Chapter 20. Patriot (4)

I stepped on the ladder attached to the container and went up. Aiming an M1911 pistol equipped with a silencer. We do not shoot anyone who confronts ‘our’ zombies. If there is a misfire, you will be in trouble.

Push. Push.

Instead, I targeted those approaching from a blind spot or those attacking from a short distance.

His head is not shot. Because there is one less person who can infect you. Even if you shoot the ship, it won’t have much effect. So aim for the thighs, shoulders, or forearms.

The guy who got hit on the leg lost his balance and staggered, and the guy who got hit on the arm had his fighting power drastically reduced.


Among the active four-member group, the military police guy stands out by far. It seems like he has mastered the art of fighting.

They even show off techniques such as feeding a chained arm to the mouth of a guy who runs at them with their mouths wide open, headbutting them, or punching them in the abdomen.

The other person’s mouth hurts and his chin is sore from biting the chain, and he is unable to come to his senses from being beaten. The military policeman takes advantage of that moment and bites off his nose, neck, and shoulder.


Blood splatters everywhere. Zombies’ eyes widen when they see blood. It felt like a moderate fight, but now it feels like a fight for life or death.

These guys also have priorities. The first priority is those that approach you with hostility. If you approach them with the words, ‘I need to kill them,’ whether it’s a person or a zombie, they are incredibly aware of it. Second place is food.

If the concentration of Limos virus contamination, which causes hunger, is extremely high, people will be busy eating regardless of whether someone next to them dies, but this is not the case in places where the concentration is low.

So, the military police guy who fights so threateningly and ferociously is always number one.

Push. Push.

It seems that the warlike four have become quite accustomed to this type of non-tactical tactic. When the military police guy gets the attention and leads the zombies, the four of them bite the sides and back.


If you destroy the battle line like that, the appearance of the ‘enemy’ zombies changes. One or two people are slowly starting to withdraw. The military police and the quartet gain momentum and growl, and from then on, the entire battle line and everything else collapses.

An atmosphere of fear, horror and excitement. I feel those things from zombies. Hesitant attitude. Extremely defensive stance. Recoil. If those aren’t expressions of fear and fear, then what are they?

“It seems like quite a bit has happened.”

I took out the spray that I had kept in my pants pocket. This item is made of glass, not plastic. He threw it with all his might onto the faltering zombies. The spray hit the bent iron bar and shattered.

The concentrate of ‘our style Cro virus’ exploded.

The concentrated liquid spread into the air will quickly seep into their respiratory tract and wounds. The guy who inhaled a little too much grabbed his neck and gurgled.


‘Our’ zombies also stopped attacking. It’s not like they’re hostile, but they sniff it and get disgusted.

“Kung, kung!”

Of course, I didn’t even feel hungry. It drags the one closest to it. He violently rips it open and sinks his teeth into it. Zombies are predators. Predators need to eat.

Get a card.

It’s not a very nice scene.

– John. A car is approaching from the north. It’s a straight road about 1.5 Km away, and it’s a 4-seat pickup truck. There is a machine gun mounted.

“Do you see where you belong?”

– It’s a fanatic flag. The road is blocked here and there, but I think I’ll pass by the vacant lot where you are in about 4 minutes at the latest.

“Thank you.”

If there is only one vehicle, a 4-seater pickup truck with a machine gun, it is likely to be a regular patrol unit.

Fortunately, they don’t particularly intervene in fights between zombies. It seems that there is no need to waste bullets on such a place.


I screamed. The military police guy roars and glares at me.

“Do your best to do your part!”


Why do I feel bad?

I quickly returned to the driver’s seat. I drove the truck to a shaded area between buildings. I turned the radio down as much as possible and lay down on my side.

– You hid well.

“Is this a passing grade?”

– All right. They stop the car. It’s 300 meters ahead from where you’re hiding. It’s on the access road next to the overpass, so you won’t be able to see it from where you are.

The car engine sound is not heard. It’s just the sound of zombies yelling at each other.

– I went. I looked around at the zombies fighting each other for a moment, but left before the others approached. I guess it’s just a patrol unit.

The patrol passed by, the spray liquid spread, and we zombies pretty much finished eating. Now is the moment for confirmation.

