Chapter 20. Patriot (9)

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It was impossible to get to the central district by road. So we planted explosives in the building and blew a hole.

Installation was not difficult, but it was quite difficult to measure the amount that would ‘break through the wall but not collapse the building’. Fortunately, Camilla and Leticia calculated the correct amount every time after some discussion. Camilla had a lot of experience with installation, and Leticia had a lot of experience with her dismantling.

“As expected, the roots of terrorists don’t seem to be going anywhere?”

“That’s not something an incompetent cat thief who didn’t know about until he planted a bomb right in front of the unit would say that, right?”

Me and Cassandra spent the day doodling while the two of us had some really constructive conversations. I painted the ‘Night Wolf’ symbol, which I had previously taken and saved on my cell phone, with paint spray all over the place.

“John. But does this have any meaning?”

“It may or may not exist.”

“Then why are you doing it?”

“I thought it would be fun.”

Cassandra did not ask any more questions. She was just busy drawing, and at the sound of the blast signal, she ducked into the car, covered her ears, and continued moving forward after knocking down the wall.

The zombies caught in the explosion were completely exhausted. It felt like they were rolling out a red carpet to welcome you.

Thin walls were the last. There was no wall in front of it. It was a road. Open road. On the other side of the road is a complex of beautifully built single-family homes that can be seen at a glance.

Solar panels flashed on the rooftop. The fence, which had once been beautiful with rose vines wrapped around it, was barbed wired, and the walls were studded with broken glass and old tin cans.

That was the only thing worth seeing.

Moans, nausea, and swear words came out of the radio. I thought I knew why. Because of the corpses. Bodies were piled up on the fence surrounding the central district.

It was a terrible sight, but I couldn’t take my eyes off it. It was because it was strange. There was no body facing the city. Everyone was lying dead against the wall. They had gathered together in a desperate attempt to escape from that terrible center.


Four legged animals appeared in the middle of the road. It was a pack of wolves. The sign on the road said ‘Elsa 4 National Zoo, 1km’.

The condition of the wolves was not good at first glance. Where the flesh had been torn off, lumps of swollen flesh like tumors hung around.

These guys are already infected.

The guys who seemed to be staring at us suddenly lost their minds and ran away. I found out exactly 30 seconds later why I ran away.

Thump. Thud. Thud.

The ground shook. At the same time, something appeared in front of the mugwort road.

It was an elephant. Male elephant. The elephant may have once lived comfortably and loved at the zoo, but now it has become a zombie.

A very angry elephant was running this way.

“Did you run all the way here because of the explosion?”

If so, he must have been a very aggressive guy. Most things tend to run away when they hear a loud noise, but this guy came all the way here.

I thought I knew the reason.

This is his territory. He is a beast whose territory has been invaded, and he will never stay still.

“Camilla. I can hear?”

– Ugh, yes. I’m listening.

“It will draw attention, so would you mind shooting a flare gun at that guy’s butt? “You can do it.”

– What? No! It’s too dangerous! I’ll get your attention so you

I didn’t listen after that. I drove the truck straight. Perhaps because there were no zombies in the truck, it went out very quickly.


The sound of the klaxon was refreshing. Even the high beam lights flashed brilliantly. If you get discouraged by this kind of provocation, you don’t deserve to be the king. Of course, the elephant came running foaming at the mouth.

I changed to cruise mode and pressed the pedal with the chock. It reminded me of a lonely game that has now become nothing more than an ordinary game.

“Try nerfing this too.”

Just before it accelerated, I grabbed my weapon, opened the car door, and ran. The truck ran straight towards the elephant. The elephant stuck its neck up and hit its head on the truck.

Both the truck and the elephant could not overcome their momentum. The truck that slipped next to the elephant rolled over and exploded. An elephant with a serious wound on its head let out a roar of victory.

Then Camilla opened her window and fired a flare.


It hit me in the butt. Even from here, I could see the elephant’s eyes rolling over. You may have been prepared to get your head hit by a truck, but you probably didn’t expect to get hit in the butt.

The guy ran like crazy as if that was the only solution. So, towards me. Squeak, the Humvee stopped. Surprisingly, it was Cassandra. Without thinking twice she got into the car. Again, I pedaled so hard that there were long tire marks on the road.

