Chapter 17. Desertion (5)

* * * * *

Still, 10 minutes was the limit. The smell of well-baked bread and sweet apples filled the house, and after 10 minutes, both Leticia and I rushed to the pie.

“Is it delicious?”

“Of course. This is what my grandmother taught me. “Where have I never eaten something like this before?”

The only pies I’ve ever eaten are from franchise bakeries. It’s about half the size of the palm of your hand and is similar in price to a large baguette, so it reminds you of getting your money’s worth.

I couldn’t compare it to food that was so filling and authentic. Is it because my arms feel numb while making meringue?

“What kind of person was Leti’s grandmother?”

“Well, someone who was always on my side. Her brother also takes her side, but she didn’t really feel that way because they fought often when she was young. She’s brother and sister, right? But her grandmother was the same. When she did something wrong, she was scolded harshly, and when she did something right, he praised her. Even when she was stubborn.”

“Stubborn? Which?”

“So, the military academy… “

Leticia, who had been speaking without thinking, said “Ah” And covered her mouth. It doesn’t matter because she knows everything anyway.

“Military school? “Were you a soldier?”

Leticia continued her gibberish for a moment, saying, “Oh, no, I mean,” And then sighed as if she had no choice.

“Yes. I am Erza’s soldier. It belongs to the National Military Police. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. Actually, I was going to tell you when we got closer. “I could have said it a little more softly.”

“What’s wrong with being a soldier?”

Whether you are a soldier or a civil servant, all you have to do is bring me good things.

“… Because people hate soldiers. Everyone has prejudices. I think that being a soldier for Elsa is similar to selling out one’s country. The Elsa government is like a puppet government in Eastern Roemer. Are you disappointed?”

She speaks calmly, but she averts her gaze to the side. It’s quite a burden.

“No, but I had a guess. Under these circumstances, how many people would be able to live in a nice apartment like this and get fresh raw eggs, milk, and even reagents that no one could ask for? Even if you are a civil servant. “But I’m curious as to why you didn’t bother to tell me.”

“I was only going to talk lightly today… “

Leticia muttered her words, but before long she emptied half of her glass and exhaled, exhaling.

“I just wanted to appear to you as an ordinary person. A person named Leti. He is not a soldier walking around in an officer’s uniform. Because I feel so comfortable when I’m with you. “It’s because of you.”

“Suddenly? Why?”

“You make me feel comfortable.”

Leticia got up from her seat and turned on her radio. She had a classical FM broadcast. Leticia sat next to me, sobbing a little. She’s pretty close. Her shoulders were almost touching, but her hips were pressed against each other.

And also, the tremors.

Leticia was nervous. She shook her body as if she had a chill, so the vibrations were transmitted through her. Did she drink so much that her body temperature went down?

“Are you cold? “I feel a little nervous.”

“Oh, no. Are you okay. Hi.”

Hmm. Hiccup. She was about to get up, thinking she should at least get a blanket, but Leticia wrapped her arms around me.

“Uh, where are you going?”

“To get a blanket? “I think it’s a little cold.”

“Oh, I’m naturally really strong. Why are you like this today? Hike! I’m sorry… I’m in bed… “Can you take me there?”

Now her chin is trembling slightly. For some reason, he drank it in a hurry. She carefully stood up and walked towards the room where her bed was. On the way, Leticia continued to lick her lips and let out her dry breath.

“This is the room, right?”

I swung open the door without even checking. The bed was a twin bed. But there are also two pillows. Didn’t you live alone?

“The pink pillow is mine, and the blue pillow is yours.”

Leticia muttered.


The answer came back with a kiss.

* * * * *

I prepared breakfast. Leticia said her lower back and lower abdomen felt tingling. Even though it was a meal, it wasn’t anything grand as it was just milk and cereal.

“I also brought painkillers. Are these correct?”

Leticia, wrapped in her blanket, took her medicine bag and cup of water with her face red. And ointment too.

“I apply the ointment after breakfast.”

Leticia’s face became redder at her gentle rebuke.

“… Sorry. “It hurt a lot, right?”

She was sick. All last night, you had your claws up and trying to split my back. She was so worried that this woman would break her fingernails.

“… Put on some clothes. “I’m going to catch a cold.”

I pointed to her clothes that had fallen on the floor. Leticia was in great pain after chewing on the spoon.

“Well, it’s my habit to take everything off when I sleep… “

“Well, some people say it’s comfortable.”

I ate all the way to the bottom of the bowl. Maybe it was just her mood, but Leticia seemed a little more comfortable after swallowing her medicine. She even lifted the sides of the blanket.

“Please come in here.”

It was dark, but I could still see everything, so I couldn’t bear it. It seemed like she didn’t hate Leticia either.

“She said she had a girlfriend, right?”

