HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 1268:

   For a while, there were no other sounds in the entire interrogation room, only the whimper of the poor woman sitting in the middle.

   The inexplicable Fanlin felt a little irritable, the situation in the interrogation room... to question the right of a wizard to possess a magic wand? The fight against Muggle wizards started very early.

   The birth of wizards is mostly inherited from blood, but that is not the so-called bloodline of pure-blood wizards. Otherwise, how did the first wizard be born?

   There has never been any superiority. Whether it is a wizard or a Muggle, every Muggle has the potential to become a wizard. This is just a transmission from the depths of the blood. Some people can, but most people can't.

   Umbridge is too much.

   Umbridge let out a little girlish laugh, which made Harry have an urge to crush her. She leaned forward over the railing to better observe her "victim"

"No," Umbridge said. "No, it's not like that, Mrs. Katemore. The wand only chooses wizards, and you are not a wizard. I have a questionnaire you filled out...Mafada, pass it give me."

   Umbridge stretched out her small hand: She looked so disgusting at that moment that Harry didn't even see the web between her short, thick fingers. Hermione's hands trembled in shock. She fumbled through the pile of papers on the chair beside her, and finally took out a roll of parchment with Mrs. Katemore's name on it.

   Umbridge glanced at Mrs. Katemore’s questionnaire, and said in a louder voice, "You are not the same as me, ‘parent occupation: greengrocer.’"

   Alex smiled mockingly. Under the platform, the fluffy patron saint cat is still patrolling back and forth, and the dementor is standing in the corner waiting. Umbridge’s lie caused Harry’s blood to flow upwards, leaving caution behind...

   What is it now? Is Umbridge eager to humiliate a wizard as much as possible?

In the rage, Harry raised his wand, even too lazy to hide it under the invisibility cloak, and yelled, "Faint!" A red light flashed, Umbridge fell down and hit his head against the railing. the edge of.

   The documents of Mrs. Katemore slipped from her lap to the floor, and the silver cat that was patrolling under the platform suddenly disappeared. Suddenly, chills hit them.

Alex looked around in confusion to find the source of the accident, and saw Harry pointing his wand in his hand under the invisibility cloak. He tried to pull out his own wand, but it was too late: "Faint! "

   Yaxley fell down and curled up on the floor.


   "Hermione, if you think I should sit here and let her talk nonsense..."

   "Good job, Harry, we can leave, I got what I wanted!" Fanlin said quickly, reaching out and holding Hermione up.

   "Don't wait." Hermione struggled. "Farlin, please help Mrs. Katemore!"

   "Oh, of course!" Fanlin turned around and faced the middle of the courtroom.

   Below the platform, the dementors have left the corner and slid towards the woman locked in the chair. I don't know if it was because the patron saint disappeared, or because they felt that their master had lost the power to control them, and the dementors did not continue to restrain their desire. When a crusted, sticky hand grabbed Mrs. Katemore's chin and tried to lift her face, Mrs. Katemore let out a scream.

   "Holy guard!" A silver cat rushed out from the top of Fanlin's wand and ran towards the dementors. Those guys returned to the dark corner. In comparison, Fanlin’s cat stared more than Umbridge’s cat, and the warm feeling spread arbitrarily, driving away the cold surroundings, it ran slowly around the house, the light illuminated the whole Between dungeons.

   "Harry, get her done!" Fanlin said, pulling Hermione out to go outside. If it is exposed here, it is very likely that he will be shot out, but let's open it first.

   Harry ran up the steps again, picked up the invisibility cloak and tucked it behind his back, then walked towards Mrs. Katemore.

   "It's you?" She stared at Harry's face and whispered, "But... but Ray said you put my name on the interrogation list."

   "Really?" Harry murmured, and slammed the shackles that locked her arms, "Well, I'm back to my right. Torn apart!" The shackles didn't move.

   "Hey, Fanlin, Hermione, how can I open this shackle?" Harry shouted, of course, everyone's current name.

