Chapter 16. Dispersion (5)

Leaving only two people to guard the vehicle, the team leader called in the remaining five subordinates and held a preliminary briefing.

“Our goal is simple. We’re taking data from the lab. The problem is that we don’t know which of those ten or more buildings is the research institute.”

There were even cases where the upper floor was a commercial building but the research center was hidden in the basement.

“I brought plenty of bullets, but don’t shoot them randomly. Be sure to distribute distances. Did you understand? Question?”

The thick-chinned man raised his hand.

“What do fanatics do? “It looks like this area has been taken over as well.”

When I went to the supermarket where I bought the deodorizing shampoo and body wash, there was graffiti on the wall that said, ‘What about a goddess?’ This is proof that fanatics are around here. The team leader answered without much hesitation.

“Just kill me. Anyway, the humans in the non-human protection zone are the ones abandoned by Erza’s government. It wouldn’t be good to keep him alive. Also?”

This time, another team member raised his hand. It was a man with sunken eyes.

“How long are we here?”

“First of all, I’ll have to back up all my data, and if that’s not possible, I’ll have to rip out the hard disk, so it’ll take quite a while, right? “Why is that?”

“Then what if…” “If I capture a fanatic, I can have some fun, right?”

The man with her thick chin and the woman with her crooked nose gave him a quick reprimand.

“Are you f*cking thinking about doing that? “I’m starving to death.”

“Still, I think this place is more bearable than other areas.”

They all look at the team leader with some kind of expectation. The team leader nods.

“It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you don’t leave the border, but I don’t think there will be anything fun to do, right?”

The fanatics seemed to have learned how to live in their own way. It was enough to just block the stairs from the first floor to the second floor. If you had to go down, you could just climb the ladder.

Of course, it would be difficult to move the luggage, so the fanatics would attach something like a pulley to the window. When we did preliminary reconnaissance, there were no pulleys. So, there will be no fanatics out there.

Well, there is no rule that says you can only enjoy it with fanatics. Just the eight of them are enough to have fun.

The six mercenaries, including the team leader, moved nimbly.

Two people wearing Osberg shotguns, full-body body armor, and helmets that cover their entire heads with only eye holes are at the forefront.

Two men armed with 7.62Mm AKM rifles followed them. Although he only carried a P40 submachine gun, there was one ‘door opener’ equipped with all kinds of destruction and infiltration equipment, and a team leader carrying a PKM machine gun that could be mounted.

There are no dedicated medics. Everyone knows how to perform simple first aid. Anyway, if you get hit by a zombie, there is no other treatment other than shooting it in the head.

The six people approached slowly. There is no need to rush. Running around will only irritate the zombies more.

Above all, their goal is not to infiltrate but to occupy. There are no fanatics. There are only zombies. The mercenaries entered the road with confidence.

Two zombies in the wheat field approached with their arms outstretched and muttering.


Two men armed with rifles started shooting. I took off one shot at a time and fired carefully. Shoulders, stomach, lower abdomen, thighs, knees. It is steadily neutralized from above, not from below.

The head explodes, the shoulder falls off, and a fist-sized hole opens in the lower abdomen. Two birds fall like that. The wheat field shakes with the loud sound of gunfire. From the other side of the field, more zombies come running towards us.

Kung! Wow!

Wild dogs charge. Shot dry calmly aims the gun. Twang, dull firing sound. It is not bird shot with small pellets, but buck shot with large beads.


The smaller one is cut in half, and the slightly larger one’s body falls off. A fatal wound that cannot be helped even by the recovery-promoting ability of the Cro virus.


The procession paused for a moment and then shouted, “No more!” I heard the sound and moved again. It doesn’t end with simply replacing the magazine. It doesn’t move until after it has finished loading the magazine and inserting bullets. If you endure a little inconvenience now, it will be easier later.


From Noble mtl dot com

“What? What are you talking about?”

I heard a sound that grated on my nerves. The sound of metal hitting each other.

But it is a little unclear where it came from. What you see is dry standing wheat and reeds, strangely standing buildings, and dazzling sunlight.

“Uh, 7 and 8. Is there something wrong?”

– None.

“Didn’t you hear something like the sound of metal grinding?”

– I couldn’t hear anything other than gunfire and screaming. By the way, I think we should start fighting too. The sound spreads and it seems like they are coming.

“Yes. Engage. Good luck! “If you think you can’t stop it, pull the car and move towards us right away.”

Why do zombies react to gunshots and approach?

Scholars in Minsk came up with a plausible hypothesis. When a gunshot sounds, zombies know that someone or something is dead, so they approach in hopes of finding something to eat.

– Zombies are beasts that try harder to survive on their own than any other creature in the world. Just as humans survive no matter what they do, zombies also have that instinct.

Every time, the team leader thought it was bullsh*t. No human being would put their body in front of a gun. But the zombie shows itself. Even if the head of the guy walking next to me flies off.

Can an animal that has no intention of preserving itself be called smart? Does not exist. That’s why the team leader didn’t hesitate at all to blow off the zombie’s head. Actually, that’s also why he gets paid a lot of money.

