HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 562: Reminders and guidance

In fact, Fanlin did not do any damage.

In a friendly water polo, Fanlin grinned slowly and MMP's greetings in his heart.

For these Death Eaters, Fanlin had never had any good feelings, especially Karkaroff's betrayal.

However, even though Fanlin felt disdainful, Fanlin still had to admit Karkaroff's wrist.

Although there is no good way, the unscrupulous people always have a great chance of success.

It turns out that Harry was able to succeed only with the help of fake Moody's Barty Crouch Jr.

Regardless of the first game, although Krum’s brain is not very good, in terms of personal strength alone, there is no comparison between Harry and Krum at this period.

Being able to stand barely in front of Voldemort is nothing more than the link between flashback and the wand.

But... this is enough, which is why the champion is not Krum or Cedric...

It was Harry's state, which made Fanlin very worried.

The more you come into contact with things like dragons, the more you can experience the horror of dragons.

That kind of unreasonable destructive power is simply not something a little wizard can resist.

The dragon’s problem has become the most important problem at the moment.

However, Harry was obviously not a fragile person. When Fanlin returned to Gryffindor, at least Harry had shifted his energy to one of the four fire dragons.

In fact, what Hermione said was not wrong.

"We have to try to keep you alive until Tuesday night," she said desperately, "then let's consider Karkaroff."

The two walked around the lake three times, trying to find a spell that could defeat the dragon. But without a clue, Yu returned to the library. In the library, Harry pulled out every book about dragons he could find, but those books only led him to another search.

"The devil's claws are cut by mana to deal with the filth on the scale.' This spell is useless at all. It is used for lunatics like Hagrid to strengthen their bodies.

"Dragons are hard to kill because ancient magic gives them thick skins, and only the most powerful spells can pierce them. But Sirius clearly said that it can be done with a simple spell."

"Then let's find some easier magic books," Harry said, and tossed the book "The Man Who Loves Dragons Too Much" aside.

He returned to the table with a stack of magic books, put down the books, and started a local search.

Hermione whispered and insisted beside him, "Oh, there is an exchange technique, but why do you want to exchange?

Unless you want to exchange its wings for something like wine gum, then it will be less dangerous. The problem is, as the book says, things can penetrate dragon skins. I want to deform the dragon, but for such a big dragon, I suspect that even Professor McGonagall may not be able to do it, or you plan to use magic on yourself ? Strengthen yourself? But those magics are not easy, I mean, I have never tried them in class. L's internship report only knows about this kind of magic. "

"Hermione!" Harry said through his teeth. "Can you shut me up for a while?

I tried to concentrate as much as possible, but when Hermione was silent, Harry’s brain was filled with a monotonous buzzing that made him unable to concentrate at all. He looked desperately at the index "The Presumptuous and Angry The instant scalping technique in "Basic Magic", but the dragon has no hair, it is likely to increase the dragon's firepower; the horn tongue removal technique, which is exactly what Harry needs, can be regarded as an extra weapon.

"Oh, no, he's back again, why can't he read on his **** boat?" Hermione said angrily. At this time Witte. Karen walked in with his head down, glanced at them, and sat in a corner in the distance with a pile of books.

"Let's go, Harry, the group of followers we went to the common room to him will soon be killed, and they will be chattering again."

Really, as soon as they got up, a group of girls tiptoed past them, one of them also wrapped a Bulgarian scarf around his waist.

Harry barely closed his eyes that night. When he woke up in the morning, his first serious consideration was to escape from Hogwarts. But when he was looking around the Great Hall at breakfast, thinking about what it would mean to escape from the castle, he knew he couldn’t do it. This was the only place he could get happiness. Well, he thought he was also with his parents before. It must be happy, but he can't remember.

In any case, it made him feel a little calm to understand that he would rather stay here and face a dragon than go back to Prywhite Street to be with Dali.

It seems that I can only hope for Fanlin, who doesn't know what he is doing.

Harry swallowed the bacon with difficulty (he had a terrible sore throat).

When he and Hermione got up to leave, they saw Cedric Diggory leaving the Hefpuff table.

Cedric didn't know yet, he was the only warrior who didn't know.

If Harry guessed correctly, Mrs. Maxim and Karkaroff had already told Fleur and Krum.

