Chapter 19. First spread (complete)

* * * * *

Kanna closed her eyes and waited for the coming verdict.

She seemed able to accept whatever happened.

If I could kill him, it wouldn’t be that bad. What if you throw it in the cargo hold? Just become a slave again. If you’ve done it twice, you can probably do it a third time.

‘He seemed very angry.’

I couldn’t clearly see what was in the cargo compartment.

In fact, from the moment she opened the door, Kanna lost her mind. Smell. She smelled just like the one in the convoy when she was taken as a slave.

So she closed her eyes. As soon as I did that, the cargo compartment door closed, so I never knew what was inside.

‘Who cares?’

Kanna’s heart was at peace. Her embarrassment and even her shame for having disrespected the blanket wrapped tightly around her body had long since disappeared. She says there is nothing she can do now. She just waits for disposition.

“Can’t we do it a little later?”

Cheerful voice.

A blonde-haired woman was standing next to the man, fawning over him in all sorts of ways. She looked quite pretty and her butt was very big.


The fear that widened her mouth eats Kanna again. She could accept any conclusion. But she didn’t want this delay. Even if she says she’s given a reprieve, it only reminds her of the bad things she’s experienced.

“You’re busy right now.”

The man seemed displeased, but the woman puffed out her cheeks and slapped her.

“That woman? Where can I go when I’m tied up like that anyway? You’re even shaking there. “Do you think I’ll die of shock if you say even one word?”

“Whose side are you taking now? Didn’t you hear that woman? “They said the chase team is coming.”

The man refuted, but the woman remained calm.

“That’s why you’re holding your breath like this right now. This is also the reason why everyone is so nervous. In this situation, proper judgment cannot be made. And there is something more important.”

A sharp tongue came out from the woman’s mouth and skimmed her lips. The woman rubbed her breasts against the man’s arm.

“I want to do it.”

“Now? “In this situation?”

The man was shocked, but the woman was more proactive.

“I’m excited. In this wide field, there are people coming to catch us and kill us, but we hide and watch them… Enjoy everything you enjoy. Why. Could it be that you shrunk because you were scared?”

Kanna saw. The woman’s hand, scanning her big buttocks, crawls like a snake and tightly grasps the man’s belt. The man’s hand violently squeezed the woman’s buttocks.

“It has to be like this. Previously….”

The woman with her big butt covered Kanna’s face with something. And Kanna fainted. Her vision went black, her head spun, and she cried out to the goddess, so she must have fainted.


Kanna recalled her doctrine.

Limos, the goddess of hunger, said that on the Last Day she would rise from the earth rather than come down from the sky. She was abandoned from heaven and buried underground, so it was right for her to ascend from underground to heaven.

Limos. She was a goddess who was said to be wiser, more beautiful, and voluptuous than anyone else. But when the famine of her gods came, she gave herself up, her body and heart, and took her hunger and permission to go to her Goddess of Patience.

It seemed as if the whispers of Limos buried deep in her soil could be heard in her Kanna’s ears.

‘Come to me, all you who are heavy laden, all you who are hungry, all you who are hungry. Hand them over to me and go. ‘I am the patient one.’


Kanna closed her eyes and prayed.

‘If you are listening to me, please take my terrible situation. It’s so hard to hold on. Since you are God and have already taken on countless pains, isn’t one of my pains okay?’

Then I heard a voice.

“Hey, open your eyes!”

Kanna opened her eyes. Lying on the floor was the same, but the position was a little different. It was next to the barn wall earlier, but now it’s next to the trailer.

Furthermore, the goddess was in front. She swallowed in vain, wondering if the goddess had actually listened to her.

“Come to your senses. “I don’t have much time.”

She was not a goddess. She was a pretty woman, like a goddess. A woman with long red hair and golden eyes. Her vitality was overflowing. The woman tried to undo the blanket from her kanna.

“Oh, no. Dirty….”

Kanna tried to shake her head, but the woman was stubborn.

“Hold your shame! You need to run away quickly? My colleague managed to lure ‘him’ out. “I don’t know when she’ll come back!”

“A colleague?”

“Blonde hair!”

Only then did Kanna understand what the goddess-like woman was saying.

“Are you releasing me now?”

“Do you understand that now?”

A woman as pretty as a goddess rolled her eyes.


“Because we are now held as slaves by that man! Get out of here quickly and get help. Did you understand? “Are you sure you called people from the church?”

If she were her usual Kanna, she would have judged more rationally. But now she was urgent. A week as a ‘real’ slave was so terrible that I would have cut off part of her head if I could.

“Yes, yes! That’s right. “We’re probably almost there by now!”

They are like slugs. Kanna wanted to spit out her curse. These are the guys who should have been here already. Finally the blanket that was holding her body loosened. Although the foul smell spread out and was embarrassing, the goddess-like woman did not even frown her eyes.

“Take off all your clothes. Hurry! “You can’t run in clothes like this, right?”

Kanna hurriedly took off her damp clothes. Compared to the dazzling woman she was, her porcelain body was like a starving statue of a goddess.

At that time, another woman hurriedly came running. She was not a pretty woman, like a goddess, but she was impossible to take your eyes off.

‘How can you attach two such big things…’ .’

She looked like she had the voluptuousness of a goddess. And only then did Kanna recognize the two women in front of her. It was clearly the people who pointed guns at them at the gas station.

But why now?

“Did you say you were a nurse?”

The dark-haired voluptuous goddess asked, panting under her breath. In her arms was a Cybele emergency kit. Kanna, who was a nurse, naturally recognized it.

“You paint the front of her body. Behind her is Kasan….”

The beautiful goddess cut off the words of the voluptuous goddess.

