How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter 422 Transmission

Gu Shinian: "Don't worry, I have a plan here."

Seeing Yun Chang's eyes brighten up, Gu Shinian rubbed her head amusedly, "I'll go out later, have someone deliver the letter to Zhu, and try to take a picture of the secretary."

Knowing that Gu Shinian had business to do, Yun Shang stopped procrastinating and refusing to get up, pushed Qiu Qiu out of the bed, and quickly folded the quilt.

After breakfast, he hugged Qiuqiu again, laying his two round heads on the window together, watching Gu Shinian leave the house obediently.



In the county government building, a loud phone rang in the office of the head of the secretarial group.

The middle-aged man dressed simply and with a serious face put down the newspaper, picked up the phone, and after hearing clearly what the other person said, he quickly put down the phone, walked outside the office, and knocked on the desk near the door.

"Chen Li, are you feeling unwell today? Your younger brother is here to deliver sick meals to you, so he's waiting at the guard. Go down and have a look."

Chen Li raised her head in confusion. When did she get sick?

There is only one extremely lazy father in the family, and four younger brothers who are invisible all day long. Today is not the weekend, and the younger brothers have to go to school. Her lazy father doesn't even bother to get off the bed in this weather. Who will give her a gift? meal?

And it's sick food.

Chen Li was full of doubts, grabbed the scarf on the back of the chair, and quickly went downstairs to the guard.

"You, are you Chen Li?"

As soon as he approached the gate of the county government, he saw a six or seven-year-old boy running over from the gatehouse, holding a large oiled paper bag in his hand, and holding a big snow-white meat bun, gnawing hungrily.

Seeing the little boy's dark fingers and the black finger prints on the bun, Chen Li frowned unconsciously, and a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, "Yes, I am Chen Li, baby, you know me younger brother?"

"I don't know." The boy shook his head, tried his best to swallow the bun in his mouth, and stuffed the tightly wrapped oil paper bag into Chen Li's arms, "Your brother gave me a bun and asked me to send the patient's meal to Chen Li. In your hands..."

Chen Li held the oil-paper bag with a dark skin in both hands, and looked at the figure of the boy running away, feeling even more puzzled.

Why is this so weird?

The younger brothers in her family, seeing the delicious food, wanted to stuff it all in their mouths, so they were not willing to give her a bite.

Why are you suddenly sensible today?

Who on earth sent this oiled paper bag to her?

Chen Li opened the oiled paper bag as she walked back. The first time she saw what was inside, she froze there.

Didn't you mean the sick meal?

Why are these two buns?

If I'm not mistaken, there seems to be tooth marks on the Wowotou?

That shiny thing is snot? Or drool?

Chen Li almost vomited out in disgust.

Thinking of the white bread in the boy's hand, he wondered whether the contents of the oiled paper bag had been dropped by the boy.

Otherwise, who's patient's meal is the steamed bread that the two have eaten, and the reward for running errands is really white flour meat buns?

This is not a bag drop, what is it?

Thinking of this, Chen Li's face turned dark immediately, and she subconsciously wanted to chase the boy back, but just as she turned her head, she saw an envelope of the same color lying under the oiled paper bag out of the corner of her eye.

Chen Li wrapped the two buns in oiled paper with a look of disgust, stuffed them into her pocket, and then opened the envelope.

The first thing that catches the eye is an enlarged photo, a man and a woman, hugging each other naked, even the man's hand is still pressing on the woman's chest, and his body is pressing the woman tightly against the table.

Although it was a black and white photo, because of the pixels, the faces on the photo were very clear, and even the subtle expressions on the woman's face were vividly captured.

Seeing the photo of her having an affair, Chen Li turned pale, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.

Where did this photo come from! ?

Who took the sneak shot?

It's over! The matter between her and Director Zhu was discovered!

Will she be paraded through the streets with broken shoes,

Will he be criticized, will he be sent to a labor camp...

Chen Li was so frightened that her hands and feet became weak, and she rubbed it several times before crumpling the photo into a ball and stuffing it into the pocket of the cotton coat inside.

Finding that there was still a piece of paper in the envelope, Chen Li shook her hand and pulled out the letter piece by piece.

Seeing that the other party asked her to tell Director Zhu about the photos, and asked Director Zhu to go to the place designated by the other party to get the letter, Chen Li didn't dare to waste any more time, so she hurried upstairs, picked up the half-written manuscript on the table, and went to Director Zhu office gone...

At the same time, the boy who delivered the letter to Chen Li also found Gu Shinian, looked at the meat bun in his hand without blinking, swallowed and said:

"I gave it to your sister, and you agreed to give me another meat bun..."

"Have you asked clearly, is your name Chen Li? Wearing a red scarf?" Gu Shinian asked.

The boy nodded affirmatively again, "I asked, his name is Chen Li, and he has a red scarf around his neck."

This elder brother is really interesting. He delivered the sick meal to his sister, but replaced the meat buns in the oil paper bag with the rough flour steamed bread that he had eaten half in his hand. He also wrapped the steamed bread and asked him to send it to the patient.

I'm afraid this sister is not dear, is she?

Hearing this, Gu Shinian happily gave the bun to the boy, and in order to praise him for doing a good job, he even gave him two extra fruit candies.

Probably because he was worried that Gu Shinian would repent, the boy took the bun, stuffed it into his mouth, and then ran home without even daring to turn his head.

Gu Shinian found a shelter from the wind, wrapped his clothes tightly around his body, and stared at the gate of the county government without blinking.

It wasn't until Director Zhu came out with his leather bag between his pockets and walked towards the place where the letter was stored, that Gu Shinian fastened his hat and followed him leisurely.

Director Zhu's face was so ugly right now, even though it was windy and snowy outside, the cold sweat on his head kept breaking out.

If Chen Li hadn't taken out the crumpled photo, he would almost have thought she was talking nonsense.

The two of them have never been alone in front of people on weekdays, and even if they meet secretly occasionally, they will do it very covertly, so that they will not arouse suspicion at all.

How did this thing get out?

What surprised him even more was that the photo was taken too clearly, and the location where the photo was taken was too weird.

Looking at the location where the photo was taken, the person was standing in the office of the Secretariat, but there were only three desks and three chairs in that office. They will close the doors and windows tightly. How did that person take this photo?

Who is this person?

He threatened him with a photo, what exactly was he trying to do?

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