118. I guess it’s over there?


Rebecca was out of her mind.

To the point where I don’t even have time to think of a solution.

Levarsen’s blade that I met after decades.

Because he was constantly flying for his own life.

Chow! Chew!

Levarsen’s skills were already known.

From the days when we were half-elves together and depended on each other.

Even then, Levarsen was stronger than he was.

He was more agile than himself, and had a shot that was heavier than himself.

Overall, top compatible.

The half elves were like that.

Unlike the elves, who are almost of the same level except for a few special ones.

Half-elves were extreme.

definitely strong.

or really embarrassingly weak.

Unfortunately, Rebecca herself fell into the latter category.

So I wanted power.

At first, I polished myself in various ways and tried to sharpen my sword.

He also tried to learn magic.

However, there was no way that a talent that was not there would spring up just because it was like that.

At that time, a moment that seemed like an opportunity had come before her eyes.

it was the devil

A demon who was brought there by a person who identified himself as a giant.

The demon transformed Rebecca into a completely different being.

with a slightly more beautiful appearance.

much more powerful.

And, although it’s a bit ugly… this body that looks like a spider to contain that power.

Rebecca was overcome with the feeling of having had everything in the world.

The body could be hidden.

beauty shone

In addition, his confidence… pierced the sky.

Of course, after possessing the power of the devil, he had no reason to use his power properly.

Rather, it gives me strength and gives me confidence.

The confidence was revealed on the outside and made the opponent back down.

Even so, the only ones who do not recognize the power gap and attack are the bullies in the back alleys of the neighborhood?

However, even at that moment, the power that became overwhelmingly strong showed its true value.

Rebecca saw herself as a being who had now transcended a dimension.

But now.

I realized that that is not true.

During those years, Levarsen was also different from before.

Even… it seemed that he had become stronger than himself, who gained strength by selling his soul to the devil.

The world was so dirty.

It was a power that he had finally obtained by giving up and throwing away everything he had…

Why is Levarsen…!

‘You get everything for free, right?’

Isn’t that unfair?

In the midst of irritation, Humkarian’s ax blows with heavy killing blows were fired one by one.

everything was messed up


* * *

Dudeuk! Dduduk!

The moment Rebecca’s reason flew by.

The body was completely possessed by the devil.

Rebecca didn’t exist anymore.

That was the fate of the Dark Elves.

I don’t know when it will be, but in the end, it’s a fate to turn into a demon, completely lose one’s self and become a monster.

And those who became true Dark Elves…


He opened his mouth as if it would tear, and let out a groan.

No, it’s actually torn.

My chin went down a lot.


The mouth was wide open, and the jaw was divided into two parts, giving it a grotesque shape.

Not only that.

The tentacles with blade-like claws at the end stretched out like wings.

The ribs protruded through the skin of the stomach.

The intestines poured out.

Since it was no longer an ordinary life form, unnecessary organs were discarded.

This was the Dark Elf… and this was the price that someone with demonic power had to pay.

Morgan and Chapman’s mouths widened as they watched the scene.

“Lee, Rebecca…is even weirder…!”


Looking at the guys who even vomit.

I shook my head.

“It has changed even more strangely?

At that, Morgan and Chapman looked at each other once.

Feeling goosebumps as they recall what they were trying to do.

And now I also slowly robbed my seat and stood up.

Diaz, Humkarian, and Levarsen alone would have been difficult.

In fact, at first glance, it seemed like they were fighting evenly, but…

It was because I could see that they were already being pushed back.

Looking at me like that, Morgan and Chapman asked with puzzled expressions.

“Oh, where are you going?”

“Right now, it’s in a tense state, so if you recklessly intervene, the damage may increase.”

They were also active as knights in their own way.

That’s why it wasn’t wrong.

In a really dangerous situation, there could be a case where even the balance that was attuned could be disturbed if he interfered clumsily.

Especially in battles like the three of them, which have already gone beyond normal levels and unfold extremely delicate battles.

But that’s just my guys idea.

If a person with an overwhelmingly different skill level intervened… balance could be ignored.

I smiled at Morgan and Chapman’s concerns as I walked forward.

Then he answered with a look on his face.

“Stay watching.”


Aren’t angels perfect for demons?

I spread Gauriel’s wings.

“Huh, huh…!”

“I, wings! Wings that emit light…!”

soared into the sky

* * *

“Everyone back off!”

With that cry I

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Jigsaw Jigsaw!

Creating a golden spear with lightning wrapped around it in his left hand.

The body, which had risen high, glided down.

Towards the crown of Rebecca’s head.


As the wind gently passes by my ears.

It made a cool sound.

And then right before it hits Rebecca’s head.


I spread my wings again

Like a bomber dropping a bomb.

I slammed a golden spear into the top of Rebecca’s head.

The momentum of the descent and the strength of the Colossus’ left arm merged into one, and the spear savagely cut through the air.

