016. another slayer.


The information that came from none other than a group of mercenaries was that there was a third dragonian.


“Yes, I am listening too.”

Sure enough, Hughes was also listening to the mercenaries’ stories without Xi’an having to say anything.

Slayer and Dragonian.

From nob le mt l dot com

More than anything, living a life closely related to those two words must have been a topic that could not be ignored because she was also the same.

“I heard that the money will be paid only after defeating the Dragonians.”

“How do you come now to the Dragonians that even the Slayer couldn’t subdue?”

“Do you know Nandle?”

“f*ck, that’s just so different, so different, it’s not that I just won’t give it to you!”

Only then did Xian realize why there were so many armed adventurers in the village.

Apparently, the local lord hired them to subdue the Dragonians.

‘The reason why the village suddenly became noisy last night must be the aftermath of a failed subjugation.’

When the conversation between the mercenaries ended to a certain extent, Xian slipped the Hughes.

Hughes, who, like himself, had overheard the conversation, remained calm.

The image of him maintaining his dignity while eating the soup that came out first with a spoon somehow made him reliance.

Snow… .

Xian asked quietly.

“What are you going to do?”

“I would like to avoid being involved. If I can avoid it, I just want to avoid it.”

In Hughes’ voice when he said that, for some reason, I felt a bit of concern.

Talking as if something is stuck.

At the same time, Xi’an also became a little anxious.

“The meal has arrived. Enjoy your meal.”

Yes, in case you don’t know what happened, let’s eat a hearty meal.

Judging from Hughes’ mood, I didn’t know if I would get caught up in trouble, so it was better to eat it while I could.

The main menu that just came out was a delicious grilled steak.

It would be rare for a house to serve something like this in the morning, but I thought it was the power of the tip I fed yesterday.

Xian sliced the steak, poked it with a fork, and took a bite.

The unique sour sauce and spices go well together. .

‘I felt it yesterday morning, but it suits the taste of the food in this house.’

Compared to the homemade food I ate for 10 years, this one is superior in terms of skill.

I’m sorry mom.

The last meal was just when Xian took another bite of the meal he was sorry for.

As I was savoring it, the door of the inn opened.


A large number of men entered, centering on a middle-aged man in shiny plate armor.

“under… . Is it like this too?”

Listening to Hughes’ murmur, I knew exactly what it was.

This is the essence of Hughes’ concern.

It was clear that the man in plate armor, about fifty years old, was a source of concern.

While looking inside the store, he heard a man whispering in his ear and headed this way.

Xian recognized the person whispering to the man at once.

‘That person… .’

It was the man who stood at the checkpoint when passing through the entrance to the village yesterday.

Hearing the commotion, the owner came out of the kitchen and recognized the Plate Armor man and nodded.

“My lord, why are you in such a shabby inn… .”

permanent residence?

After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that that man was the one who failed yesterday’s subjugation of the Dragonians with the Slayer.

“I’ve been here for a while, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Ah, is that so?”

After defeating the owner, the man in plate armor soon arrived at Xian’s table.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

“I am eating.”

It was Hughes who took the man’s words.

Hughes, who spoke coldly, was unfamiliar for some reason seeing Xian for the first time.

The aristocratic man always had a confident expression overflowing in Hughes’ voice, which blatantly revealed his displeasure.

“Forgive me for the rudeness, but since it was related to the Dragonians, I risked knowing that it was not the case.”

tsk… .

Although it was small, the sound of Hughes clicking his tongue reached Xian’s ears.

It was clear that he had become completely embroiled in trouble.

‘I see… I totally understand.’

Xian instinctively realized how things were going.

Passing through the village entrance yesterday, Xian and Hughes used false identities as Slayers.

‘And that information must have reached this man’s ears… .’

It was a very small town, so it could be said that it happened.

Furthermore, since he was a very rare Slayer, rumors would have spread faster.

However, it was a problem because the situation was special now, even though it would have been just like that originally.

The void created by the failure of the subjugation of the Dragonians.

From the lord’s point of view, a Slayer was absolutely necessary for the subjugation to succeed.

“I heard that you are a Slayer.”

Since I already knew everything, I must have been able to be confident like that… .

It would be unimaginable to witness a Dragonian and see a Slayer pass by.


“Please do not look away at injustice. I will make ample cases.”

“… … .”

A moment of silence passed.

It’s natural that Xian was watching the situation in the first place, but the man he was talking with expressed his intentions, so he just waited for the results.

“Well, I can’t help it. If there is a dragonian, it is the duty of a slayer to deal with it.”

“I knew you would answer me that way. I will repay you greatly with the honor of my Belvian family. You guys are the model for Slayers.”

Are you Belvian?

Unfortunately, Xi’an is a family name I’ve never heard of.

Even if they were separated by a mountain range, if Xian, who lived in the next village, was like this, he would not be a high-ranking nobleman.

And it was a reaction that Hughes was not very impressed with as well.

“But we can talk about the details after dinner, right?”

“Oh, of course. Please relax and enjoy yourself.”

* * *

“I’m sorry, Sian.”

When the nobleman left the conversation, Hughes immediately apologized.

He realized that the current situation was caused by his own actions.

‘But even blaming Hughes is ambiguous.’

