102. reason

Leonard’s pickup truck wasn’t a good car to say the least.

It’s not a luxury car since I was born, and it’s been 30 years since I left it alone, but I met the wrong owner, got shot and bombed, and suffered severe abuse while eating a back alley drift. It was no exception today.

“right! right!”

“Oh, oh, should I shoot right?”

“Dodge to the right!”

Leonard skipped understanding and turned the steering wheel to the right. Cudang-tang-tang in the luggage compartment! I heard a sound, but I didn’t apologize. Bullets scratched the asphalt and narrowly grazed the body of the car.


There was a lot of demand in one word. Max closed the barrel of his double-barreled shotgun and leaned his torso out the window. The target was a gray truck frantically crossing lanes trying not to give up the lead. bang! bang!

The iron ball replaced with buckshot spread into a thin film. At a vehicle speed of 100 km/h, it was impossible to evade a 972 km/h bullet, so it was beaten intact. The car door was dented and marbles bounced inside the car, pounding the iron cyborg.

“Eww! great!”

Actually, it wasn’t that good. The iron cyborg shrank for a moment, but was not seriously hit. It was not a direct hit, but a ricocheted buckshot did not even cause malfunction.

With his left hand, he slashed the magazine of the Big Ground Company rifle and inserted a new one. Chong had a deep relationship with Leonard, but it wasn’t nice to see him again like this. Leonard turned the steering wheel to the left again. Elia Garden used harsh words in the luggage compartment.

Leonard’s pickup truck and Lowell & Roger’s crew’s truck were speeding along the overpass above 23rd Street. Since it is a road that goes out of the city center, there are not many cars driving, and it is good to speed because it is a straight section. It was a place where even junk cars could race.

“Stay aside! This side has a secret weapon!”

In terms of armament, the pickup truck was excellent. Brownie had a 12.7mm heavy machine gun, so it could be replaced unless it was a medium armored vehicle. However, the situation was favorable to the gray truck. I couldn’t fire the machine gun in the truck bed because I wouldn’t give up a seat in the front.

“Eh! Stick to the side!”

“Who doesn’t know that! They won’t give you a side!”

“Soon at a crossroads! They fall into Wing Town!”

Leonard was annoyed by the assistant who kept nagging him, but ‘If you’re frustrated, just run yourself!’ and did not kick it out of the passenger seat. Because I had a better idea than that.

“Is this over there?”

“This is it!”

Max didn’t understand Leonard’s words and shouted at random. So Leonard smiled in contemplation. If I had known what I was thinking, I would have been desperately against it.

“Hold tight. overtake.”

“uh? how?”

“Miss Elias! Hold on tight too!”

Leonard stepped on the accelerator even harder. The top car struggling from the front didn’t give me a chance, but it didn’t matter. As Max said, it was a turning point. To get out of town, I had no choice but to move to the right lane.

“Is there a chance…?”

Opportunity is opportunity, but it wasn’t the opportunity Max imagined. Even if the lane was fixed, it did not give a seat as long as it occupied the lead. I held out until the last moment to keep Leonard out of the way, then changed lanes.

And Leonard went straight from the first lane and just passed the intersection. Not knowing how precious Max was, he tore out his hair. It’s because he’s still young.

“Ouch! You missed it!”

“Hold tight because you came right.”

Leonard did not slow down even through the intersection. Max then noticed something strange.

“…no way?”

Elia, who had lived longer than Max, realized the situation more concretely. It wasn’t very pleasant.

“That, that, stop it! Ha, don’t!”

As Leonard said, this was there. The place where a group of bandits in the wasteland attacked and fought a fierce battle with corporate police & mercenaries.

After that, it was repaired, but some of the lanes and many of the guardrails were damaged as rockets rained down and high explosive shells poured down. Just right for a car going straight without thinking to fall under the overpass.

“mom! Mom!”

“Oh, no!”

Leonard said inwardly, “It’s okay,” and crashed into the construction guide barricade. Cheap plastic signs were shattered and took off, and pick-up trucks took off.

Who said that a person who soars is beautiful? Max and Elia’s expressions are very worth seeing. Leonard gritted his molars and pulled the steering wheel back. According to the laws of physics, the falling truck could not be controlled, but it was more psychologically stable than doing nothing.


Still, if it was intellect, it was Gamcheon. The pickup truck miraculously landed in the section just below the intersection.

Max slammed his head into the ceiling and Elia almost threw herself out of the luggage compartment, but it was a fairly stable landing compared to a car flipping upside down or falling headfirst into pieces.

“I’m not crazy! What are you risking your life for?”

“This, this, this crazy solver…!”

My friends who came back to life seemed very surprised. But what really surprised me was the enemy being overtaken in a ridiculous way.

Rowell and Rogers, who came down after one and a half rounds of the intersection, fell from the sky and were fed up with Leonard’s group. He was a seasoned fixer, so he didn’t hit the brakes, but Leonard was not far behind. I raised the clutch and attempted rapid acceleration. The chase turned into an escort.

“What’s going on!”