Damn it! Kwakwang! Damn it!

It engulfed Rebecca in an instant, generating several sparks and spectacular explosions.

The harsh light made the blackened night as dazzling as the midday sun.

Others don’t seem to have heard of it.

in it.


I could hear Rebecca’s pitiful moans.

Maybe it’s because it’s been a while since I met you.

At a glance, I could see the difference in how much I had grown.

Actually, Rebecca herself wasn’t that weak.

Diaz and Levarsen, who had enormous potential, were also in a state where it was impossible to subdue them in an instant even with a pincer attack.

Of course, it seemed like it would become more and more advantageous if we dragged out the time like this and went to a long-term battle…

Even that would not be easy against Rebecca, who had become a true dark elf.

Even I couldn’t help but admit one toughness.

Even after being hit head-on with the Golden Spear, one of the blows of my conversion.

“Did you survive Rohan-sama’s attack?…”

Diaz was surprised to see the scene with his own eyes.

Not only her, but the others also stuck out their tongues.

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Just by feeling it from a close distance, I could feel how powerful that golden spear was.

The lightning from the golden spear made even the air vibrate with a tremendous roar.

Levarsen and Humkarian were perplexed.

“To think he was still alive after being hit by that lightning.”

“What a monster…”

Morgan and Chapman nearly passed out.

“What, what now… This makes sense…!”

“We almost ran into a monster catching monster…”

I leave behind their murmurs.

It folded its wings and plunged sharply downward.

Right before reaching him, twist your wings slightly and turn your body so that the soles of your feet go down.


The soles of both feet were stamped on the guy’s face at once.

The attack continued with repeated hits with almost no time to breathe.

With those two attacks, Rebecca’s worm-like body tumbled to the floor.

Diaz, Levarsen, and Humkarian also took advantage of the gap and charged with their own weapons.


Cheer up!

Rebecca caught the three of them without even opening her eyes.

It was probably not consciously blocked, but unconsciously caught.

“Damn it!”


“Muh, what kind of power…!”

The moment you are caught by the tentacles.

Countless other tentacles flew in again, completely incapacitating it.

The power and strength of each tentacle was not comparable to that of the Kraken… but it happened because the number of tentacles was overwhelming.

Of course, those strangely bent arms and legs also flew at me.

I was shot through the air again, changing direction erratically and unpredictably.

Hiss! Shih! Dig! Dig!

Tentacles passed by my ears several times.

Still, no one caught me.

Although my aerial maneuvers were also dynamic.

Chow! Chow!

It wasn’t that he couldn’t use Space Slash either, so that’s why he cut everything that was hard to avoid.

In the meantime, Rebecca’s main body regained consciousness and opened her eyes.

Those eyes that were torn vertically found me.


It made a cracking noise.

Is it because reason flew away?

It was as if he had forgotten to even feel fear.

From my point of view, I was grateful.

It was more annoying to run away with those long limbs swaying.

It’ll be fun, though.


As if I were playing a danmaku game, I passed all those distant tentacles.


The head was cut from the body and discarded.

* * *

Took… to roll around…

Unlike the fierce resistance, Rebecca’s head fell in vain.

A monster is a monster, and even in such a state, Rebecca was not dead yet, blinking her eyes.

And his torso was also running amok after losing its owner.

However, the struggle of the torso that completely lost control.


Humkarian’s ax quickly made him limp.

“It’s the revenge of my own people…! Twi!”

Levarsen stood in front of Rebecca’s head.

Maybe it was because the time he had to awaken as a complete dark elf was short.

Rebecca came back to her senses and recognized Levarsen.

“I expected it…but this is our ending…”

Levarsen knelt down and lifted Rebecca’s head.

“I didn’t want this.”

“But… you knew it would turn out like this, right?”


“I’m in a position to die anyway, so I’ll give you one piece of advice to a friend from the past… I, Rohan. He seems to be with you guys, but he wants to know the location of the fire-devouring shadow.”

“Yes…we intend to fight the giants.”

“Huh. Give up. Let alone the giants, you won’t be able to defeat even the shadow that devours fire. The shadow that devours fire… is an immortal being. It cannot be cut or touched. Besides, the fire spirits I can swallow the power and use even that flame.”

Levarsen’s face hardened as he listened to Rebecca’s last words.

And Humkarian, who heard the story.

Morgan and Chapman, who accidentally learned the truth, were no different.

Seeing their despairing faces, Rebecca chuckled and snickered her chapped jaw.

“Unless you personally bring the fire spirit king, there will be no way. All of you are dead… only that pure and intense flame can swallow even the shadows. Levarsen… .You guys picked the wrong enemy. Whoops.”

Well? Fire Spirit King?

Then… the wrong enemy…

‘I don’t think it’s me, but over there?’

A strange smile formed on my lips.

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