HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 1280:

The sun came out: above Harry was a vast, pure and colorless sky. But this is irrelevant to the predicament he is currently in. Harry sat at the door of the tent, taking a deep breath of fresh air. To be able to live like this and watch the sunrise on the shining snowy hillside should be the best thing in the world, but he didn't want to appreciate it.

Voldemort... is much stronger than them, and what's worse, he seems to have just lost his greatest support against Voldemort.

He looked down at the snow-covered valley, and the sound of the church bell in the distance broke the silence. His fingers unconsciously squeezed his arm hard, as if trying to relieve the pain.

Harry did not know how many times he had shed blood before; once he lost his right bone; his arm and forehead were originally injured. This journey has added new scars to his chest, and not only that, but also Fanlin...

To be precise, Fanlin seems to be able to stand up and support every accident, but now it seems...

When Fanlin was in the first grade, he almost cut off his palm with the cutting spell, and in the second grade, he almost died in that pool. Later...

It seems that there are too many to count, but it is only certain that every time, this is about him... Harry Potter?

Harry looked down at the wand in his hand. It didn't fit well, but it was Fanlin's guarantee.

In addition to Dumbledore, Fanlin had also been protecting him, and it felt that Harry had done more than Dumbledore.

But now it doesn't seem to work anymore, Fanlin's injuries have become more and more serious, and he has lost his greatest support.

Harry looked at his hands earnestly. He had never felt as weak as he is now, without the power of his hands and helpless, it seemed that the strongest magic in him had disappeared.

He knew very well what Hermione would say if he heard him describe the situation: the wand was as great as its owner.

But she was wrong, and his situation was different.

She didn't understand the feeling of the magic wand spinning like the needle of a compass, striking golden sparks on the enemy. He lost the protection of the twin wand, and he didn't know how important it was to him until now without the wand. Even if Fanlin said he wanted to make one for him, it was not his choice after all.

Silently, Harry took out the fragments of his wand from his pocket and stuffed it into a small bag that was hung around his neck without looking at it.

Now this bag is too full to hold those tattered and useless things anymore. Harry fumbled for the old golden snitch with his hand in the cloth bag, and he struggled for a long time before he made up his mind to take it out and throw it away.

Just like all the hard to penetrate, helpless, and useless things that Dumbledore left him.

At this time Harry's anger towards Dumbledore erupted like a volcano, and the anger burned in his heart and replaced all other emotions.

Despair forced them to believe that the answer was in Gochuker Valley, that they should go back... Believing that they were the only secret clues that Dumbledore left them; but no map, no plan.

Dumbledore left them alone in the dark, fighting against unknown and unimaginable opponents, alone and helpless, for no reason, and paid a heavy price, they had no weapons, and Harry lost his wand.

The worst thing, he lost the stolen photos, and now it couldn't be easier for Voldemort to find out who he was. Voldemort had all the information.

"Harry?" Hermione appeared timidly behind Harry, and she exploded Harry's wand as if she had deprived her of her identity as a wizard.

"you're awake?"

"Yes..." Hermione said hesitantly, leaning over.

"How is Fanlin?"

"He said it wouldn't matter, but..." Hermione said, putting down what she was holding in her arms, and then handed Harry the hot tea she had prepared.

"Thank you," Harry said, taking a cup of hot tea. "So... how's it going?"

"He has a fever. I treated him with Baixian, but the internal organs are in a mess..." Hermione whispered.

"He will be fine. He is a very good alchemist himself, and his potions scores are better than all of us." Harry said in silence, he didn't want to hurt Hermione, and he was Fanlin was confident that they had survived the bad situation.

"I know, he's asleep, I don't worry about you..." Hermione hesitated and said, Harry holding a wand that didn't recognize him, obviously, if something went wrong.

"Oh, no, I'm fine, you should be with him now."

Hermione did not speak, but sat down beside Harry, leaning against the tree.

"Can I talk to you for a while?"

"No... okay..." Harry nodded and didn't refuse.

"Harry, you want to know who the person in the picture is, okay...I have this book." Hermione timidly placed the book on his lap.

This is a paperback book—The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore.

"Where... why do you have this book...?"

"I found it in Bathilda's living room, and it's there...this piece of paper is on the top of the book." Hermione read aloud the sharp, ironic opening lines.

"'Dear Bathilda, thank you for your help. This is a copy of the book. I hope you will like it. You may not remember, but you did say a lot. Rita." This book was already here when Shida was alive, but maybe she hadn't read it carefully?"

"Well, I think so." Harry looked down at Dumbledore's face and felt a burst of wild happiness: now Dumbledore is out of control, he will know the things he will never mention to him.

"You're still angry with me, aren't you?" Hermione said.

He looked up and saw that her eyes were wet again, and he knew that his anger must be on his face.