   "Wait a minute, Harry!" Fanlin said, and the patron saint who controlled him drove the dementors out, then looked back at Harry, "Get out of the way."

As he said, Harry took two steps back, and then a strong wind blew Harry only felt something passing in front of him, and then there was a sound of gold and iron humming, and Harry was looking at the shackles. Location, the originally strong shackles have been split in half.

   fell back into the armrest of the chair clinkingly. At this moment, Mrs. Katemore was as full of fear as before.

   "I really don't understand." She whispered. "How did you do it, this is..."

"It's not important, the important thing is that you have to get out of here with us," Harry helped her stand up and said to her, "Go home, take your wand and family, and then leave, if necessary, please Leave this country. Disguise your identity and run away. You have seen it all, here you will never get a fair chance to appeal."

"Stop talking nonsense, Harry, come here, I think we have to go out together." Fanlin said, the silver light at the tip of the wand was so big that it was like detonating a light source, constantly pushing the dementors that came up. Retreat.

   "Holy guard!" Harry raised his wand and turned it slightly. Accompanied by the soft silver light, a stag appeared in the center of the venue to reflect Fanlin's silver cat.

   "Harry, you come to clear the way, I'll clean up for you!" Fanlin said, and the silver cat started to pounce cleverly.

   Harry nodded, and under his control, the stag slowed down and walked towards the door, still radiating light.

"Summon as many of them as possible. Hermione, call your patron saint." Fanlin said quickly. The huge number of dementors in the dark crypt seemed to have received some blessing, as if no one could know anything. Trying to use the Patronus Charm in Azkaban to defeat all dementors.

   "Hoo...Holy guard," Hermione said. But nothing appeared.

   "That's the only spell she doesn't know how to use." Harry explained to Mrs. Katemore who seemed completely confused.

   "It's a shame... Hurry up, Hermione, come on."

   "Guardian Guardian!" A silver cat similar to Fanlin appeared in the air at one end of Hermione's wand, and then Fanlin's patron saint swam to the door gracefully.

   "Follow up." Fanlin said, and walked towards the door with Hermione, Harry and Mrs. Katemore. When the patron saint came outside the dungeon, they heard the people waiting outside the door screaming.

   Fanlin looked around: the dementors fled around to avoid the silver creatures in front of them, and were forced to retreat into the surrounding darkness.

"The trial decided that all of you are going to go home and hide with your family," Fanlin said to the Muggle wizards waiting outside the door. They were still a little scared, and they couldn't be opened by the light of the patron saint. eye. "If you can, go to other countries as far as possible from the Ministry of Magic. This is...um...this is the new official arrangement. Now, as long as you follow the patron saint, you can leave the central hall. I don't want to repeat the first Second time, if you can understand, follow up!"

   The soft brilliance of the patron saint seemed to give the wizard outside an inexplicable power.

   They stood up from the stone bench one by one, but as they walked to the elevator, Harry began to worry again. If a silver stag, two silver cats floating in the air, and more than twenty people... half of them are Muggle wizards who are accused...

   such a combination suddenly appeared in the central hall, he thought it was impossible for them to not be noticed... and this was what he least wanted.

   "Fanlin, is there any way, I mean...look at..." Hermione asked, holding Fanlin's arm with one hand.

"Obviously, isn't it more surprising that the empty elevator is placed in the Ministry of Magic, and don't forget that there is surveillance at the door." It seems that the two of them are worried, "However, we can get out, after all. It’s impossible for these people to get caught with their hands, right? We can leave in the chaos!"

   Just as the people in Fanlin were waiting for the elevator and discussing how to leave, the elevator swayed down, and a person familiar to many people appeared in the elevator.

   "Thunder!" Mrs. Katemore cried, and plunged into Ron's arms. "Lan Keen and Nader rescued me, he attacked Umbridge and Alex, and he also let us all leave the UK. I think we better do this, Ray, really. Let's go home quickly and take the children away, and then-why are you so wet?"

