HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 692: Resurrection

"It's you!" Harry said pantingly.

As the black-robed man bound him, Harry hurriedly recognized the man who wanted to kill Cedric with a spell.

"Barty Crouch II! Shouldn't you be dead!" Harry shouted angrily.

But Batty Crouch was busy tying him up, and he didn't say a word, busy checking the tightness of the rope.

His fingers were shaking constantly, touching some knots on the rope.

Fanlin frowned, as he hid behind the tombstone, and naturally he could see Barty Crouch's performance.

This is not a fool like Peter Pettigrew, Barty Crouch Jr.'s face is full of excitement, and his **** is coming back.

It wasn't until Batty Crouch determined that Harry was firmly tied to the tombstone and could not move a single step, that he took out a black thing from the cloak and stuffed it into Harry's mouth.

Then, without saying a word, he turned around and ran away. Harry couldn't call out anything, nor could he see where Barty Crouch Jr. was running.

... He can't turn his head to look behind the tombstone, he can only see what is directly in front of him. Cedric has been taken away by the vampire. Not surprisingly, Cedric...

In his previous position, the trophy of the Three Witch Fighting Contest was shining under the stars.

Harry's wand was on the grass beside his feet.

The pile of clothes that Harry thought was a baby is also nearby, at the foot of the tombstone. The pile of things seemed to tremble irritably. Harry looked at it, and his wound hurt again... he suddenly realized that he didn't want to see the contents of the pile of clothes... he didn't want to see the bag being opened.

He can hear the sound under his feet. He looked down. ...A giant snake is swimming in the grass. Swim around the gravestone that Harry had tied up.

Barty Crouch Jr.'s short gasps rang again. It sounded like he was pushing something heavy across the grass.

He appeared in Harry's field of vision in a moment.

Now Harry could see that he was pushing a large stone boiler towards the tombstone. The pot seemed to be filled with water-Harry had judged it from the sound of splashing around-and the boiler It was the biggest one Harry had seen in his life.

It is big enough to fit an adult man. The contents of the colored clothes on the grass were agitated more intensely, as if it was struggling hard, and now Barty Crouch Jr. was busy holding a magic wand at the bottom of the big steam pot.

Suddenly, a lonely flame emerged from the bottom of the pot. The big snake slipped away and disappeared into the darkness. The liquid in the big steam pot seems to heat up easily. Not only did bubbles emerge from the surface of the liquid, but also sparks came in and out, as if it was on fire. The movement under the cloak became more intense.

Then Harry heard the high, cold voice again: "Hurry up!" The whole surface of the pot of water was full of sparks, and it looked like it was set with diamonds.

"Ready, Master." Barty Crouch Jr.'s voice became uncontrollable frenzy.

Helping the Dark Lord to resurrect, there is no doubt that this is the supreme honor.

"Now..." The cold voice sounded.

Barty Crouch Jr. walked over respectfully, and then pulled the bag of clothes on the grass to reveal the contents. Harry let out a yell—unfortunately blocked by the pile of things in his mouth.

It's as if Barty Crouch Jr. took out a stone, and then revealed something ugly, despicable, ignorant but worse, and a hundred times worse.

That thing has the appearance of a human child on his knees.

But Harry had never seen anything so unlike a child's—it had no hair and had scales on its surface. Its back is bare, black and red. Its arms and legs are thin and fragile, and its face-no child has such a face-is flat, like a snake head, and has a pair of flickering red eyes.

The little thing looked so helpless, it raised its tiny arm and wrapped it around the neck of Little Barty Crouch.

Barty Crouch Jr. picked it up.

At this moment, its hood fell behind, and when he held the little thing to the edge of the big steam pot, through the light of the fire, Harry saw disgusted Barty Crouch’s thin, pale face. Emoji.

After a while, Harry saw the evil flat face of the little thing glowing in the flickering sparks on the water.

Then Barty Crouch Jr. put the little thing in the pot. The hiss came from far away, and then the thing disappeared from the water.

Of course, it wasn't just Harry who was shocked, but Fanlin was also shocked by the way Voldemort was now.

Snake-like body.

It seems that Voldemort's degree of alchemy of the human body has reached a peak.

Fanlin had seen Slytherin's ancestors, but no one had achieved such a high assimilation rate as Voldemort. If he hadn't maintained his human form, Voldemort would be a python alive.

What would happen if he took Harry away now?

Barty Crouch Jr. personally ruined his master. There is no doubt that the resurrection technique has begun, and it has quietly unfolded since Voldemort entered the boiler.

Harry heard the soft sound of its weak body hitting the bottom of the pot. "Drow it," Harry was expecting, his wound was so scorching, he could hardly bear it, "Please... drown it..."

Barty Crouch Jr. said something in her mouth.

His voice trembled. He seemed to be frightened by this creature beyond wisdom, to be exact, in awe.

He raised his wand, closed his eyes, inglygiven, youwillyourson. (Father's bones, unlimited giving, give your son a chance to be born again!

Suddenly, the graveyard under Harry's feet cracked.

Harry was horrified to see a beautiful dust rising into the air under Barty Crouch Jr's spell, and then gently fell into the pot.

The diamond-like water surface cracked ~www.readwn.com~ hissing. Sparks are flying everywhere. The surface of the water became a bright, poisonous deep blue.

Now Barty Crouch Jr. started to whimper in a low voice, and he pulled out a long, narrow, bright silver sword from his clothes. His voice became a dead cry again.

&nb, willingly given, youwillreviveyourmaster. (Servant muscles, give voluntarily, give your master a chance to be reborn!

Barty Crouch Jr. held out his left hand. He firmly grasped the silver sword in his right hand and swung it forward.

Harry realized that what Barty Crouch Jr. was about to do happened in less than a second.

——He closed his eyes tightly. But he couldn't stop the exclamation that pierced the night sky.

The yell passed through Harry's eardrum, as if he was also pierced by the silver sword.

Then he heard something falling to the ground. Hear Wintyre's painful gasp, followed by a disgusting splash.

It seemed that something fell into that pot. Harry couldn't help but look over... but the pot of water had turned fiery red. Its dazzling light penetrated Harry's eyes...

Barty Crouch Jr. gasped and moaned in pain.

It wasn't until Harry felt Crouch's painful breath blow on his face that he realized that Crouch was standing right in front of him. ", forcibly taken you will resurrectyourfoe. (The blood of the enemy...come through conquering by force...you will...resurrect your opponent...

Harry couldn't do anything about it, he was tied too tight... He glanced down, desperately struggling in the rope, and he saw the dazzling dagger swinging in Crouch's hand. .


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