Chapter 20. Patriot (31)

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‘The purity is a little higher than what I used before, so be sure to dilute it before using it.’

Even Cassandra herself probably doesn’t know what she made. ‘A little bit?’ Is this a little bit? Twenty normal people acting like they were hypnotized?

No. Did you know this and did it on purpose? Maybe it was. No, it definitely would have been like that. Cassandra may not know everything in the world, but she is still a genius at what she does.

Isn’t it really strange these days? I can understand why you want to distance yourself from me after ‘treatment.’ It must have been an awkward thing for her, too.

But even after that, Cassandra behaved in a way that made her feel cold, and she even wrapped herself up tightly. If she says it was to avoid ‘addiction’ to the pheromone synthesis process, she fits everything.

If she had told me more properly, she wouldn’t have poured two cans of concentrated spray into my body.

In fact, the plan itself is being maintained. Contact the cultist scouting party, get along well with them, then steal supplies and disappear. In the process, it spreads the Cro virus to both the street and the living. It was a repeat of what I had done so far, so it wasn’t difficult.

Except that thirteen women won’t let me go.

It is not meant metaphorically. Literally. These women never move further than a certain distance away from me. I don’t even cough much anymore. It looks like my Cro virus has gone beyond being infected and has been ‘encroached upon’. Sometimes I get confused about who the zombie really is. For example, this request.

“Please take off your coat.”

This is a nonsensical request. Not only was it covered in a lot of dust, but it was also splattered with blood from a zombie who had stabbed its stomach with a rebar, so it had to be washed or thrown away. The fact that it smells like my sweat is a bonus. Still, she didn’t care at all.

“Where on earth are you going to use this?”

“I’m going to put it in a sack and sleep on it. They say these are clothes that will be thrown away anyway. Is it okay for a man to behave like this? If you don’t want to, at least lend me your arms. “I’m asking you to stay with me for just one night, but is that really that difficult?”

I think it is difficult. This is not a genre where a grown man and a woman lie on the same sheet and depend on each other in the midst of danger that could lead to death at any moment. It’s closer to sleeping together between an adult man and a zombie woman. Hasn’t that woman already lost sight of her eyes?

“Narin, stop and go to your seat.”

It is Director Catherine who organizes the situation each time. Fortunately, this woman is the most sane. Although she is coughing more and more violently, it is not enough to interfere with her operations.

“I’m not leaving until I get some socks.”

Naturally, Catherine nodded her head to Narin. Because Catherine is not on my side.

“Hoot. Please exchange her socks with Narin. This is a command. If you don’t give it away….”

“What if you don’t want to?”

“I will lock you and Narin in this room and lock the door.”

“Director, I don’t think I need those socks!”

I handed over my socks before Narin finished speaking. Narin complained a little, but she still took my two pairs of socks. Because she left her room so quickly, she was spared any further trouble.

“I’m sorry. Hoot. I’ll give you new socks. But there was no way to quell Sun and Narin’s desires other than this. Actually, everyone is sensitive now.”

Again, Director Catherine was able to maintain her senses.

“What is it for?”

“I lost my Humvee and was trapped in the central district. Hoot, if it weren’t for you, we would have continued our meaningless struggle on that dead end road and turned into zombies. You came to us at just the right time. “I appreciate that.”

I have an ominous feeling. After something like this, it seems like there will be something like, ‘But I can’t help it.’

“But from now on, we must act according to principles. If we are to complete our mission, we need more supplies. So, with the authority of a supervisor, I have to approach ‘somewhere’ in the central district. As I said before, you are an outsider. You are not allowed to know about that place, and if you find out its location, you are subject to summary execution. I don’t want to do that to my benefactor.”

“Then it’s simple. I’ll be here when you get the stuff….”


What a surprise.

The sound was so loud that all the women outside came rushing in. Even the zombies outside the hideout croaked as if they had heard the sound. It was only after some time had passed that Catherine regained her composure.

“No. The central district is too dangerous. You can’t be safe here. Hoot. If you want to return to your loving family, you have to join us. That has a good chance of winning.”

“This doesn’t work either. That doesn’t work either. “Then what on earth are you planning to do?”

“It’s simple. Hoot. Accept the Goddess.”

Catherine is ‘at least’ fine. It does not mean ‘normal’. This woman, she came to say this after all.

“I believe in the goddess.”

“No. That’s not what I meant. Hoot. Accept the Goddess of Hunger with all your body, mind, and soul. If you truly become one with us, you can solve all these problems. Family members can convert slowly. Hoot, you just have to come. You deserve it. “I guarantee it with the authority of the supervisor.”