"That's water," Ron mumbled and took off his clothes. "Farlin, they know there is an intruder inside the Ministry, as if they knew it from the hole in the door of Umbridge's office. If that's true. , I think we only have five minutes left..."

   Hermione’s patron saint suddenly disappeared with a "pop". She turned around and looked at Fanlin with horror.

   "Fanlin, if we are caught here..."

   "No, as long as we move fast enough." Fanlin said affirmatively. He was talking to those who didn't say a word behind him, who were staring straight at him.

   Are they forced to get in the car?

   Anyway, Fanlin has no obligation to save them, right? If you want to leave, you need everyone present to work together, right?

   "Who brought the magic wand?" Fanlin asked, turning his head, about half of them raised their hands.

   "Well, those who don't bring them should follow those who have magic wands. Before being intercepted, we have to act quickly and let's go. If someone is unfortunately left behind, then I'm sorry, that's all."

   They managed to squeeze into two elevators. The patron saints of Fanlin stood in front of the golden door like sentry, they closed the door and the elevator started to rise.

   "The eighth floor is here," a cold male voice said, "the middle hall."

   As soon as the elevator door opened, Fanlin knew that they were in trouble: the hall was full of wizards running around to block the fireplace.

   "Farlin!" Hermione called. "What should we...?"

   "Stop!" Suddenly, Harry roared, and Lan Coen's deterrent voice echoed in the hall. The wizards who were blocking the fireplace all stopped.

   "Follow up." He whispered to the Muggle wizards who were terrified. They huddled together, led by Fanlin and Hermione. "What's the matter, Albert?" asked the bald wizard who followed Harry out of the fireplace before, looking nervous.

   "You must let these people leave before you block the exit." Harry replied in a prestigious tone as much as possible. The wizards in front of him looked at each other.

   "However, we received a notice to block all exits and not let anyone..."

   "Are you going to fight me?" Harry roared. "You also want me to send someone to look up your family tree, don't you, just like I did for Dirk Creswell's family?"

   "I'm sorry!" The bald wizard stepped back and said angrily. "I didn't mean that, Albert, but I think...I think they are here for interrogation and..."

   "They all have pure blood," Harry said, his low voice echoing solemnly in the hall. "I dare say that you are more pure than many of you. Go away."

   Harry said loudly to the Muggle wizards. They rushed forward into the fireplace, then disappeared one by one. The wizards of the Ministry of Magic stood aside, some looked confused, some looked scared.

   At this moment... "Mary!" Katemore looked back. The real Ray Katemore came out of the elevator and ran towards them. He had stopped vomiting, but his face was pale.

   "Ray...Ray?" She turned her eyes from her husband to Ron, and he cursed loudly. The bald wizard was dumbfounded, his head turned funnyly between the two thunders.

   "Hey...what's wrong? What's going on...?"

   "Block the exit! Block the exit!" Alex rushed out of another elevator and ran to the people by the fireplace. At this time the Muggle wizards had all left through the fireplace, only Mrs. Katemore remained here. But just as the bald wizard raised his wand, Fanlin pounced on it and knocked it flying.

   "He is helping the Muggle wizards to escape, Alex!" Harry shouted at him. The bald wizard's colleagues began to commotion and uneasy. Taking this opportunity, Ron grabbed Mrs. Katemore and pulled her into a still open fireplace, then disappeared together.

   Alex looked at Fanlin, Harry, and the bald wizard with some confusion. At this time the real Ray Katemore shouted: "My wife! Who is with my wife? What happened?"

   Alex turned his head, and Harry saw a look of sudden realization on his beastly angry face.

   "Let's go!" Fanlin shouted at Hermione and Harry suddenly, he grabbed her hand and jumped into the fireplace together, and Alex's spell wiped off his head.

   "Get out of here!" Fanlin took advantage of the last effort and used his magic wand to pick it up. Suddenly, the fireplace of the Ministry of Magic seemed to explode, but a dark shadow seemed to tear open the flames...

