HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 1246:

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In an instant, everything around him seemed distorted and sluggish, and Fanlin took Hermione and Harry to jump up and drew out his wand.

Scrimgeour was dead, which did not surprise Fanlin, but the hands-on ability of the Death Eaters was much stronger than he thought.

Did you remind Scrimgeour for nothing?

Many people present just felt that something strange had happened just now, and they were still looking around looking for the silver cat that had long since disappeared.

But the dead silence, like cold water waves, diffused from the place where the patron saint appeared, and then someone screamed.

They realized what had just happened.

"Let’s go quickly and get out of here first!" Fanlin said, pulling Hermione and Harry into the horrified crowd. The guests fled around in a panic. Many people used Apparition, and the protection spell near the Burrow was completely destroyed. destroyed.

This will speed up the invasion of Death Eaters, and the large-scale Apparition will make the surrounding space unstable.

"Ron!" Harry said suddenly, "Ron is not here!"

"Ron, where are you?" Harry shouted.

As they pushed away the crowd and crossed the dance floor, Harry saw several figures in cloaks and masks appearing in the crowd. Then he saw Lupin and Tonks waving their magic wands and shouting together: "Armor!" Then a scream echoed.

"Ron! Ron!" Fanlin yelled, and the three of them were crowded with sweat by the frightened crowd.

Friction, confusion and heat...

With the light and fire of the spell, everything around it becomes bad.

Fanlin clutched Hermione's hand tightly to prevent them from being squeezed apart, just at this moment, a light that didn't know if it was a protection curse or an evil curse flew over their heads.

"Get out of here!" Fanlin shook his wand fiercely, as if opening a wall, and pushed it fiercely towards the source of the spell.

In an instant, the chaotic scene became much clearer.

"They are here!" a Death Eater called.

"Ron!" Harry yelled.

They finally found Ron. Ron grabbed Van Lin’s other hand, and then, without the slightest pause, Harry felt Hermione’s apparitions with them, and darkness rushed towards him. Harry couldn't see or hear. The only thing he could feel was Hermione's hand. He seemed to wear sexual time and space. The Burrow was farther and farther away from him, and there were fewer Death Eaters behind him. The farther and farther he came, maybe even Voldemort was also farther and farther away from him...

"Where are we?"

Ron's voice rang.

Harry opened his eyes, and for a while, he thought he hadn't left the wedding scene, and they were still full of guests.

"Tottenham Court Road," Hermione gasped. "Are you all right, Fanlin! Madam Pomfrey won't let you use magic!"

"It's okay, it's just a little bit out of strength!" Fanlin gasped. Before the dark injury of his body was completely repaired, the load brought by the Apparition was still too great.

"Go, keep walking, we'll find a place to change the clothes." Hermione helped Van Lin. According to her words, the four of them walked and ran on the dark streets. On both sides of the street, there were people who did not return home at night. Drinking revellers, and a long line of closed shops, with stars shining in the sky.

A double-decker bus rumbling past, a group of happy bar girls winked at them... and Harry and Ron were still wearing wizard robes, which seemed a bit strange. Compared to Van Lin’s suit, in the twist world, they Two are even more weird.

"Hermione, we have no clothes to change." Harry told her. At this time, a young **** the side of the road saw him and burst into a hoarse laugh.

"It's too bad, why didn't I make sure if I took the cloak with me? Harry said, cursing his stupidity quietly. "I kept it with me last year and..."

"Don't worry, I took the invisibility cloak, and I also took the clothes for you two." Hermione said, "Try to behave more naturally until...this is it."

She led them through the street and turned into a dark alley to a place where they could escape.

"You said you took the invisibility cloak, and clothes..." Harry asked suspiciously, and he frowned at Hermione.

"Oh, yes!" Hermione said without thinking.

She shook the delicate little bag gently, and there was a dull echo from the cabin full of cargo.

Hermione turned the probe intently into the bag. Harry frowned and stared at Hermione. Except for a small bead-embroidered handbag, Hermione didn't take anything. At the moment, she was flipping through the bag.

"Found it," Hermione said. Amidst the surprises of Harry and Ron, she pulled out a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt, some maroon socks, and finally the silvery invisibility cloak.

"Damn it, how are you..."

"Space Amplification Curse" Fanlin said against the wall, "When did you prepare it, you can actually put it..."

"Forget it, you should listen to Madam Pomfrey." Hermione said, "You can't rely on you for everything, and I think I'm doing pretty well. In short, I put everything we need in it. Up."

"Oh, damn, these books," she said, looking inwardly, "I originally sorted them by subject..."

"I'll help you sort out!" Fanlin said, putting away his wand, and reaching for the clothes Hermione handed over.

"Okay, don't waste time." Fan Lin felt it for a moment. He had tried his best to cover up the spatial fluctuation, but Fan Lin could not guarantee whether they were discovered.

"When did you do these things?" Harry asked Hermione as Fanlin took off his wizard robe.

"I told you when I was in the Burrow, I had prepared these necessities a long time ago, in case we are going to escape suddenly. After changing clothes this morning, I packed all of your clothes and put them away. Go in... I just have a hunch..."

"You are incredible! Really!" Ron said, handing her the folded wizard robe.

"Thank you." Hermione smiled and tucked her robe into her bag. "Quickly, Harry, put on the invisibility cloak!"

Harry put his cloak around his shoulders ~www.readwn.com~ and pulled it over his head, disappearing from the air. Only now did he begin to realize what had happened.

"What about the others, the others at the wedding..."

"We can't manage that much," Fanlin whispered. "They want you, Harry. We will only make everyone more dangerous if we go back. If we are not in the Burrow, they will most likely give up immediately. Not a good bone to chew."

"That's it," Hermione said in an interface. Although Harry could not see his face, Hermione knew without his head that Harry wanted to refute.

"Most of the members of the Order of the Phoenix are there, and they will protect everyone."

Harry nodded, then remembered that they couldn't see him, so he said, "Okay."

But he thought of Ginny, and his fear suddenly began to bubble like stomach acid.

"Let's go, we better not stop," Hermione said.

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