120. betrayal

It was fortunate that it was Junk Town, no, it was the 29th Street Aktion gang area, the most remote and isolated area in Junk Town.

40mm grenades and 12.7mm bullets rained down on the streets smashed by composition, literally scorching the ground. The firepower would have shattered the armored vehicle, so if it had been elsewhere, the police would have been dispatched without fail.

Hard-! Deuk-!

The heavy machine gun mounted on the pick-up truck spewed out the last cartridge case and stopped back and forth.

The street, where the flashes and explosions had disappeared, was strangely silent. As the night breeze pushed away thick smoke and the fire on the rubbish remnants dimly lit up, the scene of intensive fire was revealed.

Nearly a thousand bullets swept past. Of course, nothing was left intact. The cement building was also so powerful that it could not withstand anything other than implant cyborgs.


Something moved through the cracked asphalt. Leonard’s gang was frightened and raised their guns again.

“what? Are you immortal?”

“Uh, what? Shall we shoot more?”

There were no more bullets left to shoot. And I didn’t even have to shoot.

Adam Knox got up on his feet and fell back. None of the limbs were intact. The power bag at the waist also broke and exploded, sparks flew. It was literally just breathing.

“That guy isn’t quite a monster either.”

“Aren’t you a monster enough to be alive at that level?”

Bennington Holly put away the thumper and drew a .44 caliber revolver. It didn’t fit the ‘legend’, but it was time to wrap it up. He trudged to a distance where he would never miss, aimed the gun, and pulled the gong. However, the gunfire went off first from the wrong place.


A loud gunshot sounded from far away in the darkness. If time was broken down into milliseconds, bullets would come first and sound would come next, but in tangible space-time they were virtually simultaneous. Bennington Holly fell to his side.

“It’s a sniping!”

Leonard and Noah Lucas threw themselves behind the vehicle. Max fell flat in the luggage compartment, was grabbed by Noah and dragged down to the wheel. Right after that, the bullet hit the luggage compartment and created a spark, so it was a narrow shot.

“where are you?!”

“It’s 11 o’clock!”

“Damn… Is that David?”

He was a sniper hired by the company. Leonard continuously switched eyeball modes to find his opponent. Infrared, ultraviolet, heat detection, motion detection, etc. But none of them caught the sniper. Bennington’s eyes are better on this side, but Bennington got hit first.

– Are you dead? tell me if you’re dead If you don’t say anything, you’ll know you’re alive.

Scratching my nerves, there was no answer. It was clear that he was dead or at least passed out. Leonard looked at Noah Lucas with some anticipation. However, Noah’s implant, which had worse performance than Hexagon’s eyes, had no answer.

“11 o’clock… 450 meters… It’s on the roof of a four-story building.”

Then, unexpectedly, Max murmured.

“See that? Your eyes… aren’t they?”

“Mr. Leonard relies too much on hacking. Look at it with normal eyes sometimes.”

Considering the layout of the building at 11 o’clock, where the bullets came from, there were less than 10 points that could be sniped. There was only one place over 300 meters that Leonard couldn’t detect. Max also knew well because he had investigated the surroundings considering the sniping.

“Isn’t that a hacking problem?”

“no? Will it be right?”

Unlike Leonard, who crosses all kinds of devices, it was possible because he thoroughly watched and listened to ‘himself’. However, even if you knew the sniper point, you had to identify the sniper unless you were going to carpet bomb the area. Max pursed his lips as he pulled the gun bag straps from the luggage compartment of the pickup truck.

“I was sure I could find it the second time I shot it…”

“yes. Today, as always, I am ungrateful.”

Max pulled out a Gun & Guns 7.62mm Winterfield from his gun bag. It is the sniper who catches the sniper, and there is only one sniper here, Max. Leonard nodded with a complicated expression.

“do it properly.”

Permission was granted, and Max pulled the reloader. The opportunity was only once. Leonard and Noah Lucas exchanged signals with winks and brain chips, and at the same time ran out of cover.


Legendary sniper David Kim pulled the trigger without delay. Noah Lucas, who is difficult to catch later because of his small body and quick feet, was the target. Noah screamed in fright at the bullet that grazed his hair.

“There is him too, so why me! shoot him! He’s a hacker!”

“That man is really…”

However, there was no next for David Kim. After confirming the gun flame, Max pulled the trigger. I knew the distance and direction, so the speed was very fast.

Leonard and Noah Lucas staggered left and right to hide in new cover. I was lucky this time, but I didn’t want to do it a second time.

– Max? Max! How are you?

It seems that Noah’s heart is beating quite a bit. I forgot that Max didn’t have a brain chip and sent a brain chip communication.

I couldn’t have heard Noah’s scolding, but Max came out of the pickup truck. A rifle the size of his height and a bright expression in his arms told the result.

“Look at this? A-044 Aren’t you the best sniper in the city?”

As much as today, he did not deny even the harsh mentor.


Leonard cleared the scene with a deep sigh.