Just looking at it, it doesn’t seem to be something like, ‘I’ll give you a free gift if you sign up for membership.’ This means to be like them. These are suspicious, dark, fanatics who act as puppets of Joanna Mustaine. Catherine’s tone became more earnest.

“Hoot. Please open your mind just a little. Twenty of us have already answered. By accepting you as part of the family. “You just have to come.”

If you hit an outsider, it’s violence without question, but if you hit a family member, it’s treated as domestic violence, so the sentence is reduced. What does that mean? I remember the looks in those men’s eyes. Just looking at it, it doesn’t look like it will end well.

But to become part of a cult?

In other words, it also means that you can access their equipment. Catherine may have a bit of a weird head, but she seems to have quite an enormous supply base, seeing as she at least comes to her senses about ‘that place’. That benefit also cannot be ignored.

What if it were like this?

I sighed heavily, indicating that I was struggling. He slowly lifted his forehead, looked intently at Catherine, and then looked away again. Catherine is seen swallowing her dry saliva.

“I’m not refusing, Catherine. But it’s a bit difficult to hastily agree to something you don’t even know what it is.”

“Ah, what are you curious about?”

“I wonder what it means to accept the goddess. I think it’s a bit different from the general ‘acceptance’. This might be a long story, so why not pull a chair over and sit down to talk about it? Oh, if you have time.”

While Catherine was excited and went to get a chair, I opened the bag. She dusted the clothes she had sprayed around the room. A subtle musty smell spread thickly. If this were my room, I would have opened the window right away.

Soon Catherine came in. As soon as she came in, I saw her eyes relax. Her cheeks flushed, her lips glistened.

“Would you like to tell me a story?”

I held Catherine’s hand.


Catherine held my hand. I pulled her to me. Her breasts were barely touching, and I could see Catherine’s eyes rolling around. She looked into his eyes and whispered as if it were engraved into her soul.

“But before that. I’m curious about ‘how much’ you believe in me? Actually, I’m a bit puzzled. “We met under unusual circumstances, but it hasn’t been long since we met.”

“You saved us.”

“But they doubted me.”

“That’s it! That’s unavoidable….”

I cut off Catherine’s flustered words and listened.

“There was nothing I could do. Sorry. You are self-indulgent. They say they manipulate others according to their own needs. “Am I someone who must unconditionally adapt to your mood and understanding?”

“Oh, no. That’s not what I meant….”

“No. Overseer of the Goddess. When it’s advantageous, I think about principles, and when I’m at a disadvantage or have regrets, I bring up the goddess. “Isn’t this what all people who believe in goddesses are like?”

He pushed Catherine further. Her body is shaking. I believe, Cassandra. I hope the effect of the thickening agent you made is enough to completely blow away this woman’s reason.

“Oh, misunderstanding… There is a misunderstanding… Misunderstanding….”

I kissed Catherine’s lips. Catherine was surprised by her sudden kiss, but she soon actively sucked my lips.

It worked.

He tilted her head and parted his lips from hers. Catherine grabbed my collar and tried to kiss her. She gently cupped her breasts and pushed them out. Catherine shuddered and was pushed away, even though she had nothing to say even after being slapped with a rude bastard.

“Catherine. Be honest. You are not trying to evangelize me. You want to have me. No? Answer honestly. “If you lie, I will get out of here without even a rat or a bird knowing.”

“I want it.”

Catherine gasped for air.

“Then listen to me. You are not evangelizing me. “I am leading you.”

Catherine’s eyes became a little clearer. She felt like her senses were coming back so she quickly kissed her again. He slid his tongue between her lips and hugged her waist. “Ugh,” Catherine said and hugged me tightly. Her eyes blurred again.

“What did I say, Catherine?”

“You lead me.”

Since I gave the correct answer, I should give you a reward. I covered Catherine’s face with my palms. Her face straightened like a praised puppy.

“Okay. Then bring the rest of the women.”


“I have doubts. Is this just your opinion, or are you really thinking the same as other women? If you lied, tell me now. But if you answered correctly, I will give you a reward.”


Catherine left without looking back. Her heart drops. Cassandra never said how long this ‘medicine effect’ lasts.

What should I do?

Soon, thirteen women came in. I kissed Catherine on the lips in front of them. Shock, sighing, and soft screams were heard.

“Me too! Me too… !”

Active women stepped forward. I took off my outerwear.

“What are you waiting for? And.”

The new family has increased.

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