"Hey, I was really excited yesterday!"

"Really, Nanba, I did a little review."



... well, I was hoping this would happen.

The last day of the study trip.

Today is finally the day to go back there.It was my last free time until the afternoon flight.

We... well, Rihua and I, and then Kyoya and Chinda came to the mall together.

Of course, the purpose is to shop.

Basically, for a souvenir I couldn't buy yesterday.


"Looks like they call it the 'Triumph of the Mob'.It's a fucked up rumor. "

"Ahahah! That's great, Nanba, it's a mob."


Besides, it's not a triumph...

Yes, about last night, my relationship with Rihua became completely known throughout the school year.

Moreover, because the impact of the trigger was big, it was funny and the legs were colored funny, and it spread as you like.

I was too unexpected to be prepared.

In any case, let's do the mob legs.

I don't think I'm going to survive.

"Ah, macadamia nuts! This is a must!"

I'll buy some too...

Kyoya holds a few boxes of classic chocolate confectionery.

Because it was easy, Rihua and I also collected it one by one.

"I'll take it."

Yes, thank you.

I exchanged briefly and received the box from Rihua's hand.

If you pay for it and get the bag, you can split it then.


... damn it.

"There's so many people here."

"You wild horses...."

I glanced around with resentment.

Meanwhile, the dozens of eyes that were focused on us were deliberately diverted at once.

"You're acting like a couple," he said, "I knew you were dating."And the behavior was, "So, who's that guy?"I could hear my voice whispering.

It's been like this since this morning.

Of course it was depressing, but I couldn't help it anymore.

"Everyone is intrigued. That's Rihua. Nanba, anyway."

There's a lot of people here.

"It seems to be annoying to the shop."

Well, it's flourishing, isn't it?

"We're not client pandas...."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."


Nevertheless, it's so noticeable...

Well, I hope it weathers during the summer vacation.

"But I can't believe this is going to happen."

"I'm fine though. I feel like I'm getting famous."

"No, don't date on your own."

It's a good date, isn't it?

"Until... Lihua"

And don't say that in such a big voice... you can hear it all around you.

Sure enough, they didn't have to be sexually punished. "It was a date!"and" Mr. Orange is so cute. "

"The three of us are at a high level," she said, usually annoying. Exactly.

Then we each made the necessary purchases and left the mall.

The wild horses followed me from behind. Daimyo Matrix.

All right, let's go!

"Let's go, let's go!"

The two of them raised their hands together and stretched out.

I certainly still have time, but I don't know where I'm going.

It's settled!

"Cape Lovers!"

"... ahh"

I see, speaking of which...

I couldn't go yesterday.

"Besides, I can shake hands with Mr. Leung and Mr. Orange today!"

Who shakes the big ones?

"... what shall we do, Mr. Leung?"

"Eh... mmm"

Lihua was worried about my complexion.

Maybe it's Rihua's...

"... you want to go?"

"... yes, if you don't mind, but..."

While saying so, Lihua looked at us in the eye.

I don't know if you're aware or not, but this is...

"... shall we go?"

"Oh, really?"

Ah, ahh

When I nodded, Rihua sparkled her eyes.

Instead, is there someone who can say no...?

And don't look at me like that, seriously...

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