HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 532: School season

In fact, Fanlin caused quite a stir when he entered the hall.

Regarding what Fanlin did that night, everyone had a shocking admiration and curiosity towards Fanlin through the exaggeration of the report.

All Hogwarts students know that this is usually invisible but can stand up at critical times...

(The conflict between Gryffindor and Slytherin is basically led by Fanlin and Harry.)

Everyone knows that his classmate is very strong, but how strong he is, has always been a mystery.

No one has seen Fanlin make an all-out effort, and the only one to fight Sirius seems to be counted as one.

Although Polymorphism is very subtle, there is no comparability between this kind of teaching-style duel and dark wizard combat.

Maybe these students don't have much experience, but they are always stronger than some professors they don't like.

One is teaching, and the other is actual combat. Between the two...

But fortunately, this is a dinner party, and there is also a freshman branch, so everyone is just talking about it.

Speaking of the branch...

In fact, Fanlin has hardly caught up with any sorting ceremony since the first grade. It was verified...

First grade, second grade, third grade...

When the fourth grade started, Fanlin finally reported normally.

This is a yearning link.

Several people sat down on the table, and the sorting house was about to begin, which made Fanlin feel a little more relaxed.

However, he still has to answer some friends' questions, Dean, Seamus, Neville...

Suddenly there were many people in Gryffindor.

There are others, or Laura from Slytherin.

This beautiful Slytherin girl, she just entered the wrong college...

At that moment, a very excited voice came from the upper table.

"Hi, Harry! Fanlin!"

"That's Colin." Harry said carefully.

Fanlin felt a little troublesome. Colin was Harry's mystery brother, and now it seemed that he was taken with him. This was not a good thing. Fanlin suspected that Colin had given his photos to the Daily Prophet.

Fortunately, the identity of Colin's fan was very loyal, and his primary goal was Harry.

"Harry, guess, guess, Harry, my brother is starting school, my brother Dennis!"

"Well, not bad." Harry said.

"He is so excited!" Colin said, jumping up and down in his seat expertly, "I'm counting on him to be assigned to Gryffindor! Hey! Harry, pray for him."

"Well, okay," Harry said, turning to Fanlin, Hermione, and Ron.

"Brothers and sisters are usually in the same class, right?"

Harry was judging by the Weasley children, and all seven of them were sorted into Griffindor.

"Oh, that's not necessarily." Hermione said, "Pavety. Patty's twins are in Ravenclaw. Because they are twin sisters, you think they will be together, right?"

Fanlin took the opportunity to look up at the professor's table, which seemed to have more empty seats than before.

Hagrid, of course, is still fighting on the lake with the freshmen; Professor McGonagall may be supervising others to dry the floor of the front hall, but there is still a space, that is Sirius's position, but now he belongs to someone else, Arras To Moody!

"Where is the new black magic defense teacher?" Hermione said, looking at the teachers.

They have never had a black magic defense teacher who can last for more than a year. So far, everyone’s favorite teacher is Professor Lupin, but at the same time, this is also scary. A werewolf, even with wolf poison Medicine, but he resigned last year.

Harry looked up and down at the professor's table, there was no new face there.

"Maybe they can't find the next one!" Hermione said, looking worried.

"This is not unusual." Ron said in a low voice, "After all, that position is poisonous. Many Defence Against the Dark Arts professors have left. Everyone thought it was true."

"What's really?" Harry asked.

"The curse of the mysterious man, I told you before."

"I don't care too much, let's talk about it, curse this kind of thing..."

This is incredible to Harry, all the magic he touches is visible, something like this mysterious and mysterious...

"If you were lucky enough to have contact with wizards in Greece or Africa, you wouldn't think so." Fanlin said.

"Curse is a very powerful magic, and it is very weird. There are no traces on the body. It only exists at the soul level." Fanlin said, "It's like prophecy, but..."

"I don't think that Professor Trauni is a powerful wizard and proficient in curses." Hermione said bluntly, she hated Professor Trauni very much.

This is an incredible thing in Xueba's body.

However, this is the fact.

Harry didn't intend to take Hermione's words, and they didn't talk about things that Hermione hated at all in their small circle.

For example, Traoni, or the rights of house elves.

Harry looked at the table more closely. Professor Villifer, the spell teacher, was sitting on a pile of cushions. Next to him was the herbal medicine teacher, Professor Sputlaw. She was wearing gray hair flying out. Her hat is not very correct, she is talking to Professor Sinister of the Astronomy Department.

On the other side of Professor Sinister is the yellow-faced hook world, the greasy-haired potions teacher-Hogwarts' most hated person. Harry's hatred of Snape and Snape's hatred of him are Quite ~www.readwn.com~ If possible, Snape's hatred of him has been intensified since last year, when Harry helped Black-Snape and Black were enemies as early as their school days. This is almost impossible It might be resolved, especially after Black was rehabilitated. The two of them had more than one conflict at school.

On the other side of Snape was an empty seat. Harry guessed that it might be Professor McGonagall's. Adjacent to the seat, in the middle of the table sat the headmaster Professor Dumbledore.

His silver hair and long collar gleamed in the candlelight, and his gorgeous dark green plume was embroidered with stars and moons. He put his slender fingers together, resting his chin, and he stared at the ceiling through half-moon glasses, as if lost in thought.

Harry glanced at the ceiling too. It was spelled and looked like the sky outside. He had never seen a sky like this, with black and purple tumbling in the sky, signifying a storm, and a thunderbolt passed by as another thunder sounded outside.

"It's consistent with the sky outside. This is not a good sign." Hermione frowned and said.

"Today is a freshman enrollment, why not make the ceiling better?"

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