   They were spinning in the fireplace, and after a while Harry bounced out of a bathroom and fell into a small bedroom.

   Harry slammed the door open: Ron was standing by the pool, still entangled with Mrs. Katemore.

   "Ray, I don't understand..."

   "Let go, I am not your husband, you have to go home!"

   At this moment, there was a loud noise in the bedroom behind them, and Harry turned his head: it was Alex who was chasing.

   "Oh. Damn it!" While speaking, Harry saw Vahlin pull Hermione out of the stove behind.

   came along, and an icy edge came out, but it was very eye-catching. Harry could clearly see the blood in Fanlin's pupils and the corners of his mouth!

   "Let's go!" Harry called.

"No, wait a minute!" Hermione said anxiously, but before she could finish her words, Alex recovered, and the debris that rushed through the icy ridges of the sky rushed towards them, very noticeably, as if It was his body that was burning, and the twisted black flames gradually swallowed Alex's body. Inexplicably, Fanlin felt an incomparable crisis.

   Fanlin's wand flicked, and the space began to shake violently, as if the sky was collapsing and the ground was sinking. The strong light exploded at the same time with this amazing cold air, while the **** aura floating in the air became more intense.

   "Go!" Fanlin turned his head, grabbing Hermione's hand and Ron's arm, Harry hurriedly put his hand up, and then Fanlin began to apparate. The darkness swallowed them. They seemed to be squeezed by invisible hands.

But something was wrong... Hermione's hand seemed to be slipping out of his tight handshake... For a moment Fan Lin felt extremely flustered, he wanted to call out... But, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't see anything. And the only things he could touch were Ron's arm and Hermione's fingers that were slowly sliding out... Then Fanlin saw the gate of Grimmauld Place No. 12 and the door knocker decorated with poisonous snakes. But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard a scream, and at the same time a black flame flashed: Hermione's fingers in his hand suddenly became stiff, and everything went back to darkness.

   "Fox...Fox..." Fanlin could only say difficultly, but the time was too short, and Fox was not a bound partner, but Fanlin could only look forward to this little Phoenix.


   Harry opened his eyes suddenly and was dizzy by the gold and green that came into view. He didn't know what was happening, only that he was lying on a pile of things that looked like branches and leaves.

   He took a few breaths of air hard to convince him, and blinked his eyes, realizing that the strong light was sprinkled by the sun through the leaves covering his head. Suddenly something close to his face twitched, and he propped up his body with his hands and knees, thinking that he would see a savage creature, but found that it was actually Ron's feet.

   Harry looked around and found that they and Hermione were lying in a forest, isolated. Harry first thought of the Forbidden Forest. After a while, although he knew how dangerous and stupid it was for them to appear on the grounds of Hogwarts in this way, he thought that he could sneak through the forest to Hagrid’s cabin. He couldn't help being extremely excited.

   However, Ron groaned in a low voice at this moment. Harry began to crawl towards him, only to realize that this was not a forbidden forest. The trees seemed to be younger, the spacing between the trees was larger, and the ground was cleaner.

   He saw Hermione also awake, trying to get up with his hands and knees supporting him above Ron's head. His gaze fell on Ron at this moment, and all other things disappeared from Harry's mind, because the blood soaked the left side of Ron's body, making his pale face leaning on the weedy grass very special. Eye-catching. The effectiveness of the compound decoction was disappearing: Ron's appearance was between Katemore and himself, his hair was getting redder, but the last touch of anger on his face was gone.

"What's up with him?"

   "Separate," Hermione said, holding back the flustered, but it can be clearly seen that Hermione's tears have rolled in her eyes.

  It was too late to think that Hermione had already begun to untie Ron's sleeve, where the blood was the wettest and the darkest. She tore off Ron's short coat, and Harry looked at him in horror. He always thought that splitting was a ridiculous thing, but this time...

