After chasing out the last remaining Professor Bollardi, Principal Skeleton laid out his grievances.

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone was like Professor Garcia?

“It’s overrated. By the way, when are you going to start your next job?”

…Sleep, I’m taking a break.


1 minute later.

“By the way, when are you going to start the next job…”

go now go now

The Skeleton Principal was fed up and flew away.

Although he was often forgotten because of his normal appearance, Professor Garcia was also one of those who tried to take classes in all schools at Einrogard.

‘I wish I could bring a sane professor to school.’

It was really hard to find a professor who had excellent magic skills and had a good mind.

Principal Skeleton had no choice but to lament the sad state of education in the Empire.

* * * *





“Oh yeah…”

…Could you stop, Professor Garcia?


I’ve been sighing dozens of times since before.

“ah. sorry. I’m worried.”

The skeleton principal came out to rest for a while after finishing today’s work until the next road opened, but Professor Garcia sighed without paying any attention to it.

Principal Skeleton lamented that Professor Garcia was sincere.

He wanted to send him to Einlo Guard, but he had no excuses to send him.

Wodanaz will be fine. That’s how it came out with Yeji magic.

“ah. Ogoldos studentI was worried.”

Principal Skeleton looked at Professor Garcia’s words with an absurd look.

If a first-year student and a second-year student are locked up together, you have to worry about the first-year student…

Prof. Garcia, perhaps noticing that, made excuses with an embarrassment.

“Student Lee Han was also concerned. of course.”

I don’t think I was too concerned…

“Of course I am concerned. If you are trapped in the ruins, you will get food right away…”

Principal Skeleton wondered, ‘If you’re trapped inside the ruins, shouldn’t you be more concerned about the raids of traps or guards than about food?’, but he didn’t bother to ask.

You don’t have to worry about that. Wordanaj took quite a bit of food with him wherever he went.

“…Ah yes. okay.”

Professor Garcia was speechless.

what is this…

“I. Gonadaltes. Adventurers are asking for an interview, but what should we do?”

When the knights came and asked a question, Principal Skeleton replied as if it were annoying.

Let him tell you that if you bother me one more time, I’ll bury you upside down until the job is done. Make sure you monitor properly. Adventurers don’t understand the rules, so they have a knack for annoying things.

“All right.”

After the knights left, Professor Garcia asked again.

“Still, the two of us have to endure, but wouldn’t there be enough food?”

Well, considering how much she carries, it should hold up well enough for me to get in…

Professor Garcia’s face brightened slightly at Principal Skeleton’s words.

“Then I’m glad. Ogoldos student and Han Lee will be with us, so it will be fine.”

…don’t you feel strange when I say it before?

* * * *

“senior. Today’s dessert is a piece of cake, as we need to save some food just in case.”

“…Hey, I’m also an Einroguard student.”

Ogoldos was taken aback by the chocolate cake.

By the standards of Einrogard students, this was a sumptuous dinner.

Either way, Lee Han started tapping the rock again.

Even the king of the ghouls, who had been ridiculed at first, was starting to get nervous, so he tried to interfere with all sorts of tricks.

That way you won’t be able to break through for the rest of your life.

Think again! What if it collapses?

If you do that, nothing…

Ogoldos admired Lee Han anew.

I’ve admired this junior many times before, but this one was a little different.

How can you completely ignore people like that?

If it had been Ogoldos, he would have responded or refuted because he was nervous, no matter how much he pretended to be ignorant.

However, Lee Han really ignored the ghoul king as if it didn’t exist.

At worst, the king of ghouls screamed like a seizure.


Seeing the falling stone dust, Lee Han carefully checked the distance he dug.

Most of his waking time he spent most of his waking time banging his magic madly in front of this bedrock, which allowed him to break through quite a few streets.

‘It’s not wrong to say that a drop of water cuts through a rock.’

Floats, spins, and shoots water balls.

While repeating this simple process over and over again, Lee Han was becoming more and more proficient.

Even if I can’t get a full rotation right away yet…


‘Ah. It was too rushed.’

As soon as he floated the water ball, he tried to spin it at high speed and burst out, and Lee Han kicked his tongue.

It was either still taking more time or slowing down and being satisfied with the imperfect turn.

good night. Don’t tell me what’s in it!

As Lee Han continued to dig, the king of the ghouls shouted in a hurry.

Of course, Lee Han pretended not to hear and ignored it.It was Lee Han’s ability to be able to hear with the back of his ear even if someone next to him screamed if he wanted to.

‘Let’s think of it as what the professor is saying.’

In it, Manma (萬魔) is sleeping. So stop! Keeping it open won’t be good for you either.

Here in the undead dimension, as well as in the dimension overflowing with violence and struggle, the loser had to kneel before the victor and beg for mercy.

The king of ghouls has also brutally trampled upon those defeated by him as he ascended to his present status.

One of the traces was the space sealed by that door.

A space sealed so that the losers who are left with only souls cannot be resurrected with power.

Ogoldos’s face grew serious.

If that statement is true, it would be quite dangerous to open it like this.

As it is an ignorant method that blows away the bedrock itself, rather than opening the door with a proper seal, it is difficult to predict where the bastards trapped inside will come.

“Junior. I guess I’ll have to think about it a bit…”

“Is that true?”