In Minsk, many people still view zombies as people. They believe that once a vaccine is developed, they will return to normal.

The strongest advocates are insurance companies and financial companies. If a zombie were to be declared dead, he would have to pay a large lump sum death benefit, and if he did so, he would go bankrupt.

“Hey, you bastards. “Get your mind straight.”

The team leader said to the team members what he had to say to himself.

“Shouldn’t we take a share from Elsa and leave! Look carefully to see if there is a bank sign. “Look carefully to see if there’s anything like gold bars other than useless Elsa currency!”

In Elsa, you can do whatever you want. This is not Minsk, where you can get sued even if you grab the hem of someone else’s clothes.

Enjoy it, take it, kill it, and that’s it. There have been some women and men that I have regretted from time to time, but everything has to be a one-time thing. There should be no witnesses left.

A pastime that should not be held accountable. That’s their rule.

‘If I get married and settle down in Minsk, I won’t be able to live like this, so I have to work hard while I’m young.’

Casting zombies is boring and monotonous. That’s why mercenaries used to get lost in their thoughts. It’s no different from just shooting at targets that keep appearing, so it’s better to clear your head…

Today is a little different.

“Is this a place where there are no zombies?”

Where 7 and 8 are, the sound of machine guns rings out. It would be fired from a gun mounted on a truck. But the sound is also intermittent.

“Maybe it’s because it’s not a city? It’s completely rural here. “If there weren’t a lot of people in the first place, there wouldn’t be zombies.”

“I don’t think there is much for that. It’s a good thing if you don’t have anything. Let’s go and have some snacks. The barrel needs to cool down a bit too. “Aren’t you short on ammunition?”

Everyone brought 4 to 5 magazines and a box of ammunition. If the target was agile people, they would have been overarmed, but their opponents were extremely slow zombies. All combat rations, blankets, blankets, etc. Were put in the camper and truck, so there was no problem.


It wasn’t just the sound. Something flashed. It was in a wheat field. However, the team leader only pointed the gun and did not shoot.

‘Is there at least some farming equipment stuck in it?’

You never know. Simple maintenance has been completed. We decided to visit the houses one by one, starting from the front left house across the road.

No. 6, ‘Door Opener’, grabbed an iron barrel with a handle. He stood in front of the door wearing body armor. All mercenary members aimed at the door. The team leader stamps his foot. One. Two. Three!


The iron barrel blew off the door handle. The ‘door opener’ fell back. Bleep… chin. The door swung back.


“It’s inside! Get back! “Go away!”

The shotgun continued to spit fire. The team members retreated little by little. Zombies came out all at once, fighting inside the door.



Suddenly, the upper window broke and a zombie flew into the air. The guy who fell to the ground with a crash, his neck broken in shock, ran towards them with blood foam pouring from his mouth.

“Left and rear alert! Side and rear guard! I break through! Yaaa!”

I did not ascend to the position of team leader by chance. You must have enough strength to hold the light machine gun with both hands and fire while moving forward. Of course, it wasn’t precise aiming, but it was enough to grind up the zombies in the house like tomatoes in a blender.

Soon the gunfire stopped.

“Huh. Whoa. Ha. Damage situation!”

“Nothing!” / “You’re safe!” / “There’s some blood splattered on my clothes, but I’m okay!”

The team leader motioned for us to come inside. Shot Drying entered the building first. “Gyaaagh!” The guy who was lying on the floor pretending to be dead lifted his head up. Bang! When the shotgun fired, it splattered like paint spilled on a carpet.

“Siipal, be surprised.”

“Good job. No. 2.”

“I need to keep my wits about me. Team Leader? You’ve never done anything like this before. In situations like this, don’t the zombies usually come out from inside the house first? But how did this happen?”

Unfortunately, there was nothing inside the house. The first floor was a commercial building and the second floor was a residential building with nothing to see. The mercenaries then went to the house.

“Look at this.”

A curtain was drawn on the glass wall, so I couldn’t see inside. The problem was the entrance. There were desks and chairs blocking the entrance.

“There are definitely zombies in this house too. “What happened?”

“You should look at this.”

Someone pointed to the wall. In red paint, it says, “The Goddess will look down on us all.” The words “He who heals us, takes care of us, and allows us to live as human beings!” Were written. Looking at it shiny and shiny, it seemed like it had just been written.

The team leader nodded his head as if he finally understood.

“This must have been a space where infected fanatics were quarantined. That’s why there are no pulleys. Everything you need must have been stored inside. “For some reason, there were blankets scattered everywhere, but strangely enough, there was no trash.”

“Then let’s get the incendiary bombs from the vehicle.”

The team leader got angry at No. 1’S suggestion.

“Are you out of your mind? Our goal is not to burn this town. He said he was going to take the materials and leave. No. Only fire extinguishers and, at best, smoke bombs are permitted. “No more than that.”

“Then what about this house?”

“Let’s knock. Not through the door, but through the wall. Shot dry, break it.”

The moment when men with shotguns are about to fire one shot at a glass wall.


It was the wall next to it. I saw a piece of cloth hanging on a wooden flag waving like a flag.

“Do you need help?”

It was a young man’s voice.

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