Compared to the unconscious Max, the experienced A-040 City solver was quick to grasp the situation. He quickly found what he had to do. The 12.7mm heavy machine gun, which had been used as a support so far, was returned to its original purpose and the muzzle was fixed.

A-07 City solver Rowell, who was unintentionally pursuing, twisted the steering wheel left and right in contemplation. It’s similar to the maneuvers I’ve done so far, but it’s not to block lanes, but to avoid bullets.

It was impossible to stop, and it was a narrow road with only one lane, so it was impossible to make a U-turn, so that was the best, but it was a meaningless struggle. Brownie’s machine gun, which had been continuously maintained, spewed sparks with repeated fire. tutu tu tu tu tattang-!

The speed of the bullet plus the speed of the vehicle made each shot a small bomb. Everything the warhead brushed through was torn to shreds and shattered. Asphalt cracked, guardrails exploded, tires exploded, and the engine compartment flew off, causing the unbalanced 1.5-ton truck to overturn.


Leonard checked the overturned cab in his rearview mirror and slowed down. Although it is a road outside the city where there is not much traffic, it was a nuisance to block the road for a long time. Without saying anything, the party took out their personal firearms and loaded them.

Meanwhile, the train was quiet. I don’t know if he fainted or pretended to faint, but he just didn’t seem to come out.

“An implant specialized in close combat. Do not be on your guard.”

At Leonard’s advice, Elaia nodded and aimed her dual pistols. I wonder if I took 10 steps forward like that, the dented door of the cargo compartment thumped! It fell with a sound. The muzzle turned quickly. But the threat came from the driver’s seat. A long Japanese blade shot through the car door.

Reason whispered that it was too far away to reach, but instinct shouted, “You foolish bastard, run away quickly.” In this case, the one with the loudest voice wins. Elia Garden jumped backwards using her unique light body. The red-hot blade barely grazed the tip of his chin.

“A thermo-optical device!”

A sword was floating around. It looked like a mysterious swordsmanship from an old oriental fantasy, but the reality was harsh. It was easy to deceive the eyes by refracting light, but it was difficult to make the sword cut and stab itself.

Max fired the shotgun. But loading the buckshot was a mistake. Rowell, in a thermo-optical camouflage, raised his blades to defend his head and heart. The other parts did not die even if they were bitten with iron beads.

“Write this…!”

Max broke the barrel and switched to slug rounds. Leonard filled that gap. The revolver ball bounced and fired rapidly. It’s a panning shot that gives away a hit rate, but one speed was outstanding.

kang! Kkangkang-!

Leonard turned the chamber around and opened his mouth. Once upon a time, Eastern fantasy wasn’t entirely false. Lowell swung his knife around, deflecting bullets. Although he couldn’t parry all six shots, it was a phenomenal skill to defend even for a moment. Should I say phenomenal implant performance?

“Will you try one more time?”

Leonard pulled out the revolver ‘Air Force’ with innocent eyes. Rowell, whose body had been punctured and his stomach had loosened, made an expression of chewing his last piece of excrement.

Rogers crawled out of the cargo hold. Shaking his head and stumbling around didn’t look very good. Elaia aimed her two pistols and fired at full auto. Ta-ta-ta-ta-!

Lowell and Rogers. It’s a pretty good combination, but the situation was bad and the opponent was bad. As prisoners of war were executed, they were unilaterally exposed to bullets. Nanta would have died of blood loss had it not been for the full-body implant.

By grinding the magazine twice like that, it was completely incapacitated. The limbs were cut off and sparks flew out. Resuscitation seemed difficult no matter what he did, not just rebooting.

“This is the entrance to Wing Town under the overpass.”

Leonard opened the cylinder of his revolver and loaded a fresh bullet into the speedloader. I glanced at Max as if he was talking about something.

“yes. That’s right. Come and get it yourself.”

I was reporting to the client-twins. If it was a formal request, it would be packaged well and delivered to the front door, but it was a very urgent request and there were many accidents, so customer service had to be delayed. When the public security came out in this situation, it was a headache in many ways.

“Is it over now? Is it really over?”

“Lord, Lord, shall we kill?”

Leonard shook his head. It was a gesture that confused whether it was not the end or not to kill. The answer is probably both.

“The two of you should go first.”

“Are you going first?”

“I’ll wait for the twins to send someone, so get in the car and go to Junktown. Stop by the garage and get a repair estimate in advance.”

“Uh, so far? Why why?”

Leonard picked up the Japanese blade that had fallen on the floor. It was two inches longer and two inches thicker than the Tiger Claw blade that Max was carrying around. Above all, it was unusual that it was bright red like freshly drawn blood. I thought I might get some credit if I put an auction on that gang.

“You wonder who will come first.”

“Uh… Are you in police custody with the gang?”

Max was sure it was a gangster. Public security is lazy in the junk town business, and unless the twins are idiots, they’ll use bribes or whatever. Isn’t that why you contacted me to take it yourself?


However, Leonard thought a little differently. What I’m really curious about is the reason why the duo came here with all their strength.

“I’ll have to see who comes from the other side.”

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