How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter five hundred and twentieth six little helpers help a lot


Gu Shinian knew what Yun Shang was thinking, held her hand tightly, and said in a low and forceful voice: "A Chang, you don't need to go into a corner, you will catch up."

In another parallel world, the development of the country can catch up with the world's first echelon of developed countries, and even surpass the past. It makes no sense to change the world and fail to catch up.

In fact, there are hundreds of books on military industry, technology, and agriculture handed in by the two of them in this world. The future development of the country will only be faster, better, and stronger.

Yun Shang nodded, hooked Gu Shinian's arm, and said angrily, "Second brother Gu, I think stealing gardens is too weak, I should go to the reference room of those electrical and automobile factories for a stroll! "

The expression on Gu Shinian's face distorted again.

He felt that Yunshang's three views were getting more and more crooked, and his courage was getting bigger and bigger.

Yesterday I wanted to vacate the museum here, but today I set my sights on the reference room of the electrical appliance factory and the auto repair factory.

However, why does he have the urge to visit the data rooms of these manufacturers?

Seeing that Gu Shinian's face was not very good-looking, Yun Shang sighed and comforted Gu Shinian, "Second Brother Gu, don't be afraid, I'm just talking."

It's really just talking, I will never sneak out in the middle of the night to do big things!


Thinking about the action at night, the two went back to their rooms to rest after returning to the hotel to prepare for the action at night.

At night, a few stars could still be seen in the sky. In the middle of the night, a wind blew up outside, and the thick clouds covered only a few stars, and the whole land fell into a dark silence.

Hearing the low rattling sound of the shoji door next door, Yun Chang slowly opened her eyes, and cautiously poked out her mental strength, only to find that Lao Jin and Gu Shiqing walked out of the room quietly, groping for the backyard quietly, Prepare to climb out of the wall of the small hotel.

Yunshang quickly entered the space, put on her clothes, and used the space to flash out of the small hotel gate. Before the two of them, she quickly rushed to the cherry blossom garden that she was thinking of moving away.

When she arrived at the place, Yunshang first took advantage of the space and sprayed all the rooms with ether spray, then unleashed her mental strength, hooked the keys from the clothes hanging in the cabinet by the host, and placed them neatly on the tatami mat in the study. On the square table in the middle.

Just turning around to go to the backyard, and worried that only the finger-length keys on the square table were not conspicuous enough, and Lao Jin would not notice, Yun Shang simply inserted the key into the safe, nodded in satisfaction, and then turned to collect the keys she had already paid for. The optimistic cherry tree has gone.

By the time Lao Jin and Gu Shinian rushed over, Yunshang had already moved more than 20 cherry blossom trees in the backyard into the space.

Mental power detected that Lao Jin and Gu Shinian entered the yard one after the other, Yun Shang appeared outside the wall and ran back the same way.

When Gu Shinian was waiting outside, he turned to the backyard and took a look. Seeing that the cherry blossom trees that had filled most of the backyard had disappeared, he knew that Yunshang had arrived.

At the same time, Lao Jin, who sneaked into the study room and was about to try his best to open the safe, almost went crazy with joy when he saw the key inserted in the safe door.

Didn't the family members know that he was coming to retrieve the cultural relics, so they took the initiative to leave the key here so that it would be convenient for him to do it?

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