Chapter 17. Desertion (complete)

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“What should I do?”

Leticia tried to put her own finger into her mouth. She dragged her wrist to my mouth. Snapping, she slaps her wrist with her other hand and sighs.

“What, what?”

Leticia shook her head in response to my question.

“The leader knows. Things I did. What I did… All those things…”

Would it have been better to just let her suck her fingers? Leticia couldn’t keep her lips still for even a moment. Her bluish complexion is a bonus.

“What can Virginia do if she knows?”

“They would tear me limb from limb and spread it out in Hampton Square. “The leader is someone who does what he can.”

She’s fast enough to catch up to a moving car and she can tear up a steel plate with her bare hands, so it seems possible. An eerie chill ran down her spine.

“We’re connected again, right? Letty, you too have chills… “

“John, this is not the time to joke. I’m screwed. “I should have done it in moderation.”

Leticia covered her face with her palms. Well, I don’t think it’s because I was waving her latex clothes in front of her.

“The leader has put up with a lot. Really. I just said it was like a final mercy. “If you put it in a noble way, it was ‘I know everything you did.'”

“Wait a minute, Letty.”

Leticia’s eyes wavered back and forth as she began her tirade. I pushed a little harder on purpose. There are people who get embarrassed and act awkward when they are nervous, and Leticia seems to be that type.

In times like this, it’s easier to just push for either yes or no. I’m sorry, I can do it later.

“So what are you going to do? Are you going to stay here and die at the hands of the leader?”

“There are better things. “I’m going to capture you now and present you to the leader.”

I grinned, saying, “If you’re going to do it, just do it.” Leticia’s body went limp. So are her eyes.

“… It’s because of you, Johan. You ruined everything. If you hadn’t appeared in front of me. It was perfect. “This is all because of you.”

Now I’m trying to sniffle. That’s not true. It’s unfair.

“Leticia. Let’s speak clearly. I brought you a drink and received goods in return. That was a deal. But sometimes he sends me pictures or goes out at night wearing latex clothes. I’ve never asked him to do anything like that.”

Leticia seemed to have been doused with cold water. An expression as if the excitement has been broken.

“You. You… How did you… “

“Thank you for that.”


“Thank you for liking me. Know. Everything you did, you did it because you liked me. “It’s a little difficult, and I don’t understand some things.”

I didn’t dare deny that. I got up from my seat and stood in front of Leticia.

“And Letty, if your life was really perfect, why did you deviate?”

Leticia looks up at me with a confused expression. An expression like that of a lonely loyal dog. She hugged her quietly and stroked her head. Leticia seemed to push me away, but then she wrapped her arms around my waist.

“Let’s go together.”


Why do people who say no make my waist tighter? Leticia hugged my waist more and more tightly.

“… How did I get here… !”

As expected.

She hooks my leg with one leg and pushes against me with her upper body. For some reason, the grip was too strong. However, Camilla has already been subjected to this type of trick countless times.

Instead of trying not to fall, I also held on to her tightly. And she sat down. Leticia rolled forward from her chair.


Camilla. Thank you. Thanks to you squeezing my butt countless times, I know exactly where and how to press to relieve the pressure.

I squeezed Leticia’s big buttocks. Her back arched like a bow. He buried her face in his chest and hugged her desperately. Her energy was so vicious that I felt like I would bite off her nose if I came face to face with her.

“Let go…” This! How dare you now… Hmm… Uh, where… Oh, no.”

“You don’t like it?”

Leticia rolls around in my arms. Wow, this is so intense.

“I hate poetry. No.”

“Leticia. “Are you really happy to be here?”

Her hands gripping her buttocks tightened their grip. Leticia’s body trembles. Her eyes are already glassy and she seems to be drooling slightly, but she’s still holding on with her mental strength.

“Tell me. I was happy? If you tell me you were happy, I’ll let you go. I will disappear from your presence forever and never appear again. “Because I thought wrong.”

“… Why are people so extreme… “

“Do you think that if you give me to Virginia, everything can go back to the way it was? Then do that. But it won’t be easy. “I have no intention of being caught quietly.”

In an instant, I let go of her hand. Leticia seemed taken aback when she suddenly lost her strength. Taking advantage of that, she shook off her hand and stood up.

