One student hurriedly removed the cloak and shook it up and down to put out the fire.

However, the number of red feathers was higher than expected. The students screamed as the number of feathers increased as the rain grew stronger.

“Avoid under the shade!”

“In which shade!? It’s not going to happen by running under a tree!”


Professor Alpen swung his wand and cast a huge veil over the students’ heads.

Red feathers slammed against the veil, making a sharp sound.

“Gam, thank you!”

“The phoenix is ​​a mischievous creature in many ways. You should be careful as you like to play pranks.”

‘If you play with it twice, you will get burns.’

Lee Han endured the embarrassment and looked up.

Unaware of the circumstances below, the phoenix was waving in the distant expanse, waving its feathers.

The students stared at each other and threw the ornaments they had made to commemorate the phoenix to the ground.

“So Wodanaj told me not to celebrate the phoenix and study.”

“How could you have known this!”

* * * *

“Collock. A phoenix appeared? No luck.”

Professor Mortum clicked his tongue when he heard that a phoenix had appeared.

Still, freshmen have a lot of work to do, but a phoenix even appears.

“I made some fires, but nothing more. I was still.”

Gainando secretly made excuses as to whether he liked the phoenix.

‘Isn’t it the problem with starting the fire?’

“Collock. now it will be However, most of the Hwansu’s personalities tend to be eccentric. Even if I’m fine now, who knows when I’ll be capricious?”

It was Lee Han who had already seen the phoenix set on fire with just a few strokes of his feathers.

Of course he had to be worried.

“What do you think the phoenix will do?”

“Collock. I still don’t understand. The returnees should simply re-exist. They’re like storms that don’t know how to control their power. Wouldn’t your whole body burn if you fly and hug me?”

As Professor Mortum said, the monsters with powerful power were beings that brought destruction and chaos wherever they went, regardless of their intentions.

As much as they cannot control their own strong power, they cannot avoid causing damage to those around them.

And if you have a whim that you don’t understand because of your eccentric personality…

“Collock. On the other hand, how beautiful are the undead? This beauty, well controlled and predictable.”



Lee Han and his friends were speechless and silent.

‘Even if it’s a little dangerous, I think the phoenix is ​​better than the undead.’

‘Shh. The professor is suffocating.’

“So, is the work going well?”


The fields of black magic that Lee Han and his friends learned this semester were mostly curses, poison, and bones.

They were magics that had in common that they would not be very popular wherever they went.

-Collock. I will not give out assignments before the final exam.

-hurray! -Collock. Instead, let’s replace it with a simple sabotage craft.


intemperance (符節).

Originally, it was used to identify the identity by splitting the ornaments in half and then matching each other’s shape when they meet later…

In black magic, intemperance has a slightly different meaning.

– Take a good look.

Professor Mortum cut the bone plaque in half.갰 Then, a strong cursed energy erupted from one side.


However, the cursed energy disappeared in an instant when the intemperance was combined again.

– On the one hand, the power of the curse. The other side contains the power of Haeju. When the two are put together, they are ordinary ornaments, but the moment you split them, their power is revealed.

Curse magic was relatively easy and the casting speed was fast, but if the opponent was a skilled wizard, there were too many ways to stop it.

Poison magic was similar. If poisoned properly, it is fatal, but as it is a poison made of magic, it was difficult to read if the opponent was a skilled wizard.

To compensate for such shortcomings, the warlocks usually made stronger curses and stronger poisons and carried them around.

Of course, if you use the ones prepared in advance, the power will jump several times.

In black magic, the stunt was an item that kept these things safely.

the problem is…

“Cuckoo. Whoops. Cuckoo.”

Rapadel coughed up tears in the smoky smoke.

A mass of curses leaked out of the magic circle and flew into the air.

“Ech. ecchi! ecchi!!”

“ah. Quiet your sneeze! Do you use the studio alone?”

Gainando gave him a pint glass, and Rapadel looked at him in tears, but Rapadel’s condition was not so good to counter that.

“This bastard… eh! Ouch!!”

“Anyway, the guys who lack skills get even more angry. Isn’t that right, Lee Han?”

Guy Nando, who was still in good shape, suddenly changed his complexion.

“…Lee, Lee Han. My body… my body doesn’t move…”

“I’m addicted.”

Lee Han said as if he was sorry.

Rapadel was making an infestation with a curse, and Gainando was making an infestation with poison, but this was by no means easy.

As the curse and poison of a very high concentration had to be immersed in the uncle and stored, it was easy to fall victim to the wizard.

Ymirg carefully immersed the bone medallion halves into the bronze basin. Along with the bubbling sound, I could feel the curse in the basin being transferred to the bones.


As much as he inherited the blood of a giant, he had higher magic resistance than other students, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t afraid of poison or curses.

As long as we are human, we cannot help but be afraid of poison or curses.

“Uh… uh…”

Ymir sighed and pulled out half of her bone medallion with thick tongs. Fearing that the curse would spread if it even touched the body.


It was only after he barely had the other half of the bone medallion attached that Ymirg was able to sigh.



Lee Han looked at Ymirg in surprise.

“what’s the matter? What’s going on?”