   He wriggled uncomfortably, watching Hermione flatten Ron's upper arm, where a large piece of meat was gone, as if it had been dug out by a knife.

   "Harry, hurry up! Find a small bottle with "Bai Xian" in my bag..."

   "The bag...Okay..." Harry hurried to the place where Hermione Apparated just now, grabbed the small beaded bag and stretched out his hand. Immediately, he felt the same thing. He felt the leather spine, the woolen sleeves of the pullover, and the heel of the shoes... "Hurry up!" He grabbed his wand from the ground and pointed at this magic Deep in the bag.

   "Bai Xian is coming!" A small brown bottle flew out of the bag. He grabbed it and hurried back to Hermione and Ron. Ron's eyes were half open at this time, and only the whites of the eyes could be seen in the eyelids.

   "He passed out," Hermione said, her face also pale, and although she no longer looked like Mafalda, some of her hair was still gray.

   "Open it for me, Harry, my hands are so trembling." Harry pulled out the stopper from the vial, Hermione took it and dropped three drops of potion on Ron's **** wound.

   The green smoke rose immediately, and when the smoke dissipated, Harry saw that the blood had stopped. Now the wound looked like it had healed for several days; new skin was covering the tender flesh that had grown out.

   Harry sighed.

"This is the maximum thing I can do to ensure safety," Hermione said weakly. "There are still some pills that can make him fully recover, but I dare not try anymore. If something goes wrong, it may cause more The damage... he has shed too much blood..."

   "How did he get hurt? I mean..." Harry shook his head, trying to sort out his thoughts, trying to understand what happened just now...

   "Why are we here? I think we should be back to Grimmauld Place?" Hermione took a deep breath, but the cry in her tone could not be covered.

   "Harry, I don't think we can go back there."

   "You mean—"

"When we Apparated, Alex grabbed and controlled me. I couldn't escape from him. He was too strong. He still held me when we arrived at Grimmauld Place. Then... Yes, I think he must have seen the door and thought we stopped there, so he relaxed his control. I managed to escape from him, and then I made us appear here!"

   "But then, where is he? Wait... You mean he is still in Grimmauld Place? Isn't he unable to get there?" She nodded, tears shining in her eyes. "Harry, I think he can. I... I was under his Imperius Curse, and I almost took him to break the Red Loyalty Curse. Since Dumbledore died, we have been secrets, so I have told him That’s a secret, isn’t it?"

   can't be fake; Harry is sure she is right. This is a terrible blow! If Alex can enter the house now, they won't be able to return.

Even now, Alex may have Apparated and brought other Death Eaters there. Although the room is dark and depressing, it is at least a safe haven: even now, I want to come to Kreacher and become friendly. Much more, and it seems more like a home there. Stung by a remorse that has nothing to do with food, Harry imagined that house elf had been busy preparing some steak and kidney pies that they would never eat.

   "Harry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

   "Don't be silly, it's not your fault! If anything happens, it's all my fault...and, where's Fanlin?"

   is like a Bingli sword, which pierced Hermione's heart in one fell swoop!

"I... I don't know, I can't find him... Harry, I can't find him, and then I found Ron, Harry... I... I can't find him!" Hermione's tear ducts It was as if she had collapsed, and suddenly, a lot of tears flowed down Hermione's cheeks.

"When I left, I was controlled by Alex. Fanlin had been entangled with him. I saw their two magics. Later I saw Fanlin was caught, his body and Alex's hand entangled. Together, I..."

   "Alex caught him?"

"I don't know, Harry, I don't know, then I went up, and then I was under the Imperius Curse..." Hermione's hands covered her face, tears could not help washing the blood from Hermione's hands, but That only made Hermione more embarrassed.

   "No, it won't... he is, he is the strongest among us..." Harry said in a daze, he couldn't think that the split was already the most serious consequence in Harry's eyes.

   Suddenly, Harry thought of Fanlin's unhealed body, and when he escaped, the powerful magic, the changes in Alex, and the blood at the corner of Fanlin's mouth...