“I have decided. You decide too, Leticia. Do you want to come with me, or do you want to live like this? Instead, from now on, I will have to live as if I were dead.”

Thump thump thump! Someone kicked the door violently. “This is the National Military Police!” Thump thump thump!

I packed my bag and stood in the hallway. The front door shook even harder. Leticia stood still, unable to do this or that.

“Or… “

I deliberately lowered my voice and spoke quietly. Leticia looked at me in surprise. I smiled slightly.

“How about this method?”

* * * * *

Hampton Safe Zone Guard Post.

The guards, who were in full military command, just rolled their eyes. This is because Virginia suddenly burst into the guard post. She gave various instructions into the radio and repeatedly clenched and unclenched her fists.

I was shaking and clenching my joints so hard that they turned white, but for some reason my anger didn’t seem to go away. Finally, the guard director handed me a 500ml bottle of water.

“Hey, Captain. Even water… “

Virginia’s purple eyes stared at the guard warden. The director unconsciously remembered the zoo he went to as a child. The eyes of the boa constrictor, which is said to eat even elephants, were exactly like that.

“Your face is red… “

“My face is red?”

Virginia placed the back of her hand on her own face. She cracked open the bottle of water and took a long sip. At the same time, the radio rang.

“Yes, Virginia.”

The next moment, a vein appeared on Virginia’s forehead. The reinforced plastic walkie-talkie snaps and groans. Because the leader literally ‘squeezed me out.’ Fortunately, I can still do my original job, which is to deliver bad news and mischievous orders.

“… Don’t open the door. Good. Is the SWAT team still on scene? Break through the door and enter. Leticia and the man with her are all arrested. Emergency arrest! The charges came later… “

The next moment, Virginia’s face turned pale. Then she frowned.

“… What are you talking about. “Fire!”

* * * * *


He shouted loudly and set off another white smoke bomb. I kicked it so that it could get out through the gap between the front doors. Meanwhile, Leticia stretched a rope down the window.

It’s fire. It’s fire!

People ran out from all over the apartment. The National Military Police and SWOT guys will make it a priority to evacuate people. Because the people in the apartments here are high-ranking people in the Hamptons.

“… “You’re not making a fuss, are you?”

Leticia glances at me.


“It means that they are not trying to sell me somewhere.”

“I told you. “If you notice anything like that, call Virginia right away.”

This is the condition I made.

Leticia is going to send Virginia a long, long text. She was subjected to a romance scam, and it was because she was being blackmailed that she did all sorts of strange things, and she finally said that she had been kidnapped by the man.

And I don’t think that if Leticia really wants to leave, I won’t stop her. If she wants to go, she can go whenever she wants. I have no intention of dragging her along.

But, if she were here right now, she would be in trouble in many ways. Me too, her too. And while we were together, Leticia also decided to cooperate with us.

With threats coming from all directions, it is helpful to have an officer from Erza’s intelligence department with you.

As if that was enough, Leticia grabbed the rope and went down the apartment. I followed her and went downstairs. There were knots tied between the ropes, so it didn’t slip off.

“How long have you been riding so that you are so good at it?” “

“Be quiet.”

I lowered myself under the flower bed. Leticia took out two more of her smoke bombs and threw them. One was blue and one was yellow.

“I don’t think they have this much artillery.”

“It’s noisy. “I just finished writing it.”

A colorful smoke screen spread. Now the soldiers would have realized that there was no ‘fire’, but it was already too late. Because we were already driving away. It was a good thing I loaded the reagents into the car ahead of time.

Leticia was in the passenger seat and I was in the driver’s seat. Leticia took out her submachine gun from her bag and pointed it at me. She pedaled and whizzed through the alley.

“Go over there. “The boundaries are shallow there.”

Leticia showed the way with her chin gestures.

“Isn’t there a warehouse or something?”

Leticia widened her eyes at my question.

“Why the warehouse?”

“Do you want to do one more thing before you go?”

“… It’s crazy?!”

Yes. That’s not right. I was just going to say that I tried it. Until Leticia blushed.

“… Go straight and turn left and then right. Between the blue sign alleys. I guess I’ll have to leave there a little while. That’s right, don’t be mistaken! It’s because the Gyodae troops pass by. “We should hide there for a while and then get out when things get dark.”

Yes. It must be clumsy.

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