122. How many of them are inside…!

“Why, why but?”

“This… I think it’s kind of strange, right?…”

to my words.

Atrum froze.

“It’s strange?”

“It’s unnatural.”

“What, what do you mean?”


In the silence where not a single bug can be heard.

Only the knight’s groan was heard faintly.

I glanced around and spoke again.



“There’s nothing awkward about it. If it was the Royal Knights, they’d be used to fighting in camps… You’re alone like that?”

“It could have been a dropout…couldn’t it?”

“Well, it could be. But do you remember when I said they entered?”

“I said a week ago.”

“A week… the soldier who fell away a week ago is still alive without eating or drinking?”

“Thinking about it that way, I’m sure…!”

That wasn’t the only thing suspicious.

“How can we say that we lived fortunately. Then the Knights won and came to rescue us, or the shadows that annihilated the Knights came to completely end their lives. One of the two should have happened. No matter how you think about it, the words don’t make sense.”


“It’s a trap.”


I continued to look in all directions with my eyes wide open.

“And it’s strangely tidy here. There’s no sign of a battle.”

“Looking back, it’s full of oddities.”

Atrum looked at me now.

“What should I do? I might ignore it and just pass by, but…”

He made a sullen face.

Of course, I also noticed the intention.

“If you leave the enemy behind you, there’s a chance you’ll be attacked from the rear.”


“Then it would be good to test it here.”

“…It’s a test…”

At my words, Atrum also made a determined face.

“If it’s not a survivor, it’s probably a shadow monster. Let’s see if our strategy works.”

At his words, I nodded my head without answering.

This would be the starting point for judging whether or not we could go further.

* * *

Neuer’s death squad surrounding the suspicious article.

They gradually closed the distance to the mysterious knight who was slowly groaning.

The torches are coming from all directions at the same time.

It was definitely a difficult situation to even create a shadow.


“Because of the prone position, there is a slight shadow under the arm.”

“It might come out of that shadow.”

“I’ll send you a signal to keep an eye on that side.”

Let Atrum quietly send a hand signal.

They passed the hand signal sideways and sideways in perfect order.

He communicated concisely in a familiar manner.

I knew right away that it was not a skill I had done once or twice.

In this way, the moment when each other’s attacks reached as close as they could reach.

Suddenly, the moans of the knight lying on the floor stopped.

At the same time, the little movements that were visible were no longer visible.

In an instant, it was completely like a corpse, showing no signs of life.


I heard someone swallow dry saliva.

Even that small sound was now becoming louder.

Originally, it was terribly quiet here.

But when that knight suddenly stopped groaning… It was to the point where I had the illusion that sound had disappeared from the world.

However, we did not stop our advance.

Didn’t he prepare a strategy and tactic by predicting and preparing for this moment?

Let me raise my hand, palm down.


Among the members of the death squad standing in a circle holding torches, one by one, one by one, they began squatting down.

A torch of low height.

It began to tighten all the remaining square shadows.

A shadow gradually disappearing.

Finally, a member of the death squad reached out and turned the article over.


The knight’s arm sagged weakly.

The head also showed no resistance, like a doll with a string off.

dead without a trace.

the moment it was confirmed.

Everyone in this room felt goosebumps.

Wasn’t that dead man moaning and moving just a moment ago?

But now I couldn’t find anything.

“Are you already burned to death by the flames of the torch?”

The moment one of the death squad members whispered that.

blah blah!

Suddenly the corpse’s mouth opened.

At the same time, through the gaping mouth of the corpse.


A black hand came out without warning at great speed.


It scratched the cheek of the member who had approached the corpse.


He was startled and fell backwards.

It was worth it.

What protruded from its mouth was… not one, but several arms.

Following the arm that protruded first, several more protruded.

The face of the death squad who sat down at him was sick of it.

“Eh, how many of them are in there…!”

But we didn’t have time to relax.

It was because the urgent voice of another crew member was heard soon after.

“A number of shadows are approaching from the rear! A number of shadows are approaching from the rear!”

I draw my sword


I swung lightly.


Then, the arms of the shadows were cut off in one blow.

After that, I shouted at everyone in this place.

“All ready for battle!”

* * *

First, cutting the shadow arm with a sword definitely worked.

It was because the morale of the whole went up extremely.

Because he showed me with my own eyes that even a shadow can be cut.

In fact, I, who had tried it, was dubious and challenged it.