“To be honest, it’s pretty plausible for a lie.”

Locking up a threatening enemy like that was just what a powerful undead would do.

Lee Han growled in anger.

“How dare you… to deceive such a thing as a treasure!”

‘It’s a treasure, though.’

Ogoldos thought to himself.

It was no exaggeration to say that such powerful souls are treasures as much as they can be used when creating anti-magic or artifacts.

Of course, it’s because Lee Han isn’t officially opening the door right now…

“Why? senior?”

“Yeah, yes. You call this a treasure? Ghoul guy! You are really doing it!”

Ogoldos answered quickly.

There was still a lingering anger in Lee Han’s voice.

“If that’s true, it’s really bad. senior.”

“Choi, isn’t it the worst? Even if we just wait for rescue…”

“For the rest of my time, I can’t find any more treasures, so I have to study…”


Ogol Doss was not very sympathetic, but he was afraid of his junior, so he just stood still.


At that moment, the magic that surrounded the entire palace shook like crazy and began to break apart.

The magical powers that were guarding the depths continued to swirl in all directions and scream.


Ogoldos was stunned by a wave of too strong magical power and collapsed.

It wasn’t a direct attack, but the ripple of magic that raged in this way was powerful in itself.


“Isn’t that too rough?!”

Wordanaz will be fine, so stop worrying. Professor Garcia. Wodanaz! If you’re still alive, get ready to go to the punishment room…

“no. A student of Ogoldos.”


Principal Skeleton was silent for a moment.

I’m not going to die.

“Already■ Unknown■■■ Jung■■ I■■-!”

The students are listening, Professor Garcia. stop swearing

“professor. I am here.”

When he learned that Lee Han was there, Professor Garcia stopped swearing and ran. Just by looking at his face, he could tell how worried the professor was.

“Student Lee Han…!”

“Sorry for worrying you. professor.”

“no. The person who brought in a first-year student was at fault.”

‘I said I would go.’

Lee Han felt a little sorry for Professor Mortum, as he was the one who insisted on his dream of making money.

“Student Ogoldos… it’s fine. That’s fortunate.”

He fainted for a moment, but his complexion was fine, as he had been doing well until then.

Professor Garcia sighed in relief and looked around.

He’s dressed up this and that, this and that shitStarting with the flags, there were also tables and magic books carved out of stones.

Others would have been astonished, but Principal Skeleton and Professor Garcia were not too surprised.

Studying in my spare time was a very natural thing to do.

It’s nicely decorated and comfortable.

“thank you.”

But what is that?

The Skeleton Principal asked, pointing to the ghoul king who was trapped inside the magic circle.

The king of ghouls was lowering his body as he instinctively sensed how much of an archmage the Skeleton Principal was.

“He is the king of ghouls.”

Lee Han, who spoke up, added additional explanations, fearing that the opponent might have weakened a lot and looked like the king of ghouls.

“Even though it looks very weak now, it was stronger before being locked up, and the title of King of Ghouls is self-proclaimed enough…”

…what the hell are you trying to explain?

Principal Skeleton was stunned.

If he had eyes, he would know that he was the king of ghouls.

* * * *

After hearing the explanation of what had happened, Principal Skull sighed.

‘I have to tell Mortum to avoid Professor Garcia for a while.’

He just thought he was imprisoned, but he was locked up fighting the king of ghouls.

Already, Professor Garcia’s fists were clenched like they were about to explode, and the tendons next to his temple were bulging and wriggling. Without the student, some of his wands would have been shattered.

‘But it’s up to you.’

Principal Skeleton decided to put Professor Mortum’s worries aside.

He was so old that he had to take care of his own life.

“That guy is really mean and evil.”

Lee Han complained as if his teeth were shaking.

Seeing that, the Skeleton Principal was puzzled.

Wasn’t Lee Han strong enough to calmly overcome even when bullied by Bagregs and Verdus?

But why are you complaining like that?

Was the king of ghouls so threatening and violent?

“They told me to tell you the location of the treasure, and you made me work in vain!”


Principal Skeleton was stunned to see the almost pierced bedrock.

He knew that he had a lot of magical power, but it was a different story to use that magic power to the fullest and try to break through that huge rock for the rest of the time.

Who would have imagined such a thing? It was completely beyond the common sense of a wizard.

He is a wicked man. Undead is like that.

“He is not enough to give the pain of hell.”

You’re of the Wodanaj family, so why are you so greedy…?

The Skeleton Principal, apparently in desperation, made the king of ghouls who cursed him shut his mouth and floated away.

And he pierced the bedrock, and then swallowed the demon spirits inside in one breath.



It was a scene so intense that both Lee Han and the king of ghouls were astonished.

The skull principal blew out a blue glow, binding the soul he swallowed. Then he compressed it into one of his bones and locked him up.

take it

The skeleton principal made a bracelet out of his bones and threw it at Lee Han.

It was a rare and rare relic where the evil spirits defeated by the king of ghouls were imprisoned.

I don’t usually give students this kind of preference, but this should be fine.

Lee Han looked at the skeleton principal with a slightly impressed face.



“By the way, shouldn’t these artifacts contain gems? I didn’t ask because I had any particular intention, I was just curious about stability…”


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