Who could have predicted that something like this would happen?

It could be said that the rare Dragonian existed, and the situation like now, where the Slayer was adversely affected, was an extremely exceptional situation.

Well, I actually admired Hughes’ wit at the time…

At least Xian had no right to blame Hughes.

“It’s okay, Hughes. You didn’t expect things to turn out like this.”

“under… .”

Hughes sighed in disdain.

Sean looked at him and opened his mouth slightly.

It might have been if things had worked out, but it was also the fact that I was worried about the situation that was at hand.

“But will that dragonian be strong?”

I don’t know how many Slayers there were, but I don’t know if the level would be high enough to get hit in reverse.

It’s hard to imagine that a Slayer would be adversely affected by Xian’s standards, but even a Dragonian has a class.

“That I don’t know either. But one thing is for sure, there will be tricky parts.”

If even Hughes said that, things weren’t very good.

Should I just loosen the necklace?

I was anxious for nothing, and the desire rose.

Xian, who was fiddling with the necklace, asked an idea that came to his mind.

“But Hughes sister.”


“Are you going to kill me?”


First of all, Cyan is also a Dragonian.

And the opponent is also a dragonian.

I was a bit reluctant to die and kill others in the same unfortunate situation, so I had to ask.

Hughes asked calmly.

“Xian, do you think dragonians are friends?”

“any… ?”

Hughes sighed.

“As a senior, I will give you one piece of advice. Get rid of those thoughts as much as possible.”

“But Hughes sister… .”

“I am different!”

Hughes kicked the table and got up.

The adventurers who had been staring at it since the aristocrat had gone are busy looking away in surprise.

When Xian made a gesture to calm down, Hughes, embarrassed, sat back down.

It’s the second time I’ve seen it today. Hughes is angry.

“Once I knew that… . Why? Is there a reason?”

“That’s what being a dragonian is by nature, I won’t say that we can’t be friends. But don’t easily believe that we’re in the same situation. Because they are not kin.”

Dragonians have the commonality of being a subspecies that inherited the blood of dragons, but they are not of the same species.

As much as the maternal genetics are strongly expressed, the identity of each Dragonian is very different.

There is no sense of homogeneity.

“all right. But wait?”

“Why is that?”

“But Hughes noona, maybe this… .”

Xian suddenly wondered if the incident had something to do with this.

I was not very impressed when I heard Hughes as knowledge on the way, but it was maternal inheritance.

From nob le mt l dot com

Maybe that’s why I didn’t get caught by the Slayer’s checkpoint the other day.

“hmm… . To some extent, that’s right. However, the essence seems to be more because Xian’s dragon heart did not grow.”

“ah… .”

“Anyway, don’t worry too much. Identification through identity cards is only one way, not that there is no other way.”

According to Hughes, there are artifacts that forcibly awaken the wild nature with drugs or discriminate only the dragonian’s mana.

“Yes, I will be careful.”

And when another conversation ended, Hughes apologized again.

“And I’m sorry I got angry earlier. draft.”

“no. Hughes is definitely different from other Dragonians.”



For some reason, Hughes raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

“It’s nothing. More than that, Xian just needs to trust me, especially since it happened because of my mistake, and I will take care of this.”

“I will only trust you.”

Hughes said with a somewhat satisfied face.

“Rather than that, let’s start eating, the food will get cold.”

* * *

Sian sliced the steak again, about 10 minutes.

Hughes asked as he put down his knife and fork after a leisurely meal.

“Did you finish?”

“yes. I’m full.”

“Then get up.”

Hearing Xian’s answer, Hughes packed his things and left.

Xian followed Hughes, who lightly paid the bill and left the store.

Outside, the men who had come inside were waiting.

The head of the Belvian family and two knights.

In addition, there was a vigilante man who handed over information to a small number of guards and the lord.

‘Anyway, I hate it.’

Now that I look at it, the left-right asymmetry of the face is a little severe, so I didn’t like it from the first time I ate it.

Why didn’t you know yesterday?

“Did you enjoy your meal?”

“Greetings are over, but I want to hear the situation first.”

Even though it was the same as before, the lord did not show much displeasure even though he was somewhat sharp-tongued.

It was said that Slayers are treated more than nobles, and I felt it through my skin.

“Well, I’m good at the main topic too, do you want to move the location?”

“I see.”

The lord passed the horse that the lord rode on to the knight and started walking in the lead.

Hughes followed him, and Xian chose the option of quietly following him.

I must have walked twenty steps.

Hughes opened his mouth.

“So what? When I listened to the story of the mercenaries inside the store, I heard that the Slayer was attacked, but I want to hear that first.”

The question Hughes asked was something Xian was also curious about.

Xian also paid attention to the answers he would hear.

“It would be quite a long story if I had to explain it, but if I were to start with an answer, it would be correct to assume that I was attacked.”

If you get hit, you get hit or don’t. What do you think you’ve been hit on?

Hughes immediately asked if he had the same thoughts as Xi’an.

“You’re not sure?”

“That’s right. It’s because it suddenly disappeared after a fog covered it once.”

In short, he disappeared without even fighting like a battle… .

Somehow it smells strong.

Isn’t this a scam?

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