“I’m going down.”

– John. Is that confirmation really necessary?

“I’m scared of you taking care of me.”

There is no answer. I drove the truck slowly and headed toward the vacant lot. After opening the rear door, I took out the can of Cybele that I had left on the passenger seat and got out of the car.

“Hey, it’s canned food, canned food!”

I opened the lid and threw it into the car. The military police officer and the four aggressive men who had been sitting quietly up until now turn their heads and sniff. The guys wander around and approach the truck.

The military police guy’s eyes are fixed on me. The same goes for the other four people. I held the pistol tightly while maintaining an appropriate distance. So that if the situation arises, I can shoot right away.


The military police guy turns his head and passes me. Other guys too. Other zombies, who were watching, swarm after him. After putting about 10 people on board, I pressed the remote control and closed the cargo compartment door.

“Grrr. “Gyaaagh.”

I approached the fallen zombies. I am twisting my body this way and that and suffering. You can clearly see the new flesh filling up with a kkukkuk sound. Their lifeless eyes are also looking at me.

“Okay. Grow.”


Some stood up shakily. Sniff, I smelled the smell in the air and whined.


The sky darkened and rain fell, one or two drops at a time.

The guys crawl back into the shantytown. The guy who could walk dragged his feet, and the guy who rolled around dragged his body. Among them, there was one who fell because his injuries were so severe that he could not get up again. Other zombies dragged his body. It wasn’t like he was trying to help.

Camilla was waiting next to the truck.

“Let’s go inside. “You’re wet.”

“It reminds me of the old days. “It’s not that old.”

You’re probably talking about the day I got infected at the resort. When I think back to that day, I feel strange. We were infected then, but now we are spreading the infection.

“But if the zombies are really infected with ‘our’ virus, we can move around safely, right?”

Camilla asked, tucking her wet hair behind her ear.

“Like I just walked around.”

“Actually, I think that’s enough. Then, can I make some noise when I go to the supermarket? “If there are any good items in the supermarket.”

“Do you want to check? “There was a place that was open on the way here.”

“It’s our first date in a long time.”

Thump thump. Bang bang.

“Go. Go.”

The cargo compartment zombies are getting angry as if they are asking why they are not going quickly. I started the engine again and drove off. Camila tidied up the clutter in the passenger seat and wiped down her window with her palm.

I could see the distance I had passed so far. Based on the construction area for the overpass, it appears that approximately 1/3 of it has been conquered. Of course, you need to secure 2/3 more to get to the center.

But I have no intention of rushing. Safety is guaranteed only when a sufficiently large number of zombies are infected and secured. Nowadays, it is not important to break through quickly, but it is more important to advance clearly even if one street is occupied.

The only problem was that we couldn’t confirm how many zombies we had infected, and we had no idea how to control so many zombies.

Nowadays, the number is small, so it is not a big problem. All you have to do is park the truck in front of the hostile zombies and open the cargo bay. Then the guys inside will get infected on their own.

However, someday we will have to lead all these zombies to a bigger place, but it is difficult to do so using the current method. It’s not like you can put an infinite number of zombies inside a truck.

“What are you thinking like that?”

Camilla smiles softly.

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“I thought about what to choose at the supermarket.”

“You’re okay, right?”


Camilla’s face looked full of worry.

“Of course it’s okay.”

“… “Then I’m glad.”


“No. Just… As well as this embarrassing plan, I think you adapted too quickly. So I was worried about whether it was really okay or whether I was just pretending to be okay.”

“Is the plan too burdensome?”

“You and… Spreading the virus that’s inside our bodies? No. It’s not burdensome. It’s a way to keep us safe right now, and no one will get seriously hurt. But….”


Patter. Raindrops hit the window. Camilla quietly looked at the falling raindrops.

“We are using the zombie virus right now. Just like Cybele did. Of course, the purpose and direction were completely different, but Cybele ultimately failed. Because unexpected things happened. I don’t think this plan is much different. “It’s too dangerous.”

“What’s the risk?”


Camilla looked back at me.

“This plan goes completely wrong without you. Of course, within me, and… hmm… Leticia has some of your virus in her body, but not as much as you. And yet you still fight at the forefront and only go to dangerous places. “I’m worried about you.”

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