“I’ll watch over you, so hurry up! She’s got to be a big b*tch with that big ass of hers. You said she was Kanna, right? Listen to me carefully. There’s an abandoned bicycle sitting next to the farmhouse. Since the lock isn’t on, I desperately pedal and run away. All right?”

Kanna nodded and opened her emergency kit. She applied her ointment all over her body without even thinking about the dosage.


I felt an addictive sting from the cracked and festering flesh. She could see with her own eyes that new flesh was growing. Although Cybele’s emergency kit does not compensate for her muscle loss, something new fills Kanna’s mind.

The hope that I am alive now.

“Ah… ! Too strong… !”

A voice was heard from somewhere.

The beautiful goddess turned her head. Her eyes were full of murderousness, as if she was ready to kill someone. On the other hand, the voluptuous goddess’s eyes were sunken. On the contrary, she seemed ready to give up on her life.

“What should I do?”

The voluptuous goddess’s worried tone. The beautiful goddess stood up.

“I will do it. You keep taking care. Because I can still satisfy you better than that sloppy b*tch…. “Just give me some ‘spray’.”

Spray? Kanna raised her head. The voluptuous goddess took out a small spray can from between her cleavages and sprayed the beautiful goddess.

It smelled good. Her heart was pounding. Her mouth watered and warmth spread throughout her body. It was only for a moment, but she caught a glimpse of ecstasy on the face of the beautiful goddess.

“Hmm. Hmm.”

The beautiful goddess, who was slightly concerned, unbuttoned the front of her shirt and walked away. The voluptuous goddess put her spray back between her breasts.

“This is something…” Yo. This?”

“It is an accelerator that helps with treatment. Slight disinfection function and recovery enhancing effect… Hike!”

“I’m sorry.”

Kanna grabbed the two voluptuous breasts of the goddess. The goddess did not respond properly to the sudden situation.

Of course, Kanna was also embarrassed. She did not have ‘her breasts that could not be grasped with both hands’. She felt absurd, as if she was trying to hold a sack of flour in her hands.

“Oh? Uh? Uh? Ah?”

The voluptuous goddess had a breakdown. Kanna reached her hand between her breasts and pulled out her spray.

“I’m sorry!”

Kanna sprayed her spray all over her face and inside her mouth like the crazy person she was. It felt like every cell from head to toe was awakening. Her trembling legs also gained strength.

The goddess stretched out her hand as if to return her spray. Kanna squeezed her goddess’ breasts. “Ahhhhh!” The goddess sat down. Kanna ran behind her, putting on her emergency kit and spray. Still, she had her shoes on, so she didn’t run naked.

There was a bicycle in the place where the truly beautiful goddess said. ‘Sorry. ‘I’m sorry.’ She knew it was bad. She did, but she had to live.

Kanna pedaled towards her gas station. She saw a cloud of dust rising from the other side of the road. Running cars were creating dust. The flag on the car was waving.

Symbol of the goddess. They are the ‘executors’ of the church.

‘I survived.’

Kanna stepped on the pedal.

She reached the gas station and fell into the arms of her beloved Jim. She wrapped a new blanket around her body and told of her own saga of stealing ‘medical kit and recovery spray’.

“It smells bad? Must be a chestnut flower….”

The men didn’t seem to like the smell of the spray,

“It’s good, but what? “Is this some kind of spray paste?”

Women generally liked it. Some people sniffed and asked for more spray. However, there was no one at the place that Kanna pointed out as ‘the place where they were hiding’.

* * * * *

“Wasn’t it fun?”

Leticia giggled and clapped her hands.

“If it had been fun twice, I would have caught someone.”

Camilla let out her continued sigh.

“So who said rock, paper, scissors? “If you mess up, you win.”

“Next time, I will play the role of seducer, really.”

Whether the two fight or not, I just left it alone. I was really worried about Cassandra. The damn b*tch squeezed her tits and ran away from me.

“Does it hurt a lot?”

“It’s okay. A little surprised… “I was surprised.”

Meanwhile, Cassandra continued to touch her breasts.

“I can’t do that. “Let me see if there are any bruises.”

After seeing Camilla and Leticia fighting each other, I sneaked into the trailer. Cassandra sat down on her bed and took off her outerwear and bra. Luckily she didn’t have any bruises.

“Not only was it an infection, but a leg was cut off and sent away.”

I truly thought so. Cassandra smiled faintly as she put her robe back on.

“Gwae, it’s okay. “She naturally handed over the spray as well.”

“This is the first infection spread of our ‘virus’. “Not to zombies, but to humans.”


This was the conclusion the four of us reached while whispering.

If you just put it in the cargo hold, it will either become a meal for a zombie or create one more zombie. However, if infected with ‘our’ Cro virus, Kanna would be an excellent source of transmission.

Her physical strength is low, she has pneumonia, and since she was kidnapped and released, she will have many guardians.

Of course, she had to spice it up a bit because it was obvious that if she told Kanna, ‘Come on, go and infect everyone around you with the ‘Yo Korean Cro virus’, she wouldn’t listen, but aside from her unexpected situation, she wouldn’t listen. I think it went well.

There were times when Camilla, Cassandra, and Leticia desperately tried to stop me.


Cassandra’s face turned red. She followed the gaze, wondering why she was like that. Her large bra was still on the bed. She wasn’t wearing any underwear and was only wearing her outerwear.

“I’ll be out…” .”

I tried to make way for her, but Cassandra caught me.



“Ho, do it.”



Cassandra clutched her chest. Sometimes what you cover up reveals more than what you reveal, and this was one of those cases.

“Ho, do it.”

Cassandra took off her top again.

If you ask me to do it, I have to do it.

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