HP Dear Miss Freak

Chapter 50: Forty-five, nightmares and haunted houses

    "How can the Frobe caterpillar be scary?"

    "The petition of Sirius' injustice has failed." A huge Frobe caterpillar said slowly.


    Frober caterpillar?

    Sylvia woke up abruptly, shook her head and looked out of the window at the dawn of the sky, and fell back on the bed depressed.

    "Are you having nightmares again?" Angelina, who was closest to Sylvia's bed, rubbed her eyes and asked.

    "Sorry Angie, I woke you up." Sylvia got up, lowered her voice and made an apologetic gesture.

    "Did you know that you can talk in your dreams?" Angelina asked in a low voice.

    "Really? What did I say?" Sylvia hadn't recovered from the dream just now.

    "I don't understand, it's not like English, it's like Chinese." Angelina showed a worried look, "What did you dream about?"

    "Oh." Sylvia slowly raised her head to look at her, it turned out that she had this skill, "I dreamed of a Frobe caterpillar that was ten feet long."

    "It was indeed a nightmare." Angelina covered her mouth and laughed softly.

    Sylvia fell back on the bed, hugged her doll pillow, and buried her head in the bed. Ever since she received a letter from Andromeda saying that the Ministry of Magic was not planning to close the case, she had always had this dream, dreaming of Sirius being sent back to Azkaban, dreaming that Peter Pettigrew was actually innocent , dreamed that he was called by the Ministry of Magic to be tortured... In short, it was quite outrageous.

    And Sylvia always felt that these dreams were suggesting something. It made her feel uneasy.

    "Those old **** from the Ministry of Magic!"

    At breakfast time, Sylvia slapped the table angrily after receiving a new letter from home, which shocked Neville, who was eating stew on the side.

    "Don't poison the first graders with your wrong ideas." Percy gave Sylvia a dissatisfied look.

    "My grandma used to say that the Ministry of Magic is always so stubborn." Neville said cautiously, for fear that Percy would also give him a look.

    "Honestly, Neville, there are old **** everywhere—Professor! I'm not talking about you!" Sylvia was completely unaware of Snape when she said this Just passed behind her. Of course our demon professor wouldn't listen to her explanation, and a potions textbook slammed heavily on Sylvia's head.

    "You deserve a lesson." Percy raised his chin, as if Snape would do it if he didn't give Sylvia a hit.

    "He just wanted to beat me up." Sylvia pouted, "I guess my days will be even worse."

    "By the way, my correspondence with my father also mentioned your uncle's case. He said that all kinds of evidence have been finalized, and Professor Dumbledore is still here, I believe it will be soon The coffin is sealed." Percy swallowed a mouthful of milk and looked at Sylvia, "I can't believe that guy has lived in our house for ten years! My dad said it was lucky to have this farce from you. Calculate."

    It's not as good as mine.

    Sylvia smiled slightly and shook her head.

    "Go! Bunny!"

    "We have a big deal today! Remember?" Fred and George hurried into the auditorium, both of whom seemed eager to be heard by the whole school.

    "Aren't you going to Hogsmeade?" Li asked aside, "Thanks to me for organizing the Screaming Shack Ghost Hunting Team today."

    "I wish you success, Brother Li." Sylvia shook hands with Li solemnly, then looked at Fred and George, "You go first, I'm going Owl Shack delivers a letter to Mom."

    "Cough cough." Percy coughed twice, making Sylvia look again, "Don't you think it's time to teach me geometric functions?"

    "Merlin's swimming trunks! Why do you want to learn geometric functions?" Sylvia sighed as she wrote back, "I think you might as well master lightning mental arithmetic for your life. Some."

    "Didn't you tell Charlie? You don't have a lot of skills." Percy shrugged.

    "Charlie, Charlie. Charlie told you this." Sylvia put the letter in the envelope, "I will teach you during summer vacation! You wait for me to prepare a lesson!" Go out in a hurry.

    Percy is worthy of Percy, and Hoddle has time to learn Muggle math when he is devastated by O.W.Ls?

    Sylvia felt that she still underestimated Percy, and going to the Department of International Magical Cooperation to be Barty Crouch's personal assistant would not be ordinary people.

    "Sorry." Sylvia almost ran into someone head-on at the corner of a corridor, but fortunately, her skills became more and more agile, and she avoided it with a twist.

    It's Draco.

    This young master just walked with his head down obviously, and an apology came to his mouth, and Sylvia pursed her mouth tightly again. Sylvia didn't say anything and continued to drive her way.

    "Hey! Tonks." Draco turned around and called to Sylvia, as if he was having a hard time letting go.

    "Are you looking for me?" Sylvia held the letter in her hand and stopped.

    "Before, I didn't mean to..." Let him say this sentence, showing the expression of eating raw slugs, "I didn't want you to fall!"

