

Computer room in school.

Sitting in that seat, I looked at the short voice from next door.

"Good morning, Nanba. But wow, isn't that awful?


Rika's friend Susami Chitose said that with the same loud voice as usual.

I get scared by the same strange pressure, but somehow I don't feel a bit better than before.

I met Susami several times during my vacation, but this is the first time I've met them both in uniform.

"It's not like you're in school on summer vacation, is it, Nanba?"

"... you have a problem with the review. The one who reads and writes books. That's it."

There are about twenty computers installed in this computer room.

Students are free to use it even during summer vacations.

Very few things can only be done on a computer right now, but comments can be word-processed.

It's easier than handwriting anyway, so I went out.

"Oh, living alone is certainly convenient for school computers."

"I'm going to finish today and print it and go home."

"Even though Nanba is a monster, I'll do this kind of thing properly."

"If we have to do this anyway, we'd better clean it up early."

You're right, but some kids can't do that.


Sazuki Satsuki

That said, Susami put her hand on her mouth and smiled.

If you do such a trick, it will look like an adult, and if you say more, it will look colorful and make you feel kind of strange.

No, of course not.

Definitely not.

"What's wrong with you? Something about student council work."

When I asked, Susami stretched out a little and looked around the room.

There's nobody in the computer room but us.

"That's the place. When the summer vacation is over, the student council will be replaced. Prepare yourself."


Speaking of which, the student council is about to retire after three years, just like the club activities.

Well, neither has anything to do with me.

"You must have been secretary."

"Yeah, maybe next time it stays the same, so it doesn't really replace me."


"The chairman, general affairs and accounting are in the third grade, so that is where they are replaced. Thank you for the election."

"What is it, please?"

"Vote, please. If the voter turnout is low, the impression from the teacher is bad."

I see.

The student council is also quite difficult after all.

Well, with this guy, most of the problems are likely to be solved quickly.

"By the way, aren't you going to be president?"

"Oh, why?

Because it looks good on me.

The student chairman's title is perfect for Susami.

Well, the secretary of the student council, but it's plenty firm.

"I'm glad you said that, but it doesn't suit me. Besides, that's not the type."


I see. I think I can do the chairman's job, but I don't feel that way. And there's someone more qualified. "

"... hmm"

Suitable, huh?

Well, that's not what I care about outsiders.

Anyway, I still don't know anything about Susami.

Still, a student council?

I'm not a little interested in the group he's in.

But, Nanba, it's unusual.

"... what?

"I knew you weren't interested in me. I can't believe you're asking me something personal."

With such words from Susami, I felt my face slightly hot.

You went out of your way to say shameful things...

"... I only heard it once in a while."

"Oh, that's too bad. I thought you were my friend already."

"... what is that?"

Susami has been smiling for a long time.

With a lovely, gentle expression, but a mix of other things, it looks like Susami.

I knew this guy wasn't good.


"... I don't think you're someone else."


"... I think you're my friend.... for a long time now, on your own."

"... fufufu"

Susami laughed suddenly with a soft and overflowing voice.

This time, it was a little different from the previous smile, just like a high school girl.

"Nanba, you're so cute. Not as much as Rihua."

"... Shut up."

I'm glad I have to report it to Rihua.

"No, stop... It's embarrassing."

"That's good. Nanba thought you were my friend. Fufu"

"... you knew that, just like I thought."

"Oh, that's not true. It seems like it's been a lot of trouble to be friends with Rihua."

"... I've changed a little bit, so have I."

However, I'm not ready to be exposed like this...

"I wonder if I could be friends without Rihua. We"

"... I don't know. Well, he's the trigger for everything."

If I hadn't met Rika, I wouldn't have known Susami or changed my way of life.

In that sense, Lihua's existence must have been so big that I couldn't help it.

"I think I could have been. To my friends."

"... I see."

"Yeah, maybe he was a lover."


An unexpectedly big voice came out, and I rushed to my mouth.

"... no funny jokes."

"Oh, you don't want to be with me?


"Fufu, I'm sorry. I'll leave it around here. I'm getting mad at Rihua."

"... hah"

It's totally bad for your heart...

I shook my head when I sifted and then put meaningless strings on my computer screen.

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