Hueco Mundo: Load The Holy Lord Template At The Beginning

Chapter 198: What’S The Difference Between Dirty Soul Society And Hueco Mundo?


"Meat grinder?!"

Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Yumichika each spoke the name completely in half a sentence.

His words were full of surprise and confusion.

Could it be said that all the violent emotions of Menos Grande were vented in this so-called gladiatorial arena?

"That's right."

Kurotsuchi Mayuri seemed to see what they were thinking, "Volume is one of the essential characteristics of the soul."

"Just as you wanted."

"His Majesty Shendu had already thought of this when he was constructing Xuye Palace.

"The weaker Menos Grande is, the less able he is to control his emotions."

"They can have a fight here and let it out."

Kurotsuchi Mayuri spread her hands and walked on the suspended bridge, followed closely by the others.

"Although the medical facilities are complete, there is even a shortage of Menos Grande with treatment capabilities standing nearby."

"But accidents always happen, and the casualty rate remains high."

"Every Menos Grande who dies will be sent to the White Tower through this suspended bridge and used as experimental materials."

Hearing this, Jūshirō Ukitake had a look of unbearable expression on his face. 923

"Don't you think those Menos Grande don't mind this kind of thing?"

As soon as these words came out, Kurotsuchi Mayuri's laughter suddenly amplified, and her whole person became a little crazy.

"Hahaha! I knew you would ask this question."

"With your character, you will never tolerate this kind of thing happening!"

While speaking, he suddenly approached Jūshirō Ukitake and said slowly in a low and hoarse voice:

"do not forget.....…"

"This is Hueco Mundo, not Soul Society."

"In Xuye Palace, His Majesty Shendu's orders are the rules!"

"Rules that cannot be resisted..."

Jūshirō Ukitake seemed a little silent.

Everything that was shown in Xuye Palace made him almost obsessed with it, and he almost forgot the essence of this place.

It wasn't until we came to this arena that the true cruelty of Hueco Mundo was fully revealed.

"Don't make such a disgusting expression, Captain Jushiro."

Kurotsuchi Mayuri said disdainfully, "Do you think Soul Society hidden under the shiny surface is stronger than Hueco Mundo?"

"Don't forget, my family is a lower-level noble.

"Just because you've never been to an arena in Soul Society doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

"Other members of the Jushiro family often go to the arena to watch fights and battles."

"There are not only Shinigami who are called sinners, but also Menos Grande and so-called dangerous elements..."

Regarding the dark side of Soul Society, Kurotsuchi Mayuri, who was once imprisoned in a maggot nest as a dangerous person, knows more than the ordinary Shinigami captain.

There are many things about nobles that even make guys like Kurotsuchi Mayuri feel disgusted.

Under the leadership of Kurotsuchi Mayuri, the group successfully entered the black tower.

The moment he passed through the corridor, an overwhelming whistling sound filled his eardrums.

In the auditorium, all kinds of Menos Grande revealed their true forms, making deafening roars and shouting towards the arena.

Just for a moment, Madarame Ikkaku's fighting spirit was mobilized.

The whole person seemed eager to try, trying to jump into the arena and replace Yinxu.

"I asked you why I didn't find you in the White Tower."

Kurotsuchi Mayuri walked forward and walked to a figure with short pink hair and a white Espada dress.

"Why would you be interested in coming to a place like this?"

Szayel Aporro looked back and showed an elegant smile:

"How could such a simple question come out of your mouth?"


At this point, SzayelAporro's meaning is already very clear.

"I'm quite interested in Shinigami Lieutenant Commander's battle."

Szayel Aporro clapped his hands, and a new area was opened up in the arena below.

"He actually bumped into me."

The burly man has short gray hair on the left side of his head and long red hair on the right side. His golden eyes are full of fighting spirit and violence.

"You're so unlucky."

"go to hell!"


"Did you say that you went back to Soul Society and lost your mind?"

He pointed at Madarame Ikkaku among the Shinigami, "This guy has been eager to try it since just now."

"With this level, I dare to challenge in the arena."

"Eldorade Leonis!"

Since Madarame Ikkaku is looking forward to fighting and fighting, he might as well experience the arena in Xuye Palace for himself.

In this way, it can be regarded as fulfilling the friendship of the landlord.

*(aibh) As early as when you entered Hueco Mundo, the replicator had already passed relevant information to me.

The strong man raised his palms like cattail leaf fans and laughed like thunder.

Faced with such a blow, Madarame Ikkaku only had time to raise the Zanpakutō in his hand. With the attack of a huge force, the whole person flew out, stirring up chaotic dust on the ground.

"You should also know that we lack corresponding data..."

As the terrain below changed, a burly figure stepped out of it.

Adorad said disdainfully, "It would be better to kill you earlier so as not to pollute this holy land.


"So, you're going to fight back, right?"

Szayel Aporro said in a calm tone, "Of course, this is with His Majesty's permission."

"And the Arena will definitely be the last stop on this journey."


Madarame Ikkaku has brought his recklessness to the ultimate level, not caring about the scene he is in at this time.

The palm like a cattail leaf actually glowed with red light, and the brown skin shone with a metallic luster.

There was no hesitation.

"Hey, just let me see how powerful the so-called Arrancar is!"

"Remember my name, the great being who kills you."

Madarame Ikkaku was a pure and reckless man. Before Jūshirō Ukitake could remind him, he jumped directly from the spectator seats into the arena.

Eldora immediately slapped Madarame Ikkaku's shiny head.

The moment the words fell, Madarame Ikkaku's pupils shrank suddenly, and before he could react, the burly figure appeared in front of him.

"If you defeat him, I can give you a small reward."

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