HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 538: Mr. Weasley's trouble

"Write a detailed analysis of the planetary motion that will affect you next month, and attach your personal charts as evidence," Professor Trauni said sharply, her tone not at all like the usual elegant and delicate her, but very much like her. Professor McGonagall, "It must be handed in on the next Monday. You cannot fail to hand in the homework for any reason."

This is the consequence, imitation and greeting.

Fanlin’s still didn’t want to understand the use of this **** divination and astronomy. Normally, he was doing the exam for me. Now, on the first day of school, Professor Trauni left them a lot. Homework.

Maybe I should really go talk to Professor McGonagall, how about canceling my divination?

It seems that this thing is very feasible.

"Poor old bat," said Ron painfully, as they were joining the flow of people going down the stairs, preparing to go to the auditorium for dinner, "so much homework, to do a whole week, then..."

"A lot of homework?" Hermione caught up with them and said happily, "Professor Water didn't give us homework at all!"

"My God, what a wonderful Professor Water!" Ron said glumly.

They came to the entrance of the auditorium, where people stood in line for dinner.

As soon as they joined the end of the team, they heard a loud voice coming from behind: "Weasley! Hi, Weasley!"

Harry, Ron, Fanlin and Hermione all turned around.

Malfoy waved a copy of the Daily Prophet, speaking loudly enough that everyone in the auditorium could hear it.

"Listen to the news!"

"New trouble for the Minister of Magic, Special Correspondent Rita Skeeter reports: It seems that the trouble for the Minister of Magic is not over yet.

Recently, the Minister of Magic was fired for his poor performance in controlling the masses in the World Cup and still cannot provide a reasonable explanation for the disappearance of a witch. Yesterday he was in a new predicament because of Arnold Weasley's weird behavior-being mistaken for a robber. "

Malfoy looked up.

"Think about that they didn't even write his name right, Weasley, it seems it doesn't exist at all, right?" he cheered.

Everyone in the dining room is listening to him now.

Malfoy shook the newspaper, stood it up, and then read: "Arnold Weasley, accused of owning a flying car two years ago, was involved in a case involving possession of some offensive items yesterday. Several cases of quarrels between the police dealing with robberies: Mr. Weasley seems to have been helped by the'magic eye' Aristo Moody... The former minister retired because he could not distinguish the difference between a handshake and an attempted robbery. Naturally, when Mr. Weasley came to Mr. Moody’s heavily guarded residence, Mr. Modi once again pressed the alarm by mistake. Mr. Weasley had to explain that a big generalist was able to get rid of the police.

But he was reluctant to answer the question in the Daily Prophet: Why would he involve the minister in such a rude and embarrassing scene? "

Malfoy looks like a professional announcer, or they can host a Hogwarts Voice with Malfoy as the anchor.

This is a good idea.

Malfoy seemed to want to find more interesting things, and he flipped through the new Daily Prophet.

"There is another picture, Weasley!" Malfoy said. He flicked the newspaper with his finger and lifted it up. "It's a picture of your mom and dad standing in front of their house. It would be better for your mom to be thinner, wouldn't it?"

Ron trembled with anger.

Everyone stared at him.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry said. "It's normal, Ron..."

"Oh, yes, you live with their family this summer, don't you, Potter?"

Malfoy sneered: "Then tell me, is his mother really so fat, or is she just looking fat in this picture?"

"Do you know what your mother is like? Malfoy?" Harry said.

Now, he and Hermione are holding Ron's shirt behind to prevent him from jumping on Malfoy...

"Her expression is like a pile of **** under her nose? Is she the same way? Or is she just being with you?" Malfoy's pale face was pink. You dare to scold my mother? "

"Then shut your stinky mouth." Harry said.

Fanlin had to applaud Harry, and it seemed that Harry was fully equipped to fight Malfoy.

With just a slap in the face, Harry would not lose to Malfoy too much.

Malfoy's face was pale, he couldn't make up his mind, and the **** guy was here.

"Perhaps you should really learn how to speak, Malfoy." Fanlin said indifferently, "and I advise you not to do stupid things, just like your father, maybe he doesn't know how much he is. Be stupid, you can never distinguish the form, and what to do..."

It seemed that Malfoy didn't listen at all, his face was pale, and he looked like he would explode at any time.

"Let's go." Fanlin said.

If it were placed in the first few semesters, Fanlin didn't mind what lessons he taught Malfoy.

But now...

After realizing how much he could achieve, Fanlin lost interest in such things instead.


That's probably what it meant.

Harry nodded, and he and Fanlin grabbed Ron's arm left and right in an attempt to take Ron out.


A few people screamed—Harry felt a white, hot object explode behind him, but the power... he hurriedly reached out to grab his wand. But before he had time to touch the wand, he heard a loud "bang!" and a huge echo in the dining room.

This time it was Fanlin's turn to be surprised.

The spell just now was cast by Malfoy, and his wandless cast and silent spell were easily blocked.

Stumped yourself with the wrong spell?

The coma curse will mutate into a transformation curse under the rebound of the armor protection?

Fanlin swears that he didn’t read it wrong just now~www.readwn.com~ Then, this spell...

"Oh no, don't do this!"

Harry turned around.

Professor Moody limped down the stairs, his wand in his hand, pointed at a white ferret, gleaming on the stone floor, which was where Malfoy was standing.

The hall was silent at first, and advanced, they felt it was a bit funny.

Malfoy provokes every time, but...

No one moved except Moody. Moody turned to look at Harry—he hadn't looked at Harry until now with his normal eye, and the other looked at the back of his head.

"Did he hurt you?" Modi snarled.

"No," Harry said, "I was stopped."

"Don't touch it!" Moody said loudly.

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