“Bare, bare hands! Bare hands!”

“ah. What else do I say?”

A friend who was learning the same magic was so calm that Ymirg thought for a moment that he had misunderstood.

But looking back, that friend of the Woda Naz family had his hand immersed in a bronze basin filled with curses.

“This was fine.”


“it’s okay. don’t die.”

“Oh, no.”

Ymirg was bewildered as he saw Rapadel and Guynando stretching out from behind the table now.

Looks like I could die enough…

Lee Han, who had been staring at Ymirg like a monster from the side, concentrated on his work.

He was not doing it with his bare hands, putting down his gloves and tongs for nothing.

It was more difficult than I thought to make the part.

Bone was a good medium for instilling curses or poisons, but just soaking it a few times and stirring it didn’t make it properly inhabited.

He had to put a lot of effort into making the right inmate.

Curse dwells in the bonesApply a combination of various reagents to make it better, soak it in the curse, check whether the bone absorbs the curse properly, and if not, drive the curse into the bone by moving magic power…

This process of applying the curse layer by layer, as if carefully adding paint, required persistence rather than flashes of inspiration.

‘And the more you do it, the more you understand why black magic isn’t popular.’

Lee Han grabbed the bone fragment with his bare hands and tried to feel the flow of the curse.

It was difficult to feel this flow when wearing gloves or tongs.

“Ugh… Lee Han. Put your coat next to me.”

Gainando barely got up from the workshop floor and pointed to the coat next to the chair.

Lying down paralyzed, it felt three times colder.

“Take it.”

“Thank you… Evil, ahead! You can’t see ahead!”

“Ah. sorry.”

* * * *

When the time came, Professor Mortum opened the workshop door and reappeared.

“Collock. Are you all done?”



Lee Han and his friends nodded and held out their intemperates. For some time, the faces of the students had become pale.

“Let’s see…”

Professor Mortum split Gainando’s tarsus. Then, a pretty good poison came out from inside.

When the professor snapped his finger, the poison that spread from the tarsus circled around and went back into the tarsus.

“Collock. It was pretty well made.”

“…Is that true!?”

Guynando was so surprised that he fell backwards. As he grabbed Rapadel’s arm to barely balance, Rapadel stared at Guynando with disgust.

“Why are you so surprised?”

“Well, I didn’t hear that it was made well in other lectures…”

Gainando said with a shy face.

He was surprised by Professor Mortum’s praise, as he had never heard praise from another lecture.

Professor Mortum then smiled a rare benevolent smile.

“Collock. A wizard cannot excel at all magic.”



Ymirg and Rapadel glanced at Lee Han. However, Professor Mortum did not notice and continued his speech.

“Your talent lies in black magic. As long as a warlock is good at black magic, there is no reason to envy other magic. Cologne. Isn’t it?”

“you’re right!”

“Prince, you are not studying.”

Rapadel said absurdly.

As the White Tiger Top students with poor grades were forced to learn from Lee Han, Rapadel knew how much Guy Nando hated studying.

Even the White Tiger Tower students were forced to sit down and play with their quills, but Gainando tried to escape by himself.

“Quiet. Are you jealous?”

“Such an idiot…”

Rapadel was stunned at the sight of Guy Nando, who said that he had made a good indulgence.

“Collock. This…”

Professor Mortum cut off Lee Han’s inadequacy.

Then, after not saying a word for a while, he looked at Gainando. Gainando, noticing the situation, cried out in tears.

“professor. Please evaluate objectively instead of limiting and comparing!”

* * * *

Professor Lightning Walk looked at the mountain peak as if in a strange way.

The phoenix, which had been floating in the sky and scattering its feathers, flew over the peaks of the mountain range as if tired of it. Thanks to this, a red halo was shining behind the peak.

“It’s amazing. A phoenix is ​​not something you can see easily.”

Lee Han stared at his friends. Friends averted their gaze.

“It’s very lucky. I want to meet the phoenix, but he’s not the kind of guy I can meet.”

‘logicalThere is an error.’

The words of Professor Lightning Walk could not be easily accepted.

From that point of view, even the King of the Frost Giant was not an existence that he could meet even if he wanted to, but Lee Han did not feel particularly lucky.

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No matter how rare it was, it couldn’t have been better to bring down rain of fire from the sky.

“I’m going to stop talking about the phoenix and start the lecture today.”

Professor Lightning Walk pointed to the giant pots with his chin gesture. The students were puzzled by the pots they could only see in an alchemy lecture.


“It is not difficult to do today. It’s a lot easier than I usually do. I’m sorry that you guys are suffering because of the final exams, so I decided to change your mind…”

Ian was never deceived.

‘What the hell are you going to do?’


“ruler. come here Cerberus.”

The students froze at the sight of a three-headed dog with a huge size.

The head in charge of the center of Cerberus looked around the students and his eyes twinkled.

– Kung!

“Ts… can I knock it down?”

When Lee Han asked a question without knowing it, Professor Lightning Walk responded as if he was saying something nonsense.

“Don’t make silly jokes. Would you like me to do that?”

“Yes? haha.”

Lee Han wiped his chest inwardly.

He knew he had to fight!

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