I have girlfriends.


“Are you married?”


“Then maybe this isn’t a bad thing.”

“That’s bold.”

“I don’t think it was as good as you Caesar last night. Still, it was good. It’s been a while since I didn’t think about anything. It was just good. “My mind and heart are so complicated these days.”

I don’t know if that’s the case for most women, but if a military officer like Leticia has a complicated mind and heart, there’s a problem.

“What’s going on?”

“That’s it. After.”

Leticia furrowed her brow and eventually shook her head.

“Well, what would a grandmother say these days…? Want.”

“You’re the grandmother who always said she was on Leti’s side, right?”

“Yes. Her grandmother pushed my decision to go to military school. Just say, ‘You are an Elsa person. No one can ignore their roots. ‘No matter where you are, always remember that.’ That’s all she said.

That’s why she taught me the apple pie recipe. Elsa Because it’s traditional food. She was not proud of being an Elsa, nor did she feel inferior. “She just thought, ‘Yes, she is.'”

Leticia seemed like someone who was pouring out her anger.

“The military is also a place where people live, so there are a lot of bad people. There are many people who are neither good nor bad, but incompetent. I’ve heard a lot of people say that soldiers with Elsa backgrounds don’t get much promotion. So, she didn’t want to dishonor Erza. Not wanting to embarrass her grandmother Elsa, she worked hard.

Don’t be ashamed. Boldly. Whatever she felt was wrong, she didn’t risk her conscience. Anyway, all of my superiors were grumpy grandparents and had no interest in work, so it didn’t really matter what I did.

But the person who came this time… He is a very capable, wonderful, and strong-willed good person… Ah. “What should I do?”

You’re probably referring to a woman named Virginia.


“… They made me do something I didn’t want to do. It’s true that I have to follow him because I’m a soldier, but I know he must have a plan… I don’t know

He’s not the kind of person who tells you all the plans. He gave me exactly what I needed when I needed it, and there wasn’t any problem so far, but what he ordered me to do this time bothers me a lot. Just out of conscience… “I don’t think we should do that.”

It is an abstract problem.

Like all problems in the world, this problem is very difficult to solve. In fact, you probably know it yourself. It’s not a question of asking someone to get an answer. However, it will be about speaking for yourself and organizing things in your own way.

“Well. I’ve never met Leti’s grandmother, but wouldn’t she have said, ‘Follow your heart, do whatever you want?’ “But I don’t really know what the problem is.”

“Well, so…” Great. There’s a certain villain causing havoc in the city these days. However, many people who followed the villain poured in and caught him, but the real culprit has not been caught yet. So, in order to catch the real culprit, we decided to use his followers as bait… That’s the plan.”

It’s an idea that a woman as creepy as a snake would think of.

“There is great danger ahead for those people, right?”

“Yes. Of course, there is no doubt that he is a sinner. But I think that if the weight of the crime is different, the weight of the punishment should also be different. If big sins and small sins have the same weight, everyone will commit big sins. Let’s make a big deal about sinning anyway, because that’s what happens. “I think this is excessive.”

“Wouldn’t your boss accept that amount?”

“That…” Actually, there is a reason why I cannot speak. Because the real culprit… “

“The real culprit?”

Leticia lowered her head and could not continue her words. She might need a little help.

“No. What I mean is, regardless of who the real culprit is, isn’t it okay to ask what the intention and purpose of the plan was? If your boss cares deeply about Leti, then surely Leti’s point is correct. “I think you’ll think there is.”

“…I guess so?”

Although she didn’t look very refreshed, Leticia still seemed grateful. Anyway, because I listened to what he said.

“Thank you. I’ll ask again tomorrow when I go to work…”

Ding dong.

The sound came from the front door. Leticia’s body stiffened.

“… Who is it? No one is coming. Plus, today is my day off.”

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Ding dong.

A ringing sound that sounds like a ringing bell. This time, thump thump thump, and the pounding of her fists were added. Leticia had no choice but to get out of her bed. It wasn’t polite to stare at her as she got dressed, so she peeked appropriately. Her breasts aren’t small, but her butt is really big and pretty.

“Wait a minute. Letty. “I’ll be in the next room.”

I left my bag in the room that was used as a dressing room. It is a bag containing a pistol, submachine gun, and military dagger. I don’t know what’s going to happen, so I’ll have to hide there for now.


I took out a weapon from the dressing room. I opened the door a little and tried to hear as much outside noise as possible.

“Who are you? Since this morning… Hike!”

Leticia was startled and opened the front door.

“Leticia. I’m sorry. “Do you mind if I take a moment?”

This is a voice I heard somewhere before. Female. The voice is pretty, but low and somewhat gloomy. It feels like a snake hissing and slithering.

“Director Virginia? What happened at this time… No, come in! This… ?”

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