"Hermione, you go first, I'll go to the classroom to find you," Harry said, watching Cedric leave the hall to make a decision, "Go, I'll catch up with you."

"Harry, you will be late, the bell will ring soon—"

"I'll catch up, okay?"

When Harry retreated to the bottom of the marble staircase, Cedric was already at the top, surrounded by a group of sixth graders. Harry didn't want to talk to Cedric in front of them; the guys would quote Rita Skeeter's articles every time he approached. Harry kept a certain distance from Cedric and saw him walking towards the spell corridor.

This gave Harry an idea. He stood still, pulled out his wand, aimed carefully, and shouted.

"Diffind (torn apart)!"

Cedric's pocket split open. The parchment, quill and books fell out and scattered on the ground. Several bottles of ink were broken.

"Don't bother you, I'll do it myself," Cedric said a little annoyed, not letting his friends bend down to help him carry things, "Tell Professor Willifer I will come soon, go! "

This is exactly what Harry hopes to happen, I have to say, Harry has the true story of Fanlin.

He put his wand back into his robe, and when Cedric's group of friends entered the class and disappeared, he walked up quickly, leaving him and Cedric in the corridor.

"Hi!" Cedric greeted as he picked up a "Guide to Advanced Transfiguration", which had been splattered with ink, "My pocket just opened, a brand new pocket."

"Cedric." Harry said. "The first task is the dragon!" "What?" Cedric said, raising his head.

"Dragon!" Harry repeated quickly, in case Professor Williver came out to see what Cedric was doing.

"There are four of them, one of us, and we must pass those dragons!"

Cedric stared at Harry. In his eyes Harry saw some of the panic he had felt since Saturday night.

"Are you sure?" Cedric asked in a quiet tone.

"Definitely too sure," Harry replied.

"But how did you find out? We shouldn't know."

"Don't worry about that much," Harry said immediately-he knew Hagrid would be in trouble to tell the truth. "I'm not the only one who knows. Both Fleur and Krum know now—Mrs. Maxim and Karkaroff also saw the dragon."

Cedric stood up, his arm stained with ink, quill, parchment and books, his torn pocket hanging from his shoulder. He stared at Harry again, with a puzzled, even suspicious look in his eyes.

"Why did you tell me?" Cedric asked.

Harry looked at him incredulously. Harry would definitely not ask him if Cedric saw the dragon himself. Harry didn't want his worst enemies to face those monsters unprepared.

"It's just, fair, isn't it?" he said to Cedric. "We all know now, everyone is on the same starting line, right?"

Cedric was still looking at him suspiciously.

Suddenly Harry heard a familiar bump behind him and turned around, and saw Mad-Eye Moody walking out of a nearby classroom.

"Come with me, Potter?" he growled, "Digory, you go."

Harry looked at Moody with a little worried. Did he hear what they were talking about?

"Well—Professor, I should go to herbalism—"

"Don't worry, come to my office."

Harry had to follow him, wondering what was going to happen to him this time.

What if Moody wanted to know how he discovered the dragon?

Will Moody go to Dumbledore and punish Hagrid, or just turn him into a ferret?

Hey, it would be easier for a ferret to pass the fire dragon, Harry thought sullily, he would be much smaller, and it would be much harder to find it from a height of fifty feet...

He followed Moody into the office.

Moody closed the door behind him and turned to look at Harry, his magic eye and the other normal eye fixed on Harry.

"Potter, you just did a very noble thing." Moody said calmly.

Harry didn't know how to answer ~ www.readwn.com~ This was not the reaction he expected.

"Sit down!" Moody said again.

So Harry sat down and looked around.

He had been here when the previous two owners of this office were still there. When Professor Guidro Lockhart was there, there was a picture of himself smiling and blinking on the wall. And when Lupin lives here, you are more likely to encounter some charming dark creatures that the professor has newly acquired to use in the classroom.

Now it was different again. All the things I saw in the office were strange and weird items, and Harry suspected that Moody should have used them in his days as an Auror.

There was a large, cracked, rotating glass top on the table, and Harry recognized it as Snike at a glance, because he also had one, although it was much smaller than Moody's.

On the small table in the corner was something like a particularly curved, golden TV antenna, which made a slight hum. There was something like a mirror hanging on the wall facing Harry, but there was no image of the room inside. There were only a few images moving around like shadows, but none of them were clearly displayed. 10

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