And then the beating began.

“Ah! Ah! It hurts! Hey!”

“Die! Die! “Die there!”

Cassandra cried and slammed her palm down. She was obviously hit with the palm of her hand, but it hurt as much as getting hit with her iron pipe. Even when she got her regime beaten by an angry Camilla, it didn’t hurt her more than this.

“Ah, bones! “I hit a bone, I hit a bone!”

“Cassandra is a doctor! “I’m going to break it down and put it back together!”

Desperately, I crawled out into her backseat. She would rather run away than be beaten to death by Cassandra. An elephant with flames burning on its buttocks passed by us. I felt a strange sense of kinship.

* * * * *


The bulletproof modified Humvee shattered the iron fence gate. After that, the truck and trailer driven by Leticia came in, and finally the truck driven by Camilla came in. Camilla’s truck went forward and behind her, replacing the fence gate she had smashed. You can stop zombies trying to enter while standing, but you can’t stop those crawling under the car, so this is only a temporary measure.

“Let’s get off first.”

Cassandra, with red eyes, quickly got out of the car, holding her pistol. Camilla and Leticia were already securing the area. It appears to have been used as a private outdoor tennis club before the zombie outbreak. I don’t know what kind of people used it, but the fence was as high as a prison.

The building had only one garage, and the door was wide open. There was nothing else except dirty tennis balls and broken rackets rolling around on the floor. There was a water supply, but when I turned on the tap, nothing came out.


After confirming that the surroundings were safe, Camilla took long strides toward me. It was quite unsettling to see how confident her gait was. Sure enough, she grabbed my wrist and broke her arm.

“Are you crazy about dying? “What kind of crazy person in the world would rush at an elephant like that?”

In the meantime, I had to stop Leticia from taking off her pants. I was able to be freed from the three women only after I promised myself, ‘I will never do something unexpected like that and make everyone worry again.’


Camilla swept up her bangs.

“This is the central district. “It’s a central district with a lot of talk and a lot of riding.”

Although it is called the central district, it is the same size as a small town. It is said that there are over 200,000 residents in the central district alone. There would have been more if you included people working in offices and important government offices.

The good thing is that no one lives here. The bad thing is that there are a lot of zombies. That too, very, very much. But now the zombies are not paying much attention to these remote places. Because everyone rushed towards the wall.

After sending the elephant, we moved slowly. It was because I didn’t want to provoke the zombies.

Surprisingly, the zombies were not very interested in cars passing at low speeds. Well, an explosive exploded in the back, the smell of blood was carried by the wind all the way here, and all kinds of wild animals were running around, so I think I’d go over there and have a look.

So, we settled down here for a while at the tennis court, which is a little higher than other places. Items are loaded on trucks and you can sleep in a trailer, so minimal safety is ensured, but it is difficult to say that it is 100% safe from zombie attacks. Above all, there are not only humanoid zombies here.

“The animals in the zoo escaped en masse. Then you might see a zombie lion, a zombie tiger, or a zombie monkey.”

You may not know it, but it is nearly impossible for humans to survive zombie beasts at night. Even more so if the target is animals whose eyes are rolled back from hunger.

But it’s okay now. Regular gunshots were heard from the wall, 3 km away from here. It looks like gangs and religious denominations are at loggerheads. Considering the zombies we unleashed on top of that, it’s a pretty good fight.

“Thank you. Military police.”

I thought of a military police officer with chains wrapped around him. If it survives and infects others, that’s a good thing. But even if I lose, it doesn’t really matter. In fact, it might be good.

Of course, it would feel good to win. But even if you lose and get eaten, it doesn’t matter. The same applies to the fact that the ‘Korean Cro virus’ enters the body of a zombie. All you have to do is infect the zombies again.

We have already infected over 300 zombies. Assuming that four people ate one fish, that would be 1,200. Assuming our children survived, many more would have been infected.

“No matter where you live, live strong.”

I sincerely prayed for his peace.


Now that I think about it, I have some canned food left that doesn’t taste bad.

I guess I should have given it to you too.

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