"No," he said quietly. "No, Hermione, I know it was an accident. You are really kind of trying to get us out of there alive. If you didn't help me then, maybe I would have died long ago. I just...I just think, I'm not strong enough... forget it..." He smiled at Hermione's tearful smile, and then focused his attention on the book.

The spine of the book is still very hard, apparently never opened. Harry flipped through the pages of the book to look for photos, and immediately found a young Dumbledore and his handsome partner who were grinning at a long-forgotten joke.

Harry's gaze stayed on the instructions.

Albus Dumbledore, and his friend Gellert Greenward shortly after his mother died...

Harry read the last few words dumbfounded for a long time... Grindelwald. His friend Grindelwald.

He looked at Hermione who was on the side, and she stared at the name as if she couldn't believe her eyes. Slowly she turned to Harry.

"Grindelwald!" Ignoring the other photos, Harry flipped through the book, trying to find the name that choked him again. He quickly found it and couldn't wait to read it, but couldn't understand it at all: he had to turn to the previous content to know what was being said. In the end he found this chapter: "Great Good Deeds."

Harry and Hermione immediately began to read: Seeing that his eighteenth birthday was approaching, Dumbledore left Hogwarts with a series of eye-popping glory... Excellent academic performance, the Student Union Chairman, winner of the Barnabas Finkley Special Contribution Award, the representative of the British young magician based in Wiesengamo, the pioneering contribution prize awarded at the International Alchemy Conference in Cairo, etc.

According to the original plan, he planned to go on a great trip with Efia Dogo, a friend he met at school after graduation.

But just the day before the two of them were in the Broken Cauldron Bar in London to travel to Greece, the owl brought the sad news of the death of Dumbledore's mother.

Dog Chuan, Dogo, who refused to be interviewed by the author of this book, introduced to the public the sad scenes that followed.

He described that Kedra's death was nothing short of a bolt from the blue, and Dumbledore, who was hit hard, resolutely gave up the long-distance trip that had been in the making. Dumbledore then immediately set off to return to his home in Gochuk Valley and hurried to "take care" of his younger brother and sister.

But in fact, how much real care did he give them?

"He is definitely a headache guy, that Aberforth," said Alid Smick, who lived on the edge of the Gochuk Valley at the time, "he has become less and less educated. Of course, you will be very Sympathizing with such a son whose parents have died, and the look of his torn hat on his head all day makes you feel pitiful. But I don’t think Albus feels wrong about it. Anyway, I’m just They rarely see the two brothers together."

If Albus is not taking care of his young brother at this time, then what is he doing? I think the most likely answer is that he keeps his sister in custody as always.

Therefore, although the first offender of Ariana under house arrest has passed away, the appearance of Dumbledore has not changed her situation in the slightest. Her existence is still only known to a very small number of outsiders like "dog panting" Dodge. And many others are just prevaricated by excuses like "she is in poor health."

Another family that knows the inside story is the Bathilda Bagshot family, yes, it is the famous historian who has lived in seclusion in the Gochuk Valley for many years. Kedra, of course, when she first moved to this town, she even ignored Bathilda’s welcome to their home. However, many years later Bathilda gave Ah, who was still studying at Hogwarts. Fusi sent an owl to exchange views on his essay on species transformation published in "Transformation Today". It was from this contact that she and the Dumbledore family gradually became familiar.

Until Kedra's death, Bathilda was the only person in the Gochuk Valley who had a decent relationship with Mrs. Dumbledore.

Unfortunately, Bathilda’s style back then no longer exists. "She started the fire, but there was nothing left in the pot," Ivor Dillonsby told me, and Ai Reed Smick described to me rudely, "She is dull now like a nut hidden by a squirrel."

Nevertheless, I have collected enough details from her through various methods so that I can connect the truth of the whole incident. Like other people in the wizarding world, Bathilda attributed Cadella's sudden death to a curse, as did Albus and Aberforth in the following years.

Bathilda also mentioned Ariana of Dumbledore, saying that she was "frail" and "weak". However, on this issue, the Veritaserum I used with Bathilda taught me something more interesting, because she, and only she, knew all the secrets in Albus Dumbledore’s life. And these inside stories revealed for the first time will surely make all his admirers question him: his hatred of black magic, his opposition to suppressing Muggles, and even his dedication to his family, all these are just illusions.

That summer, when Dumbledore returned to his home in Gochuk Valley, he became the backbone of an orphaned family. Bathilda Bagshot often took Albus to play at her home.

There, he saw her grandnephew, Gellert Grindelwald for the first time.

Grindelwald’s name should be very famous: it has always been at the forefront of the list of the most dangerous black wizards, and the reason he was not at the top of the list is just because the "mysterious man" appeared later and took away what should belong to him. This honor.

Grindelwald’s claws have never touched England, so the process of his fortune is not widely known.