Bennington Holly died instantly. A bullet pierced his temple, and he would have died not knowing what was killing him. I didn’t know that the famous gunman as a bandit hunter in the wasteland would leave this world like this.

“Is he going to die soon?”

Noah Lucas looked down at the neglected Adam Knox with a miserable look. The durable implant organ is forcibly holding its breath, but it doesn’t seem like it will last long. The exoskeleton to support the weight of the body was gone, and he was suffocating under his own weight.

“Noah… Lucas…”

Noah straightened Adam’s hair to make him a little more comfortable. The opponent who almost killed himself, but there was no grudge.

“You took the wrong side. That’s all.”

Adam smiled. The cause of death was the clearest answer.

“Later… again…”

The light went out of Adam’s eyes. The brain chip connection is broken. Even if you are not a doctor, you can definitely declare it. It was death.

“Were you familiar?”

“It’s not good.”

“Is that a sad face for something like that?”

Noah closed Adam’s eyes and got up. It is a unique implant that is hard to find even in the federal capital, but it was difficult to get scrap metal prices because it was broken like this.

“Because he’s one of the few fixers older than me.”

It was a bloody night.

Today it could be Adam Knox, David Kim and Bennington Holly, but tomorrow it could be Leonard, Max and Noah Lucas. Leonard took a deep breath in the gloomy night air.

“Worry about tomorrow’s work tomorrow, and if you have something to pack, let’s take it and leave.”

Still, the living continued to live in the world. I was in debt to the old smuggler, so I had to take care of it as much as possible.


Leonard and Max loaded the legendary solvers from their respective districts into the luggage compartment. However, it is meaningful that the company public security erased the traces of being caught, but the credit was not much. Not only Adam Knox, but also David Kim, whom he had rescued from the roof of the building, had his head blown off, so there was nothing to miss.

“The expensive implants are all in the head, but the head is smashed.”

In the case of Bennington Holly, there were quite a few things to salvage. However, even the junk town solver of the last life was uncomfortable selling comrades’ parts. If it looked like it would starve to death, I would have closed my eyes, but Leonard and Noah Lucas weren’t that desperate.

“Damn it… I’ll take your request money instead of the funeral expenses.”

Bennington Holly’s share of 11,000 credits was considerate. After a brief moment of silence, the car door was closed. Noah also mentioned those who stayed instead of those who left.

“Now there are two left.”

“Jolly Ritz and DM.”

Neither were direct combatants. However, since they have talent, they will be hard to find if they are determined and hide. Noah Lucas insisted that they strike before dawn, when they had no grasp of the situation. It was a contractor-like argument.

“I will not hide.”

“why? Even Adam died?”

“Because companies can’t just leave it alone.”

The corporate client was particularly cold-hearted. Since most of them, including Adam Knox, are dead, the cleaning of 29th Street will be judged a failure. Jolly Ritz and DM had to come to an agreement as soon as possible in order to receive the commission and to avoid the company’s silence.

“Do you think you can win against us?”

“Even mutts eat half at my house!”

They are two famous people in the federal capital, but this was A-044 City. Lowell and Rogers, Jack and his friends, Adam Knox and David Kim suffered one after another, and they were fools to think they would be.

“If I were on that team…”

Leonard didn’t think hackers were stupid, so he came up with the most plausible option.

“…will negotiate with us.”

Noah laughed.

“Negotiation? Negotiation is done when you are equal. If it’s disadvantageous, it’s not a negotiation, it’s a plea, right?”

“You do it even when it’s mutually beneficial.”

“What good do we have?”

“That’s the credit you’re supposed to get.”

I didn’t laugh anymore. It was a very clever idea.

“Five people died on that side, and there are five left on this side.”

Max raised a question.

“Three? Including Mr. Logan, there are four.”

“They don’t know.”

Anyway, considering that this side was less than 5 people, there was something to negotiate. Still, when Max didn’t understand, Leonard spoke directly.

“It’s giving us the money requested by a deceased colleague. And I’m asking you to help clean 29th Street or at least close your eyes.”

“Wow! I have no morals!”

The amount of the request from the company, especially from big-time solvers, must be more than expected. I don’t know much about it, but the 44,000 credits that Leonard and his party decided to receive from Mr. Tony would be at the level of tipping at a party celebrating the success of the commission.

“Are you going to refuse?”

Max hesitated uncoolly. It was an offer I couldn’t refuse even if my credit greed was half of the average. However, the unusual Noah Lucas narrowed his slender eyes even more.

“So, are you going to negotiate?”

Leonard looked at the senior with 20 years of experience and slightly raised his shoulders.

“You still don’t know me?”

It was a very reassuring answer. Noah’s eyebrows softened.

“A man who betrays on this earth will not live long. You need to have principles and trust to live a long life.”

“I can’t agree because I haven’t lived long, but I think it’s right to keep what you want to protect.”

“great. What are you going to do if you’re not negotiating?”

In fact, what Leonard kept was ‘principle’, not ‘faith’. The two were as subtly different as the direction and direction. So, without malice, I revealed my next plan.

“I will betray them.”

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