HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 540: Runic

In fact, Fanlin could faintly guess some Moody's methods.

According to normal Moody, he is a veteran Auror, so naturally his teaching should be closer to reality.

A large amount of black magic confrontation experience made him understand the black magic far beyond all the previous black magic defense.

And based on Moody's profession, there should be a lot of curse display and curse confrontation in his teaching.

This is something you can think of with your brain.

Of course, thinking this way will undoubtedly lack some expectations, but in the original, Moody is a figure who can teach the Unforgivable Curse.

If Moody's teaches like a normal professor, this is a bit strange.

However, this also needs to be confirmed by seeing him. So far, Fanlin has only seen both sides of Moody.

Except for normal teaching, most of the time, Moody was soaking up with Dumbledore.

Fanlin had to admit the mental quality of fake Moody.

Always shaking in front of Dumbledore, although this is necessary, Moody, as the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, naturally has to participate in the arrangement of the Three Witches.

However, this can't afford Fanlin’s worries.

In fact, after the night of the Quidditch World Cup, Fanlin has been eager to get closer to Hermione, but Hermione did not give him this opportunity.

When we were in the Burrow, we were all together. With the current thickness of the skin, it was naturally unbearable.

But when he returned to Hogwarts, Van Lin had many reasons to stay with Hermione alone, but Hermione was so busy that Van Lin couldn't catch Hermione in all his free time.

It's good to go to the library, but it's not impossible to go to the library for a date.

But Hermione left too quickly. Once she seemed to be stunned, it would definitely not be a wise behavior if Varian felt that she was disturbed by something boring.

He would be killed by Hermione's eyes.

Tossing and turning!

Naturally, Fanlin's energy cannot always be placed on this.

He still needs a lot of time to fill himself.

Now Fanlin keeps several large notebooks with him.

Of course, the corresponding works are indispensable.

The knowledge learned from Nicholas is not only about alchemy.

This contains a lot of things.

The use and description of the magic circle, material science, and the most important magic pattern knowledge.

Fanlin had always ignored this before.

There are really not many things that can be studied about ancient characters, and now the Ministry of Magic only issues runes.

However, most wizards don't know much about Rune. Even if they graduated from Hogwarts, most wizards gave up the ancient magic pattern when they were graded.

Old English is easier for wizards to master.

Rune is a set of alphabets that originally belonged to the Nordic and Germanic people about 1500 years ago. However, the "letters" in this "alphabet" are thought to contain mysterious elements that can be used for divination.

In fact, "Rune" (Rune)-the word means "mysterious" or "concealed". It comes from the German Raunen, which means "secret talk". The earliest and actually the most famous rune is the old Futhark (the reason it is called futhark) because it represents the first six runes Feoh, Ur, Thorn, Ansur, Rad and Ken ).

The power of the rune in divination is because every hieroglyph that can represent an interpretation has a special deep meaning.

Old Fosac contains 24 letters. There are as few as 16 or as many as 33 letters in Fosac. In addition to the standard 24 letters, sometimes there is a 25th rune called Wyrd (destiny), which is empty. It is a symbol of destiny and retribution, but only recently added to the runes. Many people think that its meaning is implicit in other runes.

The runes can be used not only for divination, but also for seeking desired results. The use of runes manuscripts is not to predict or see the future, but to create the future.

People write the expected rune text on paper or carved on wood, and they carry it day and night. When the rune manuscript worked magically, it would be burned religiously and respectfully. People also think that it is polite to thank the word rune for help. In the words of modern psychology, the preparation of the ritual of the rune manuscript requires concentration and quietness of the spirit, which may start the spirit to the best functioning and most beneficial process in order to achieve the desired future.

This is the simplest application of Rune.

Extending to the wizard, Rune's fault has become a necessity for divination, as well as a more mysterious curse.

Through some simple trigger media, maybe a handshake, or a cross-sight, a paragraph of reading.

Wizards who are proficient in runes can impose curses on their opponents instantly.

Feel the feeling that weird things are always accompanied, as if someone is staring at you from behind.

In fact, Harry was obsessed with this, he wanted to curse Snape.

However, this is impossible. Snape's understanding of asking this is not so simple, even if Professor Snape is proficient in spells and potions.

Fanlin had seen a rune spell in Snape's office.

A very powerful defensive counterattack magic, applied to guard.

Fanlin guessed that Snape might have studied those ancient magical ruins.

Participating in Rune's defensive magic is always difficult to be expelled, even if it is difficult to be noticed, but instead, it is continuous damage.

If you are hit by those defensive magic, it feels good for a while.

If magical attainments are not high enough ~www.readwn.com~ death is not an unacceptable thing.

It seemed that Harry's dream was destined to fail.

Without the help of a plug-in, it would be difficult for Harry to catch up with Snape before Voldemort failed.

(Why should I talk about plug-ins?)

Speaking of Snape, then I have to talk about Neville.

Of course, this is not something that can be solved in a few words.

"On Professor Snape's Enmity and Enmity with Harry Potter", "The Story Neville and Professor Snape Have to Tell", "Detailed Explanation of Snape's Potions and His Bad Students" and "Snape Precautions for Potions"!

(Note: A must for freshmen in Gryffindor.)

This can definitely be written out of several Harry Potter books, from all aspects, all aspects to show people the fear of being dominated by Professor Snape.

At least for now, the hapless Gryffindor...

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