‘I was afraid what would happen if it didn’t work…but it worked.’

Still, I did have some confidence.

The moment you meet the shadow arm.

The third eye made a sharp catch.

There are traces of fine cuts left on the shadow’s arm.

‘Maybe it happened during a battle with knights under direct control of the royal family.’

It’s because they wouldn’t have been so lighthearted.

Of course, it’s a bigger problem that I lost without leaving a scar like that.

But we would be different.

We predicted to some extent that their number would not be small…

“Light the oil!”

It was preemptive work.

Before coming to the heart of this palace.

We made a big circle and entered.

To make a path with flammable oil.

Thanks for this moment.

At my signal, Atrum set fire to the floor.

riding on the oil that was there.


In an instant, all four sides were engulfed in fire.

Of course, we were also hot and painful.

However, I prepared, everyone pours water all over the body.

Wear it by tying it so that you can cover your mouth and nose with a damp cloth.

Sreung! Sreung!

It became tolerable.

On the other hand, the shadows suddenly caught in the flames were confused and couldn’t even figure out what to do.



If there was a shadow, I would hide anywhere.

It was because there was no shadow at all now.

Thanks to them, the guys who were completely revealed.

Their appearance was very bizarre.

A body that only had a black color.

Even that appearance was not constant, it was swaying.

If I had been attacked without taking any countermeasures, I would have been really afraid.

Even if there is no light, you can hide in the shadows and attack from all sides.

But in front of us who have removed all shadows.

Shadow Monsters In the end, there was only one option left.

head-to-head fight.

They roar uncharacteristically for shadows.


“Cra la la la!”


ran up to us

Because the members of the death squad also confirmed with their own two eyes that they could cut them.


“Cut them all!”

“They’re not invincible either! Turn around!”

I risked my death and ran out to fight.

Orhel also twirled her shoulders and loosened them.

“Now, shall we go?”


I went out with Andrew.

I also made eye contact with Atrum and Levarsen.


I ran out with Diaz and Grendel.


* * *

The arson strategy, which gave the shadows no place to escape, worked quite well.

Shadow monsters who can’t hide.

Chew! Chow!

It was easier to deal with than I thought.

First of all, the skills of the members of the Neuer Death Squad were also skills, and they were shadow monsters who had lost their biggest main weapon.



They couldn’t come up with flexible measures and were being cut helplessly.

Intelligence seemed to be lower than expected.

But we couldn’t just relax.

I set fire to create a space without shadows, but…

‘Suddenly the smoke is rising, and the heat is trapped and it’s getting hotter.’

The ideal of having a body made of flesh and blood.

Because I couldn’t stay here indefinitely.

speedy conclusion.

From the moment we conceived the operation, our goal was speedy action.

Because of this, the war situation seemed advantageous at first glance, but everyone seemed to be doing a time attack.

He was doing his best to reduce the number of shadow monsters.

I was no different.

It felt like I was barely breathing.

Sweat was dripping down.

Although Grendel was using her telekinetic powers to continuously pump the hot air inside faster and faster…

‘The heat that fire creates is faster than the heat that escapes.’

Even I, who has the energy of fire, is like this.

what about the others?

To be honest, if we took the wrong time, we would die first before we could kill the shadow monsters.

Unlike us, the shadow monsters didn’t seem to take damage from the fire itself.

So I raised my concentration and began to steadily cut down the shadow monsters.

Shashasak! Papak! Chow ah!

The shadow monsters are rapidly decreasing from my side.

Seeing that, some members of the death squad muttered.

“Uh, that kind of movement…!”

“It didn’t even touch the sword just now, doesn’t it feel like it was cut?”

“It can’t be. It must have already been cut while we missed it.”

“We can’t stand still either!”

After staring at me in amazement.

Awakened, they raised their spirits again and went into battle.

Fierce flames and shadowy monsters attacking without hesitation.

It was very difficult and painful, but…

We didn’t know until then.

I’d rather be comfortable now.

Pick, Pip Pik.

at some point.

The fires we had started to go out one by one.

“Whoa whoops!”

with a loud breathing sound.

Isn’t all the remaining embers being sucked in somewhere!

In the blink of an eye, the surroundings became dark.

I muttered in a small voice as if to warn everyone.

“It seems that the shadow that devours fire has come.”

as soon as I finish speaking.

Red eyes flashed in the distance.

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