106. Demons and the dethroned giants

The southernmost tip of Argent Kingdom.

There was a small port city, Thorson.

We entered Thorson’s interior following Atrum of the Noia Order.

It was the first time I saw the sea after coming here.

As the salty smell of the sea, unique to the coast, passed through my nose, I finally realized that this was the beach.

But we didn’t have time to leisurely look at the sea.

It was because he had gone into a small hideout, following Atrum’s lead.

“This way.”


With the sound of old door hinges.

A view of the inside caught my eye.

‘It just… looks like a family home?’

A fisherman’s house that makes a living by catching fish in the nearby sea.

It felt just like that.

A tangled net was strewn about in one corner of the floor.

Ship repair tools and parts were occupying places here and there.

Finally, to the thick fishy smell.

There was no doubt.

However, Atrum did not express anything and walked inside.

I also followed him and walked into the house.

Atrum opened the innermost door and turned around.

looked at me

“Come in.”

I nodded and followed his guidance into the room.

And, of course, as expected.

In front of us, a door leading down to the basement appeared.

* * *

knock, knock……

Is it because the surroundings are the sea?

On the way down to the basement, the sound of dripping water echoed gently.

So we walked down the aisle for a while longer.

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Judging from the fact that Eitrim, who was in the lead, hesitated midway through, it seemed that several traps had been set up.

The final room we finally arrived at.

There was a fairly large space there.

How the hell did they come up with a place like this in this basement…

It was just amazing.

Atrum looked around the place and said.

“This is the monster of Morzadon. It was made because of that one.”

“You put a lot of effort into it.”

“Haha. That doesn’t prove that Morzadon’s monster was a feared being.”

He offered me a chair.

“It’s small, but have a seat.”

“I will.”

Me and Atrum sat across from each other.

Others also sat with their butts in the appropriate places.

However, Atrum’s gaze was only directed at me.

“It’s the first time I don’t even know what to say or where to start.”

“Then let me start first. Why are the giants seeking my life? No, how do they know of my existence?”

I went straight to the point before the other side’s answer came out.

Because I couldn’t understand the current situation.

Atrum nodded as if he understood.

“Horikedon. Do you know this name?”

“If it’s Horike Dawn…”

I remembered.

It was already quite a while.

Wasn’t it the rarest place where Pico and I first met?

There, Levarsen gave me holy water and sprinkled it on Pico’s egg…

‘He was born swearing.’

It already felt like a distant past.

That’s why the time we spent together wasn’t that short.

Moreover, it must have felt that way since everyone was stuck together day and night.

while reminiscing about the past.

Attrum continued.

“Chief of Staff of the 9th Corps, Horikedon. He was one of the most knowledgeable of the undead in the world.”

“Because I was already undead.”

“He was the chief of staff, but he was a ridiculous being with an army of specters. He was the only chief of staff with such an army.”

I nodded, recalling the memory of that time.

Actually, the amount of undead he carried around was no joke.

“Although it ended up being a skeleton at Lord Rohan’s hands.”

Atrum looked at me and smiled a little.

“Anyway. He was hiding a huge skeleton.”

To his words, Levarsen added an explanation.

“I don’t know if you remember. The first time we moved together…”

“The lair of Gravekeeper Mons. I remember. While chasing him, I saw it underground. Huge remains.”

“As expected, do you have a good memory?”

Could that be… a giant god?

Atrum immediately confirmed that my guess was correct.

“The remains belonged to the Giants. Levarsen saw through it and immediately contacted the death squad.”

That’s why it suddenly disappeared.

Now, it seemed that the situation before and after was aligned.

“The demons and the giants who lost their seat of power. This was the first physical evidence that directly showed that they were holding hands. In other words, it is our opinion that the information about Lord Rohan was passed on to the giants through the demons. .”

If it was that route… it was a sufficiently probable inference.

However, there was one part that I didn’t quite understand.

In the future I know, the giants didn’t even appear.

Only the devil has swallowed this middle-earth.

“Why did they hold hands, seemingly without contact?”

“It’s still just speculation, but I have a hypothesis.”


“The two beings have one thing in common.”

As soon as the word commonality came out, I immediately saw through what Atrum was saying.

“The point is that they are hostile to the current gods. Both the demons and the dethroned giants.”

* * *

“That’s correct.”

Attrum affirmed my words.

“It seems that both sides had different thoughts while pretending to help each other.”

