did not go in to check.

Germain nodded and said, "Well, let's start quickly."

So, Germain and Xiaodi walked towards the wall.

Kurapika dragged Cheri Donish, who was tied up in chains, and followed him.

Chelidonich's eyes were full of disbelief. It wasn't until they actually opened the secret door and were about to walk in that he finally couldn't help it anymore and roared ferociously.

"What the hell is this why you arrested me?!"

"Is this what the hell you're doing for this?!"

"You guys are fucking sick, are you?!"

The three of them all turned back at the same time, then glanced indifferently at Chelidonich on the ground, then turned their heads and stepped into the dark room together.

Chelidonich was still cursing.

Kurapika dragged him in unceremoniously and threw him in a dark corner, then looked up and then looked around.

What came into view were human skins hung up one after another, probably all on the back, covered with beautiful tattoos.

Then there were jars of solution, with some limbs and organs soaked in the solution on both sides, which looked quite scary in the green light.

And in the middle, Kurapika finally saw what he wanted to see...rows of fiery red eyes soaked in jars, and at the top...Pyro's head.

The "bulging-eyed fish" has materialized in Xiaodi's hand, and she asked: "Should I start?"

Kurapika pursed his lips for a while, and said with a trembling voice: "Well...please...please start...gently."

"Okay." Xiaodi replied, and then the "bulging-eye fish" began to work.

Soon, the flaming eyes and Palo's head were absorbed into it.

Germain pointed to the other collections and said, "Xiao Di, take them away too."

Xiaodi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

So Xiaodi used the "bulging-eye fish" to loot everything in the darkroom that Cheli Donich had carefully collected for many years.

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