Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 122 One story for another (2)

Chapter 122 "One story for another story" (2)

Speaking of this, Kurapika's expression in the memory was mixed with tenderness.

"One day, my friend Pairo and I met a woman who was injured and comatose after getting lost. We helped her, and while thanking her, she told us about human society."

Germain knew that the woman hidden in Kurapika's story was Sheila.

And Sheila is a childhood friend of a key member of the "Phantom Troupe".

Kurapika didn't know that Germain already knew his story so well, or even knew more about it, so he just continued to tell it as if it was the first time he told it to someone.

"The woman left us after she recovered, but she left behind a book of adventure stories. Because of that woman and that story book, I became more and more curious about the outside world."

"But the clan leader is unwilling to let me easily contact the outside world. He thinks it is too dangerous for our clan."

"But I insist on going out, not only because I am curious about the outside world, but also because only outside can there be a way to cure my friend Pyro's injury."

Kurapika pursed his lips, showing an expression of guilt and self-blame, because Palo's injury was caused by trying to save him, and he had always been brooding about it.

"So, the patriarch set several tests for me. Only by passing the tests can I gain the right to go out for a long time."

"In the end, with the help of my friend Pairo, I passed all the tests. The patriarch had no choice but to keep his promise and let me go."

"It's just that only six weeks after I left, all members of our family were brutally murdered by the "Phantom Troupe", 36 pairs of "Fiery Eyes" were poached, and Palo's head was cut off and taken away. "

"I lost everything."

Kurapika's "fiery red eyes" seemed to become more and more dazzling, and the crimson light almost swallowed up his entire gloomy face.

"Later, I thought countless times, could it be that my stubbornness exposed our clan's settlement and caused them to be brutally murdered?"

"If I had suppressed my curiosity and only looked for other possibilities to treat Palo within a limited area, would the tragedy not have happened?"

Kurapika sat on the sofa, clenching his fists and looking forward with his crimson eyes, as if staring at an invisible enemy or himself reflected on the wall.

There was silence in the living room for a while, and Germain didn't hold back anymore and told the story he knew.

"Chrollo was born in Meteor Street. When he was still a teenager, he showed wisdom and leadership qualities that many adults cannot possess."

"In order to improve the entertainment life of Meteor Street orphans, he gathered a group of Meteor Street boys and girls of similar ages to dub a special feature film and played it to the Meteor Street orphans."

"Later, Chrollo and others named the temporarily formed team the "Phantom Troupe." "

When Kurapika heard this, he turned his head sharply and looked at Germain.

He finally understood why Germain mentioned a person named "Crollo" whom he didn't know.

Kurapika listened carefully and attentively, deeply imprinting "Chrollo" and the names mentioned later in his mind.

"The "Phantom Troupe dubbing members" at that time included Chrollo, Wojin, Nobunaga, Finks, Feitan, Franklin, Knight, Paknoda, Madge, Sarasa, and Sheila. "

After hearing the last name "Sheila", Kurapika first showed an expression of disbelief, then he shook his body and bit his lower lip until bloodshot.

He was thinking of a terrifying possibility.

Could it be that that woman deliberately came near our clan and deliberately fainted in front of me and Palo, thereby causing all the troubles that followed? !

She is a member of the "Phantom Troupe", an accomplice of the genocide, and even one of the masterminds?

Once he thought of this possibility, Kurapika felt an unparalleled coldness all over his body.

Fortunately, German quickly solved the many questions in his mind.

"You have been wandering in the outside world for so many years, so you should have a rough idea of ​​what kind of place Meteor Street is. It is basically a lawless zone, so it has attracted quite a few perverts."

"Salazar was kidnapped by a group of perverts, tortured and cut into pieces, and the whole process was brazenly videotaped. Then she was put in a bag, hung from a tree, and labeled with provocative words."

"Thinking about it, Salazar must have been crying and saying something like her companions would come to save her when she was desperate. Unexpectedly, it only made those perverts even more excited."

Germain recalled the scene. A label filled with humiliating words was placed on Salazar's forehead, covering her face.

The perverts did this so that Salazar's "partners" and "special photography heroes" could see the pain in Salazar's expression before he died after removing the label.

It's like telling them that Salazar died so miserably because of you.

It not only transfers the crime, but also further tramples on humanity.

In addition, it also means that they do not treat Salazar as a human being. Only goods, toys, and livestock are labeled and put in bags.

"After the group of perverts left, Chrollo and others quickly discovered the crime scene, took Sarasa back and buried her properly."

"From that moment on, Chrollo vowed to find those perverts and take revenge on them at all costs."

"To do that, he needs an organization, he needs a darknet site that attracts perverts, and he needs to kill a lot of people."

As Germain spoke, he observed Kurapika's expression and noticed that he only wavered for a moment before regaining his composure.

Very firm obsession.

Germain nodded secretly and continued.

"Chrollo believes that those perverts can't help but upload the video of Salazar's torture and murder on the Internet, and he will take the initiative to build such a platform to attract their attention."

"Most of the comrades who were dubbing together responded to his call and stood with him. Only Sheila didn't want to do this and chose to leave alone."

Kurapika was startled when he heard that Sheila chose to "leave alone", and then breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought he was very hidden, but the changes in his expression and the rhythm of his breathing were within Germain's perception.

The ending of the story that Germain will tell next is partly his speculation, and the mystery has not yet been completely revealed.

"A few years later, the "Phantom Troupe" was officially established. It’s just that their organization is still relatively unknown, and no one cares about their website. "

"At this time, they heard information about the "Fiery Eyes". "

"They realized that as long as they captured the "Fiery Eyes", recorded the entire process, and put it on their dark web, they would surely make the website and the "Phantom Troupe" famous and attract those perverts. "

"So they found the Kuluta settlement and committed evil acts."

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