    "I know." Sylvia shrugged and smiled and continued walking.

    "Hey! Tonks. Give this back to Weasley! I don't care about his book!" leave.

    "Which Weasley?" Sylvia remembered after asking, and opened it to see that there was a letter from Charlie.

    It looks like they are going to open the Forbidden Forest dungeon.

    Sylvia looked at the medical wing in the distance. She planned to bring little Ronnie something to eat when she returned the book.

    "Why so slow?" Fred looked at Sylvia who was late and patted the floor beside him in dissatisfaction, motioning her to sit down quickly.

    "I went to see little Ronnie, do you know that his fingers are swollen like chicken legs? They are still green." Sylvia smiled and sat down between the twins and stretched out a big Lazy waist. She even wanted to lie down directly on the wooden floor, which was even more comfortable than the dorms since they made the Screaming Shack their stronghold.

    "We didn't care about little Ronnie? Oh! We are really bad brothers." George showed a regretful expression, but soon laughed again.

    "It's fine if you go instead of us." Fred handed a music box in his hand to Sylvia, "Listen, doesn't it look like that?"

    "When will Lee's ghost hunting team come?" Sylvia had already started to laugh. Fred waved his wand, and the music box let out a terrifying scream.

    "Don't overdo it, it's fake." Sylvia didn't think there was anything commendable about it.

    "Of course that's not the point." George snapped his fingers, "The point is the box of peppermint toads we sponsored for the Ghostbusters this morning."

    "You try one." Fred picked up one and handed it to Sylvia. She took it and threw it directly into her mouth, indicating that he could start their performance.

    Something magical did happen. Fred picked up the music box and said something in a low voice. A strange whisper immediately appeared in Sylvia's ear, and she subconsciously covered her ears with a chill on the back of her neck. Fred and George watched her reaction, laughed and clapped.

    "This is too underworld." Sylvia picked up the music box and said, "Where's the antidote? Give it to me."

    "I don't have an antidote." Fred gave his classic smirk, "Do you have one, George?"

    "Obviously, neither did I." George showed a regretful look again.

    "My dear, you dare to count on me?" Sylvia squeezed her knuckles.

    "Shhh! They're coming!" Fred made a husky expression and leaned against the window.

    "We moved a little bit, we can't see the inside from the outside, but we can see the outside." George said and handed Sylvia a red candy, "Quickly solve it. The medicine is taken, and the good show is about to begin."

    "You found inspiration from cellophane?" Sylvia took the antidote and moved to the window, watching Li with a mighty group of people coming here.

    "What's that?" Fred was visibly annoyed when he found that his invention had a precedent. But Sylvia made a silent gesture, put it on his shoulder and looked out together.

    "More than we expected." George was clearly excited as he counted the heads.

    "He also found someone from another college." Sylvia kept covering her mouth for fear of laughing too much.

    "Is that Roger Davis? That Chaser from Ravenclaw."

    "Tsk." Fred frowned suddenly, "Why is he here?"

    Sylvia followed Fred's finger. Hoddle walked at the back of the crowd with his hands in his pockets, looking uninterested.

    "Rebecca and Cedric?" Sylvia glanced at the crowd and immediately understood, "I guess they invited him, very Rebecca's style." They were actually already familiar with each other, and Qiu probably took them together to review. "Cedric didn't bring Qiu with him? Oh, Qiu is in the second grade, so it's all right." Sylvia said to herself.

    "That stupid big guy from Hufflepuff actually has a girlfriend?" Fred sneered, "Is Qiu your little Ravenclaw?"

    "It's not done yet, but I think it's a matter of time." Sylvia began to smile again.

    "Then he's your little Hufflepuff's boyfriend?" George asked, pointing to Rebecca and Hoddle who were communicating. Compared with Cedric, who is very popular and often accosted by people, Rebecca and Hoddle actually look more like a pair of good friends.

    "How is that possible!" Sylvia turned her head sharply to look at him.

    "Why are you so excited?" Fred hooked Sylvia's shoulders and pulled her towards him.

    "He's not worthy." Sylvia folded her arms and raised her head, "My little angel must find a gentle boy."

    "Working, George." Fred's eyes were already fierce. The twins exchanged glances, one picked up the music box, the other the bluff bomb.

    "You don't want to tell me you—" Before Sylvia could finish speaking, George slammed the room hard, the explosion of the bluff bomb almost shocked people directly deaf.

    The students outside the window also heard the sudden bombardment and quickened their pace. Especially Li, Sylvia wanted to burst into laughter just looking at him in high spirits.

    It was supposed to be a three-person movie, and you can't have a name. Oh, the movie of four.