"Harry, help me find him, okay, Harry, help me find him..." Hermione almost pleaded. She lost her strength and seemed to kneel on the ground as if she could not support her. Her gray hair was smooth. Suddenly, Harry understood what it was like.

"He...he'll be fine...Hermione, he is the strongest, isn't he..." Harry said bitterly, "I, I'm going now, maybe... Maybe Fanlin is there. ..."

   Harry stood up suddenly. A strong sense of dizziness struck Harry, and Harry only felt that the sky was spinning, black rushing up, Harry only felt that he was going to fall in a daze, but when he thought of Hermione...

   Suddenly, a high-pitched cry made Harry feel refreshed. This cry...

"Fox, it's Fox, Hermione, look at it, it's Fox!" Hermione looked up blankly. The space above them seemed to have opened a hole. In the next second, countless flames would illuminate the surrounding area. The embarrassed figure rushed out of the hole along with Fox.

   "Farin!" Hermione exclaimed hastily, but the current appearance of Fanlin made Hermione very sensitive...

   "You..." Hermione wiped her tears with her hand, and the pitch-black burn mark left an indelible mark on Fan Lin's mouth like a brand.

   "I, it's okay, isn't it..." Fanlin said, but the whole person came down a little limp.

   "You...Is that okay?" Hermione cried, but she cried and laughed. She hugged Fanlin desperately, and the two of them went straight to the ground.

   "Always make Alex pay some price, right?" Fanlin said, looking up at Hermione's blood-stained face, "What's wrong with you? Are you injured, Fox..."

   "No, Ron split..." Hermione said, "I helped him treat the wound."

   "By the way, Fox, Fox's tears..." Hermione said, suddenly realizing something, and staring at the wound on Fanlin's chest intently, "Have you used it?"

   "It doesn't matter..." Fanlin said, watching the tears accumulating in Hermione's eyes.

"Oh, please, Harry, I can't stand up, I'll trouble you Fox!" Fanlin said, Harry nodded, Fox gently rubbed Fanlin's arm with his head, and then fluttered to Luo. En's body.

A drop of tears fell, like the hottest potion reaction. White smoke quickly spread all over Ron’s wound, visible to the naked eye, and the wound healed because of the whiteness quickly transformed into a normal skin condition, but it was not beautiful. , A huge scar twisted and spread on Ron's body.

   Ron groaned and opened his eyes. His face was still pale, and the sweat on his face reflected light.

   "How do you feel?" Harry asked softly.

   "Uncomfortable," Ron said in a hoarse voice, shrinking as if he felt his arm hurt.

   "Where are we now?"

   "In the woods where the Quidditch World Cup was held," Hermione wiped her tears and hugged Fanlin and said, "I want a closed and secret place, and this place..."

"It's the first place you think of," Harry finished for her~www.readwn.com~ glanced at this seemingly deserted glade, and couldn't help but remember the last time they Apparated to Hell The first place Min thought of-and how did the Death Eaters find them in a few minutes, did they use the mind of the gods? Did Voldemort and his men know where Hermione took them at this moment? "

   Ron turned his head a little laboriously, "So, Fox...oh, thank you, Fox..."

   "You should thank Hermione." Harry shook his head.

   Fox touched Fanlin's arm again, and then disappeared in front of everyone with a bang.

   "Fanlin, how are you doing?" Ron struggled to sit up, and Harry quickly helped.

   "Fortunately, at least Fox cured my trauma." Fanlin said, looking at Ron's wound, "You may have suffered some, at least for a while."

   "Did you say we can move on?" Ron asked Harry suddenly, and Harry saw the same answer from Ron's face.

   "I don't know." Ron still looked weak and pale, he couldn't sit up too hard, as if he was too weak to do this.

   And Fanlin is not much better, at least, Hermione didn't mean to let Fanlin sit up.

   It seems that the idea of ​​moving now is unrealistic.


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