“It’s already a well-known fact that demons are dark inside.”

“The giants were no different. They seem to have thought of destroying both the demons and the celestial world by using the gap after the demons caused chaos and started a war with the angels and other celestial beings. Rohan Thanks to you, all the demons’ plans have been ruined.”


“Yes. Of course, all of them… including us. Humans, elves, dwarves, and even spirits.”

“What is that? Are you thinking of destroying Middle-earth altogether?”

“It’s similar. Purification plan. It seems that the beings who follow the gods now have no room for regeneration anymore. So they seem to be thinking of wiping it all out and then creating a completely new world.”

It was an extremely drastic decision.

To the extent that demons look better in a way.

“Only the monsters of mythology, or a few of the races that hate the present gods, such as orcs and trolls, will not survive. Other than that… the Great Judgment, literally.”


As I listened to Atrum’s story, all of a sudden everything was organized in my head.

There were no giants in the future I knew.

The reason why the giants are now active.

Perhaps the demons didn’t know the giants’ intentions either.

I would have ignored it even though I knew it.

for the Great Invasion.

And after the successful invasion, my reasonable guess was that in the original story, the giants might not have been defeated by the demons in the end.

If the demons had already seen through the betrayal of the giants, they would have come up with countermeasures.

However, at this point, unlike the original work, the variable ‘I’ has popped out.

I couldn’t deal with that new variable, and the Great Invasion was completely in vain…

With that rebound, it seemed that the Giants had begun to strike the bow.

With the Great Invasion gone, it seemed that the great stream of the future itself had changed.

And at the center of it all… I was.

“The moment the monster of Morzadon died, the surviving giants found out where you were. But since you survived and moved there… you won’t be able to find it for a while.”

“I see. Because the monster of Morzadon died…”

“The bottom line is that we have to work together to stop the giants. If we leave it alone, we will only become victims of the Great Judgment. Defeating the devil is the giants… haha. I want something like this, me too. “

Atrum looked tired and rubbed his face with his palm.

I too was dumbfounded.

But strangely… somewhere in my heart.

A slightly excited feeling was brewing.

‘The power of the newly acquired flame…… I think I have something to use?’

Subtly, the corners of my lips went up.

* * *

“That sword. I don’t think I can use it anymore.”

At Atrum’s words, I looked down at the sword at my side.

The sword melted so that it could not be pulled out of the scabbard by the firepower of the fireball.

I’ve been using it usefully so far… but I feel sorry for it.

“Is there a place to get a sword?”

“A common sword can be obtained easily… but it is true that it is difficult to obtain a sword of the level you have now.”


It was specially made by a skilled blacksmith.

There’s no way something like this is common.

‘Should I write something roughly…’

Even so, he needed a sword that could be used in earnest.

I can’t keep carrying around a single-use sword.

Of course, I could buy a somewhat expensive sword, but what I needed now was not a sword that could be bought with money.

Something more was needed.

‘A guy who can withstand particularly strong firepower.’

There will be frequent exposure to fire in the future.

while thinking about that.

Atrum spoke up.

“Actually, I know a dwarf who is famous on the continent beyond the sea.”

“A dwarf?”

I was fascinated by the name of the race.

Dwarves were a race that had already reached the level of blacksmiths in other games and novels.

It was not very different from Pao God.

Aren’t all the swords used by high-ranking beings in the original work made by Dwarves?

If it was a dwarven sword, I also thought that I would like to have at least one.

“Sir Rohan. According to our information network, the giant who shot Lord Rohan with a huge spear appears to be hiding on the continent of Lesia across the ocean.”


I think I saw it in the setting book.

It was an area that did not appear in the original story.

Of course, I had no information… It was a place no different from an unknown world.

“Won’t you go to the continent of Lesia together? I’ll do whatever it takes to present the dwarven sword in front of you. Instead, help us. The Great Judgment…shouldn’t we stop it?”


I pretended to be thinking about it for a while, but I put off the answer.

In fact, there was only one answer from my point of view.

If I don’t stop anyway, won’t I die too?

In that case, it was better to die after swinging a Dwarven sword.

It’s best not to die, of course.

I raised my head again and looked at Atrum.

“Is the boat ready?”

“…! That, those words…!”

“I wonder what the other continents look like.”

“A noble decision! Thank you!”

That’s how we are… something we’ve never seen before in the original work.

The beginning of the step to a completely new continent, now has been taken.

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