Grindelwald graduated from Durmstrang, a school notorious for indulging in black magic. He showed great magical talent at a young age like Dumbledore. However, he did not spend his energy on the pursuit of honors and medals, and he has no interest in it. When he was old, Durmstrang found that he could no longer ignore Gellert Grindelwald's messy experiments, so he fired him.

So far, the next record of Grindelwald that can be verified is that he "traveled all over the place in a few months."

And now it can be inferred that Grindelwald chose to visit his grandmother who lives in the Gochuk Valley, and what he harvested there, I believe many people will be surprised when they hear it. It is not something else, it is with Albus. Dumbledore's close friendship.

"In my eyes he is definitely a charming boy," Bathilda muttered, "No matter what he became afterwards. Naturally, I introduced him to poor Albus. This is premature. A child who has tasted the vicissitudes of life. The two boys hit it off right away. That's it.

Bathilda showed me a letter that Albus Dumbledore sent to Gellert Grindelwald in the dead of night, and it has been kept with her.

"Yes, after they met, they had endless conversations all day long-two talented young men, they hated each other late-I often heard owls flying in and out of Gellert's window, that He must be communicating with Albus! He must have some new idea, and he can't wait to share it with Gellert."

So what are their new ideas? Albus Dumbledore’s loyal fans may find these news sensational, but that’s okay, let’s take a look at the topics in their hearts that the seventeen-year-old hero is discussing with his new friend.

Gellert-I think your view of the rule of the wizarding world is "for Muggles' own good" is a key point.

Yes, we are given power, and there is no doubt that this power allows us to make rules, but it also requires us to have a sense of responsibility for the rules. We must emphasize this point, it is the cornerstone of our cause. When we have conflicts of views-there must be, and it must be the basis of our debate. We must firmly grasp the belief "for great good deeds."

From this point of view, if we encounter resistance in the future, we only need to use force to suppress and nothing else, and this is necessary. (This is the mistake you made at Durmstrang! But I will not blame you, because if you are not fired, we will never know each other.)


At this point, Albus’s admirers will definitely be surprised. This letter enacts a secret decree and establishes the rule of wizardry over Muggles; how this is for those who have been singing high-profile for Dumbledore. Heavy blow……

They also regarded Dumbledore as the greatest defender of Muggle rights! However, before this conclusive evidence, those high-sounding words about how to defend Muggle rights seem so pale and feeble! How despicable Dumbledore’s image is. When he was supposed to mourn for his mother and take care of his sister, he was busy planning how to expand his rights! There is no doubt that the last defenders who supported Dumbledore might say that he would not, at least, he must have changed his mind after experiencing an ideological struggle, and thus did not take action.

However, the following facts are even more shocking. Only two months after their new friendship was established, Dumbledore and Greenward separated and never met again, and their meeting again was actually the world-famous duel of the century (see 22 for details) chapter).

What made them turn against each other and not share the same spirit? Did Dumbledore find it conscience? Or did he tell Greenward that he didn't want to proceed with his plan anymore?

Alas, neither is it.

"I think it was the death of poor Ariana," Bathilda said. "Her death was a heavy blow. Gellert was living here when it happened and he ran into my room trembling all over and told me he wanted to go home tomorrow. The look was very sad. So I gave him the door key, and that was the last time I saw him. Ariana's death brought Albus on the verge of collapse. This is terrible for the brothers. They lost all their relatives except each other. It is not surprising that the xinxing becomes irritable. Aberforth blamed Albus, as people would do in terrible situations. But after all, Aberforth was always a little crazy talking, the poor boy. But even so, he interrupted Albus's nose at the funeral too much. How heartbroken it would be if Kadra saw her two children beat up like that, let alone next to her daughter's body. It's a pity that Gellert didn't stay until the funeral... Otherwise, he could at least comfort Albus...

This fierce quarrel around the coffin ~www.readwn.com~ only those who attended the funeral of Ariana Dumbledore knew that they had some questions. Why does Aberforth Dumbledore keep condemning Albus for the death of his sister? Is it just excessive sadness, as "Bahida" defended him? Or is there a deeper reason why he suddenly broke out?

Grindelwald was expelled from Durmstrang due to a near-fatal attack on his classmates, and hurriedly fled from here after the girl died mysteriously, and Albus (due to shame or fear?) never saw him again , Until he was repeatedly pleaded by the wizarding world and forced to fight.

After that, Dumbledore and Grindelwald did not seem to mention the short-lived friendship between boys and girls. However, there is no doubt that Dumbledore hesitated to attack Gellert Grindelwald after five years of life and death.

Did the lingering friendship or the fear that they were once best friends exposed make Dumbledore hesitate? Was it just because Dumbledore was unpopular and personally arrested a friend he once sympathized with? So how did the mysterious Ariana die? Was she an inadvertent victim of some dark magic ritual? Did she stumble upon something she shouldn't have discovered, such as the activities of these two young people to gain fame and power? Is it possible that Ariana Dumbledore was the sacrifice "for the great good deeds"?


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