    Just as they got close enough, Fred began his demonic whispers. A lot of people showed obvious panic, obviously they were the part that had eaten the candy. Sylvia had to praise the subtlety of this plan. The faces of the students who heard the voice were full of fear. They tried to explain to those who didn't hear the voice, but the panic only made people more confused, and the people who didn't hear the voice were not so quick to believe. Rebecca and Cedric obviously didn't eat the candy, and were looking at the somewhat chaotic scene in wonder.

    Fred took a light breath into the music box, and the students screamed from downstairs. And the three of them who initiated it have already beat their legs with laughter.

    "I really don't understand, how can you still be afraid of ghosts after studying at Hogwarts? Are there not enough ghosts in the castle?" Sylvia leaned on the window and looked at Li She was so frightened that she wanted to appease others, and she laughed until tears came out.

    "Who scared me just now? Bunny?" Fred raised his chin proudly.

    "You have a mouth, don't you?" Sylvia raised her fist to slap him, "It's better for our friendship not to say something, Fred."

    "You are indeed unusual." George smiled and patted Sylvia's shoulder, "It's good to be so calm when you try this for the first time, buddy."

    "I've been elevated since I took the Potions class." Sylvia made a gesture of prayer, "How could Snape be so scary?"

    "Ah, that's not right!" Sylvia said again in the hilarious laughter of the two boys, "How can there be a Flobber caterpillar?"

    "Is this the Flobber caterpillar you're talking about?" George took out a soft toy from his pocket, and Sylvia immediately conditioned reflexively to retreat a long way.

    "Don't be afraid, Bunny." Fred couldn't help laughing. "That's a jelly slug."

    "It's pretty sweet." George smiled and took apart the thin wrapping paper and threw it into his mouth.

    "Fred, write to Mrs. Molly. If you two become ghosts one day, it must be me." Sylvia returned to the position just now to face George's arm A punch.

    "Tsk. Is that guy too annoying?" Fred frowned as he looked out the window. Hoddle had walked right under the screaming shack and looked up at them, as if thinking about something.

    "This guy is really a person." Sylvia also snorted, "It's okay, there won't be a second entrance to enter here except for the beating willow."

    "Are you sure?" George was obviously a little flustered, but Sylvia nodded firmly

    "Bunny, I ask you." Fred leaned closer to her, "Do you think that guy is attractive?"

    "Why are you asking that?" Sylvia was at a loss for words, but it was too easy for her to pretend to be calm.

    "Every time I hear Angelina mention him, he says: That handsome boy." Fred snorted disdainfully, "He's so skinny that I can knock him down with a punch. "

    "Jealous? Don't worry, Angie won't like him." Sylvia patted Fred's shoulder cheerfully.

    "What nonsense are you talking about?" Fred stared at him with an expression of disbelief, and George rolled on the ground with laughter when he heard the word jealous.

    "Angie is beautiful, isn't she? She's exactly your type, right?" Sylvia had an expression I knew. Fred felt that the look on her face was a lot like when she was talking about her Ravenclaw cherub and Cedric, though he didn't know what weird thoughts were in her head, but he had to kill it, right now!

    "It's pretty, so what?" Fred looked at Sylvia with a very uncomfortable smile, and even wanted to punch her.

    "It's alright, needless to say, I understand. Buddy." Sylvia said meaningfully and patted Fred on the shoulder again.

    "No, I don't think you understand." George raised his hand on the ground to express his thoughts.

    "I understand, Georgie. You don't." Sylvia rubbed George's head regretfully.

    "What do you know, do you know?" Fred took a handful of jelly slugs from his pocket and slammed Sylvia hard, "If you dare to spread my rumors, even if it is you , I won't let it go."

    "Leave it to me, Fred." Sylvia got out of the pile of jelly slugs and stood up, breaking free of Fred's hands that wanted to hold her, and winked , "I understand it all."

    During the fight with Fred, Sylvia inadvertently looked out the window. Hoddle was still standing beneath the Screaming Shack, and he seemed to be examining the odd structure. Sylvia swallowed guiltily, she knew what a smart old Ravenclaw this guy was. Just in case, it might be necessary to add a protective spell to their base or something.

    As soon as she was distracted, Fred grabbed her, and the two fell to the ground together.

    The author has something to say:

    The part where the brother returned the book is also in the novel. The original book was the medical wing that he used to borrow books when he was laughing at Ron. He took the book and walked away only to find Charlie's letter to Ron.

    Then, I really enjoyed watching the three of them play tricks! !

    As soon as you get to the same frequency plot of Fred, Hoddle and Searle, there will be a wonderful cross-server chat hahahaha! A little bit of misunderstanding can promote the emotional line (hhhhhhhhhh At this time, Sear was kidnapped by the inherent impression of the original CP hahahaha

    Today is the last day of the daily shift! Construction is complete! Thank you everyone! ! Finally, I wish you all a Happy New Year! Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-16 20:06:43~2021-02-18 11:20:12~

    Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of audio cable;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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